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Saturday, December 10, 2011

Our Tyrannical Fascist Government; Are We Turning Into Nazi Germany?

By Linda Mains
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Last week an Act called the National Defense Authorization Act, passed 93-7 in only 8 minutes. This bill shouldn’t have been big deal, and wouldn’t have been a big deal; especially since the government has been passing this act since 1961, but because it takes away Americans basic freedoms under a cloak of deception. It has outraged a lot of people. It’s an act that outlines the financial and legal specifications for the U.S. Department of Defense. They pass things like military benefits, what equipment the military needs to buy, and stuff like that. Left wing groups such as occupy San Francisco and others freaked out about section 1032 in that bill, which states that suspected terrorist related to al Qaeda and 911, shall be detained indefinitely by the military, without a trial, until the end of authorized military hostilities, and it also stated that any American citizen if deemed to be a terrorist, would also be treated that same way. Maybe that’s why they are so freaked out?

The law that is currently being passed by our government is insane! The members of congress that passed it, should be held on high treason! The #1 reason that they won’t ever be held accountable for trying to dismantle our constitution, is because our whole government is corrupt. Our government has been afraid of us rioting and uprising, ever since 2008. All of which would happen, after we the American people caught on to just how corrupt, our popular-pop-culture-government actually is.

Now here’s 60 of the senators whom passed the National Defense Authorization Act, they have betrayed every one of us; Ayotte (R-NH), Barrasso (R-WY), Blunt (R-MO), Boozman (R-AR),Brown MA), Burr (R-NC), Casey (D-PA), Chambliss (R-GA), Coats (R-IN), Coburn (R-OK), Cochran (R-MS), Collins (R-ME), Conrad (D-ND), Corker (R-TN),Cornyn (R-TX), Crapo (R-ID), DeMint (R-SC), Enzi (R-WY), Graham (R-SC),Grassley (R-IA), Hagan (D-NC), Hatch (R-UT), Heller (R-NV), Hoeven (R-ND)Hutchison (R-TX), Inhofe (R-OK), Inouye (D-HI), Isakson (R-GA), Johanns (R-NE)Johnson (R-WI), Kohl (D-WI), Kyl (R-AZ), Landrieu (D-LA), Lee (R-UT), Levin (D-MI), Lieberman (ID-CT), Lugar (R-IN), Manchin (D-WV), McCain (R-AZ), McCaskill (D-MO), McConnell (R-KY), Menendez (D-NJ), Moran (R-KS),Nelson (D-NE), Portman (R-OH), Pryor (D-AR), Reed (D-RI), Risch (R-ID), Roberts (R-KS), Rubio (R-FL), Sessions (R-AL), Shaheen (D-NH), Shelby (R-AL), Snowe (R-ME), Stabenow (D-MI), Thune (R-SD), Toomey (R-PA), Vitter (R-LA), Whitehouse (D-RI), Wicker (R-MS)

There are a couple of acts within bill S.1867, the National Defense Act for 2012, which make our constitution and bill or rights null and void. Why should the acts within this bill be abolished? Well people, if you are ever accused of being what the state considers a terrorist; state-police can arrest you (or abduct you). You won’t have any access, to any type of legal-counsel. Plus you could be held indefinitely, if this bill is passed by President Obama. Now my friend believes it’s just some more political rhetoric. What do you think?

The acts within this defense bill, a bill that has turned the American people into terrorists, by using the word terrorist. A word that has no meaning by itself, but when “terrorist” is used within the context of this bill; then you will start to see how the word “terrorist” becomes very dangerous language; language that is aimed against the American people. It’s the same type of act that a dictator named Adolf Hitler, had done to his people, when he blew up a building and told them that they needed him to protect them from an enemy that he had created. Propaganda was also a very big part of the Nazi party whom blamed the Jewish people for everything, while making their political party Germany's last great hope. The Nazi storm-troopers attacked anyone whom opposed Hitler. Just like how our government is making the word “terrorist” which is in this bill, to include any American whom says, writes, or is opposed to anything our government is doing to us, and those names will be on lists; those lists will also include teachers, and Christian Ministers. Right now our government could be watching you or me, they do have a watch list, and anyone on that list is considered to be a terrorist. So once Obama passes this bill; welcome to the American version of Nazi Germany, and they do have plans to ship us to FEMA Camps, if your name appears on that list.

We are becoming more and more like Nazi Germany; especially since our Media is controlled by our nationalist American party movement…so you will never hear the truth from the Media, because they are in the back pockets of advertisers and the New World Order. So T.V news and some of our most popular written sources of news; are void of any truth, about what is really going on right now. That’s just what Hitler and his nationalist movement had done to the Germans, the Germans only knew what Hitler and his party wanted them to know and nothing more. In Nazi Germany you could be killed for knowing to much. Just like our government is threatening to murder us.

