By Linda Mains
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Alright, I want to talk about something, that I believe many people in the U.S might not know about, a subject that I have just learned about; while walking threw one of our malls Starbucks/bookstores. There was a book about people whom aren’t getting their kids vaccinated.
Look! I love all my green peace members, and save the tree people, and all those folks out there…but, when these types of like-minded-individuals don’t want to get little Johnny; his really important vaccinations, because of those vaccinations side effects. Then these like-minded individuals are putting every American whom can’t be vaccinated, because of cancer a damaged immune system, or because they are taking steroids for Asthma or something like that; at a really high risk for contacting diseases that are intelligent-predecessors, ingeniously-destroyed threw the use of something called vaccinations. This is insane…so in Minnesota they had an outbreak of Meningitis; now if you don’t know, there is a really great vaccine against Meningitis. There is a lot of overly concerned parents whom had heard somewhere about this vaccine having some really bad side effects. So guess what these moronic parents went and did? They didn’t get their kids vaccinated! That makes sense…right? Well it doesn’t make sense to me…because one mother was told by the doctor as her son lye dying in the bed at the hospital, that the doctor was attending. The doctor told her that her son would still be alive if she had gotten him his Meningitis vaccination; the Doctor then went on to tell her that her son would be dead in one day. The mother wound up saying; that if I would have realized that the meningitis immunization was as important as it was, I would have let the Doctor give it to my son. It’s sad, but it’s like when someone warns you to wear a seatbelt, but you don’t, and you wind up getting killed.
So what vaccines do kids need to get?
Well there’s their Diphtheria shot, their Haemophilus influenza type b shot, Hepatitis A and B shot, their Influenza shot, their Measles shot, their Meningococcal shot, their Mumps shot, their Pertussis shot their Polio shot, their Rotavirus (severe diarrhea shot) their Rubella (German Measles shot), their Tetanus (lockjaw shot), their Varicella (chickenpox shot), all the names of these diseases came from and even they are claiming that; just because they see the disease rates for these childhood killers at an all-time low…that doesn’t mean, that you should stop getting your kids vaccinated. This problem with people not getting their kids vaccinated is like a scary movie…you know there is complete silence, until the monster rears its ugly head, and bites your head off. It’s really scary to think that a lot of parents can’t comprehend, that there are a lot of immigrants coming from third world countries to America all the time. All of which would put little Johnny or little Missy at a high risk for contacting a long forgotten childhood disease. This is especially true for young-children and babies who don’t receive their shots on time, they barely have any immunity at all. These non-giving vaccinating their children parents, are the worst type of child abusers! Where a child abuser’s hits will affect their children’s life’s for years…at least that abused child, will be able to have the rest of their lives to get over it. If an unvaccinated child or baby gets any one of these diseases, they might die. So which is worse the abusive parent or the neglectful non vaccine giving parent? I believe that any parent whose child dies because they weren’t vaccinated, should be brought up on murder-charges, for not getting their child vaccinated from a deadly disease. So what have we learned today?
Since so many parents are refusing to get their children vaccinated, we are going to see a comeback of deceases that have almost been eradicated off the face of the planet.
P.S. people, adults can get these diseases too. Diseases like Polio; which causes acute paralyses before country wide vaccinations against this disease, there was between 13,000 – 20,000 cases that had been reported yearly before a vaccine was created.
The Measles which complications range from ear infections, diarrhea, pneumonia, oh and brain damage; plus 20% of those with this disease are hospitalized. With 3 cases out of 1000 people having the disease will die. Foreigners are often the ones responsible for importing this disease into the U.S., or it’s from people who travel abroad who have been exposed to this diseases. In 1999 as many as 900,000 people in developing countries have died from this disease. So if vaccinations stopped, 2.7 million people would die.
Meningitis which can cause bacteria in the blood…can kill a person. It was once was responsible for killing 600 children annually, a fact that has changed, and the disease control center has seen a 98% decrease in meningitis.
Now whooping cough has been getting worse, and cases have been on the rise ever since the 1980’s it’s a horrible disease, that can give a child prolonged coughing spells that can last for weeks, making it difficult for the person to eat, sleep or breath. In most cases vomiting occurs after a whooping cough spell, so many whom contract the disease lose weight. In babies in can cause pneumonia and brain damage. So in the countries that don’t maintain their vaccination plans; the diseases rate surged to 100% in a study that was done.
Before the vaccine for Pneumococcal was created, 63,000 cases were reported and 6,100 deaths happened in the U.S alone. This disease created terrible long term problems for the children that caught this disease, like deafness and seizures. The rate of the disease has gone down by 75% since the vaccine was created. If vaccinations stopped, we’d see a resurgence of this terrible disease, rearing its ugly head again.
If a pregnant mother contacts German measles, her child will be born with heart defects, mental retardation and deafness. Before they had an immunization for this disease 20,000 babies would be born with CRS (congenital rubella syndrome), with 2,100 neonatal deaths and 11,250 miscarriages, and out of the 20,000 babies born with CRS 11,600 of them were deaf, 3,580 were blind, and 1,800 were mentally retarded. In 2000 only 6 CRS cases have been reported in the U.S. If the vaccine for this disease is stopped, it would lead to pregnant women giving birth to babies with CRS.