This bill will make any American a potential Terrorist, especially, anybody in the News industry that has ever spoken up against our corrupt society. America’s fear Mongols, Mongols who also are fascist-traders, need this word “terrorist” in this bill to get away with their evil plans. These evil doer senators, and senate women, that really work for the 1%, and for the New World Order’s secret society, have been planning for years, to create a coo or takeover within our government. An act which effectively will let them take-over, and control the American people! Can a law take away your basic human rights? Like your rights to a speedy trial and habeas-corpus? Yes it can!

We could be held in-diffidently if we are on those terrorist-watch-lists, which our government has been, and is currently, creating and constantly updating all the time. The lists many of us might be on; can get American citizens shipped to foreign prisons like Guantanamo Bay, or to any prison, which the U.S. runs abroad or within our borders. So if we’re found out to be, what our government considers to be terrorists, or to be a part of any terrorist threat in any way, to our militarized state; we will be on that list. They can arrest and imprison us or even kill us, and we won’t have any rights to stop them. These type of police states existence, threatens our freedoms, while threatening the constitution, and is exactly what the Nazis had done to their people in Germany. The Nazis did this to anyone and everyone, whom they deemed as a threat to the mother land, but our country calls the U.S. the Homeland…

This is what one congressmen wrote about; S.1867 National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012;

I am writing as your constituent in the 3rd Congressional district of South Carolina. I am writing as your constituent in the 3rd Congressional district of South Carolina. I oppose S.1867 - National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2012. The bill, as it is written, puts Americans at risk to have their civil liberties violated. These liberties include the right to a speedy trial and habeas corpus among others.

This bill cannot be passed as it is written -- it must be re-worded so the meaning is much more concise. There is an extreme outpouring of concern and opposition to this bill. Please do NOT vote to pass this.

Zach Ertzberger Jennifer Eckert

So what exactly is Habeas Corpus? It’s the legal action that gets any prisoner free, from any unlawful detention, detention which lacks evidence or reason. A prisoner can seek this council for himself, or someone can come to his aid to help him. This originated in England, but many Nations have Habeas Corpus. It historically has been a very important legal tool, to safeguard individual’s freedoms, against arbitrary state action. It’s also a law allowing a person’s to be brought before a judge.

“Obama wanted to Veto the bill; but what where his real reasons for wanting to Veto S.1867 National Defense Authorization Act for the Fiscal Year of 2012?

Obama’s objection to military detention, is not rooted in concern for the constitutional rights of American citizens. Obama is objecting to military detention, only because of the implication of military detention, is that detainees are prisoners of war. As Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Carl Levin put it; should somebody determined “to be a member of an enemy force, who has come to this nation or is in this nation to attack us, as a member of a foreign enemy, should that person be treated according to the laws of war? The answer is yes.”

Detainees treated according to the laws of war have the protections of the Geneva Conventions. They cannot be tortured. Obama opposes military detention, simply because detainees would have some rights. These rights would interfere with the Obama's handler’s ability to send detainees to CIA torture prisons overseas. [Yes, Obama is still apparently allowing "extraordinary renditions" to torture people abroad.] This is what the Obama handlers mean, when the bill says that the requirement of military detention denies the party’s “flexibility.”


So do we live in a tyrannical-fascist-government? OK, let’s go over the definition of tyranny and fascism; now tyranny is the rule of one over the many, or of a ruling-entity or ruling-elite, and it doesn’t matter if that tyranny is coming from an individual or from a group. So what is Fascism? It’s a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology…fascists seek to rejuvenate their nation based on commitment to the national community, in which individuals are bound together in national identity by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood. To achieve this fascist purge forces, ideas, people and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration. Fascists advocate the creation of a totalitarian single-party state, that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, discipline and family policy (such as eugenics). Now the group that is actually behind America’s tyranny right now, goes as far back as the World Order or New World Order, which has its own church and monetary system (the one World Bank).

Now the U.S and banking system is secretly under the New World Order’s control. They tried in the 1920’s to set-up their evil empire but that failed, until Hitler took the reins of control. Ultimately he failed as well. The New World Order even had their own church, which was set up to channel those believers, in the direction that they wanted them to go.

Is America heading toward something much worse than a fascist tyrannical form of government? Is it going to be even worse than anything Hitler himself could have ever dreamed of? Are we headed towards a dictatorship, a dictatorship with a dictator that’s a puppet like President Obama, for the heads of the New World Order? Who will be the next American leader passing laws behind our backs, while governing us without our consent, whom will be regulating ever aspect, of our public and private behavior and lives?