Before a vaccine was created for Chicken Pox there were about 4 million cases, 11,000 hospitalizations and 100-150 deaths. Complications from Chicken Pox are secondary bacterial infections, dehydration, pneumonia, and central nervous system problems. If vaccination for chicken Pox stopped…all the compromised people, would rapidly become infected.
Hepatitis B has infected more than 2 billion people worldwide, and 350 million people with this disease are life-long carriers, and can transmit the disease to others. 12.5 million Americans are infected with the disease, and one quarter of a million Americans have chronic long lasting infections from this disease. 20-30% acquired it in childhood. The disease increases the person’s chances of chronic liver disease, cirrhosis, and liver cancer. 5,500 people every year die from hepatitis B related liver disease, which has resulted in $700 million in medical and work loss costs. Babies that are infected with this disease are the ones whom are most likely to have the lifelong version of this disease. 25% of those kids will die from liver related diseases as adults. 12,000 babies born to infected mothers got the disease before they started giving those babies shots; 33,000 children 10 or younger were infected every year before they started vaccinating them.
Diphtheria is caused by a bacterium, it causes heart and nerve problems, in the 20’s it caused a lot of illness and death in kids. It has a high mortality rate amongst the very young and the elderly. Approximately 206,000 cases and 15,520 deaths had been reported in 1921. In 1923 the new cases began to fall because of the vaccine, its rare here in the U.S., but it is still being passed from person to person. It’s uncommon in the U.S., but it is common in other parts of the world, so this and other diseases really are only a plane ride away from killing people whom aren’t immunized against them. We could turn into Russia, when their health programs where stopped, from 1990-1999, more than 150,000 cases and 1500 deaths were reported in Russia.
Tetanus (lock jaw) is a severe and often fatal disease, the bacteria that causes this disease is found in soil, street dust, and animal waste. This bacteria is really resistant to heat and germ killing cleaners. In the U.S., between 1922-1926; there were 1,314 cases every year, until a vaccine was created in the 1940’s…now in 2000, only 41 cases have been reported. Tetanus sufferers suffer from stiffness and from muscle spasms, the throat can close causing breathing and eating difficulties, and those spasms have been reported to cause fractures of the spine and long bones. Some sufferers even go into a comma and die. 20% of those reported cases will die. This is a disease that is an adult disease, but unvaccinated children and babies of unvaccinated mothers are at risk too. 30% of tetanus sufferers were 60 years or older in 1995-97 and 60% were 40 years of age. In 1995 only 36% of people 65 or older had received a tetanus shot in the last 10 years. In newborns this disease is a huge problem. This disease killed 300,000 newborns and 30,000 birth mothers, who weren’t properly vaccinated. There are a lot of new tetanus cases amongst I.V. drug users, particularly Heroine users. Tetanus is an infectious non-contagious disease, so immunization will not protect other members of our society from this disease. This disease can only be prevented by immunization. Everyone would be susceptible to Tetanus if we stopped getting Tetanus shots.
Last but not least the Mumps, which was a major cause of children going death, which did occur 1 in 20,000 cases, it’s a mild viral disease. It causes inflammation of the brain which occurs rarely. Serious side effects happen in adults and not children. Swelling of the testes has occurred in adult males, which occurs in 37% of the men whom contact this disease. Also there is an increase in miscarriages, which have occurred in women during their first trimester whom contact this disease. When there wasn’t a vaccine for the mumps, it was a really common disease, with as many as 300,000 cases reported yearly. The only way to limit the size of these outbreaks is threw immunizations against the disease. These facts have been taken from So why won’t parents vaccinate their children? Here’s a really smart conclusion to their irrational fears…can you say “side effects?” Yes, you heard me…some parents in this country are more afraid of the side effects from the vaccines, then they are of the diseases that those vaccines where made to stop. Some Pediatricians are refusing to treat these non-vaccinated children for anything, if their parents don’t get them vaccinated. Thank God for chiropractors and herbalists who are more than happy to step in, as long as the O mighty dollar is involved? So what side effects are these parents worried about? These are the side effects that have these parents putting their kids life’s at risk; adjuvants that is an additive in the vaccines, adverse effects of immunizations (which have been judged to be very safe), Autism, Fainting, Febrile Seizures following Childhood Vaccinations, Guillain-Barre Syndrome (which is very rare), Sudden Infant death syndrome (also very rare).
Personally I think it’s a really thoughtless act to not get your kids vaccinated, while knowing that your kid might get sick and die without getting that vaccine, all because these parents were afraid of the most irrational side-effects in history. So your kid gives a sick cancer patient, an Asthmatic, or a kid with a marginalized immune system, a disease that should have been eradicated, but because these parents are so selfish and full of irrational fears, about the smallest chance of some side effect occurring. They didn’t get their kids vaccinated, and then their unvaccinated kid gives a kid who couldn’t fight the disease off a preventable disease…so not only could these parents lose their kids, but they’re going to kill someone else’s too. Come on people wise up…there is a reason that Doctors and Pediatricians came up with vaccines in the first place. Those diseases are much worse than a 1 in a million chance at some type of side effect. It amazes me how thoughtless and brain dead some parents are? It’s not just their kid they are putting at risk…we are all being put at risk by them and their stupidity. Stop being so inconsiderate and get your kids vaccinated…you’d get your pets vaccinated, but not your kids?
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