Can you guess who else wanted a one world order? Can you say Hitler and Stalin? Both of these dictators wanted New World Orders, A.K.A socialism, which would control and dictate everything to the masses threw their evil enterprises. These monsters tried turning the whole world into mindless slaves. This is what Hitler had to say about his new world order A.K.A socialism; At the risk of appearing to talk nonsense, I tell you that the National Socialist movement will go on for 1,000 years! ... Don't forget how people laughed at me 15 years ago, when I declared that one day I would govern Germany. They laugh now, just as foolishly, when I declare that I shall remain in power! Hitler like our current government in 2011, wanted to implement his plan to re-militarize his broad and long term goals in Rhineland Germany by 1936. Something our government has already done around the world militarily, and is now attempting to do to the U.S. in 2012, by turning America into a police state.

So who else is secretly running our government behind all of our backs…some of us know this one, but I believe many people nationwide are really in the dark, about whom or what is behind the disaster going on in Washington. Those two groups that have helped to sell off the greatest country in the world, while toppling other nations as well; those two groups are Wall Street and the Feds.

So what is the Fed? In 1913 the Fed was created because our government lacked the organization to study and implement monetary policy. That was why the Fed was created, but they were also created because the public had very little faith in our banking system. Our Federal Reserve is an independent entity, but is subject to oversights by congress. Has it dawned on many of you out there yet; what the problem is now? The Feds along with the 1% and the hierarchical New world order, have been planning an out-right take over of our government, threw political contributions to Senate members. Members whom are nothing but their puppets. So as long as our Senate is in the hands of the greediest in America; groups that would like to turn us all in to slaves, in detention camps, which are run by another part of government called FEMA or FEMA camps. The future is looking very dark and bleak this Christmas, for millions of Americans this year.

What is FEMA? Well this governmental agency’s job is to prepare for, protects against, responds to, recovers from and mitigates all hazards. FEMA employees work all over the country – at FEMA Headquarters, the ten regional offices, the National Emergency Training center, now here’s the one I want you to pay attention to; “Center for Domestic Preparedness/Noble Training Center, and other locations – to support the larger management team.” So what exactly are they doing? This information came from their web-site, and this agency’s agenda seems really questionable to me.

So back to whom and what; the Federal Reserve which was created by Congress in 1913 is for. Basically, this means that decisions by the Fed do not have to be ratified by the President or anyone else in the government, but Congress periodically reviews the Fed's activities. Well I believe, all of that has changed and the Fed is ratifying our bill of rights and constitution for their-own greedy hidden agendas. Come on people, please wake up!

So what else would the New World, One World Order, A.K.A socialism like to do?

They want to bring about the total destruction of a united identity or pride. They also want to destroy religion especially the Christian religions, while simultaneously replacing all the religions with their one World religion, a religion that they created. They’ll use mind control to control every single one of us, turning us all into robots. They want an end of industrialization in what they call the post-industrial, zero-growth, society. They’ll legalize drug use, while making porn into a new art form. These monsters also want to depopulate our cities, (just like the Nazis had done in the Ghetto’s in World War II). They’ll suppress the entire world’s scientific development, except those deemed fit by the Illuminati. To cause the death of 3 million people threw wars in advanced countries, and threw diseases in third world countries. To weaken the moral fabric of the people, and demoralize the workers, by creating mass unemployment. To also keep people everywhere from making their own destinies, by creating one conflict after another, that they will then manage. They will also introduce new icons and cults that will numb the masses into submission. They will continue to build up a cult of Christian Fundamentalism. They’ll carry out mind control experiments, by using brain washing techniques regarding the Muslim brotherhood and other groups like them. They’ll export religious liberation ideas to undermine all of the existing religions in the world religions.

They’ll also cause a total collapse of the world’s economies and engender total political chaos. They’ll also take control of our foreign and domestic policies. To give the fullest support to supranational institutions such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements, and the World Court and, as far as possible, make local institutions less effective, by gradually phasing them out or bringing them under the mantle of the UN. These evil doers, want to penetrate and subvert all the worlds’ governments. Last but not least the New World Order wants to organize a world-wide terrorist apparatus, and to negotiate with terrorists whenever terrorist activities take place. Oh and one more horrible thing, which would make us all stupid surfs under their thumbs; they want to take control of education in America; with the intent and purpose of utterly and completely destroying it.

I really don’t like crying wolf…but something is seriously wrong with our government, which goes way beyond your average garden variety of corruption. If you think what is going on in our government is OK, then keep believing that our country has your best interests at heart. But if you’re like me, and you believe that; much more powerful and evil forces are at work…then we need to educate all of our friends, along with strangers on this issue. I believe that God has put us here for a better reason, than to be destroyed by any type of New World Order, or by any group like them. The traders, whom have been helping these monsters for years, need to be brought to justice…so that a repeat of Nazi Germany, can’t and won’t ever happen again. Ultimate power corrupts totally…and always will, you and I shouldn’t always blindly trust that our governments will always have our best interests at heart. I’ve given you proves that you need, to make an educated decision, the choice is up to you; choose wisely.


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