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Thursday, November 10, 2011

If You Love Me You Will Love Me For the Woman I am!

Written by Linda Mains

There's a lot of men in our society whom are finding their way to their own form of sexual-maturity? Is that maturity real? Or is it' just more excuses for our men to treat us like shit? I understand having to sow your sexual oats...but is random vagina, really where it's at for most men?

I'm not old fashion at all, I'm a new age chick. My only issue with most guys these days, is that they want everything their way, and they seldom want to play fair. Why is that? Doesn't everyone in any relationship, deserve good-treatment in that relationship? Why is it OK, for men in our society, to dictate what's appropriate for us in our (meaning two people not one), relationships? Look I'm a very patient honest woman, but, I believe that most men have raised their standards, of what and who they will see, to such a high level; that there isn't any woman in the world, that could ever live up to these guys standards.

I'm weird, I believe in live and let live. I don't try to compare my boyfriend to other what I think is hotter, or to what I might like better; to what that other guy might be wearing or looks like. What kind of fucked up shit is that to do to another human being anyway? I understand that some people think that they are so fucking hot, that their shit doesn't stink, but how could anyone put their loved ones on such a high pedestal; by saying, "you need to look like this or that, and I like this or that, so you should be doing this or that, to make me happy?" Why the fuck do I, or does anybody, have to make any guy happy in this way? What I'm trying to say is, that if you get with someone; shouldn't you be happy with the person that they are, and not try to change everything about them? I know a lot of women out there, whom are totally fed up with all the arrogant fucks out there, whom have the balls to call themselves real men! Look, to all the guys that act like this, and have the balls to tell their wife's and girlfriends to look better, because they think themselves to be so fucking hot; because we have to live up to their standards, of what a hot girlfriend or hot wife should be and look like. Well I for one, want to tell every guy out there, who's like this to "FUCK OFF!"

Most men aren't perfect; men have hair growing in the worst grossest of places, they are smelly, and they lose hair in the most important place, which is on their heads. Knowing that most men have a limited window of good looks, before their balls drop, before they get fat, and before their faces start looking really rough; which is around 35. So if most intelligent guys know this; then why do so many men act like they are God's gifts to the fucking world?  I understand when a man is a millionaire, but most millionaires are really nice, and don't act like raging assholes to the important women in their life's. Why would any man want the most important people in their life's to think they are the biggest pricks on the planet? Wouldn't that man want his woman or women to think he was a great guy, and not a total prick? I've noticed this a lot lately; these guys are acting worse then some uppity, gold-diggers out there. Look, I love good looking men, and I am good looking myself...but, I know how to treat people. I treat them, with the respect that they give me, and if they treat me with disrespect, I'm going to treat them with that same type of disrespect.

You know some very important people in my life have labeled me with the word "crazy," but these same people have lied to others about me, and have been very disrespectful to me in my life. So guess where those people are now; well most of them are in the gutter. Why? Because Karma is a bitch, they got what they deserved! Most men act like they are never going to get old, they are never going to get fat, and basically they act like their life's are never going to change. When the cold hard facts about their situations are that everything around them is changing, and all that ugliness that they have been giving everyone, is finally catching up to them...and they are becoming as ugly as they have treated all those important people in their life's. Then one day when these guys finally do wake up, it will be too late, because they will wake up, old and alone. All by themselves, but, they will still expect everyone to feel sorry for their predicaments in life. The only problem with this type of thinking is that no one will care about them ever again if they don't change their fucked up thinking.

All I can say about selfish thoughtless pricks like these, is; you reap what you sow! If you're a dick to the nice women in your life...basically one day, when you do find someone, that you finally can believe is good enough to meet your quality control issues; she'll be a total bitch, that will put your demanding ass, threw the same type of treatment. Treatment that you had given the woman whom really loved you. Here's the thing about love guys, real love can't be bought for any price, it' can't be repaired, and for the most part; you will only find so many people in this world that will ever truly love you, with or without your disgusting man habits. So guys what have we learned to day? Instead of trying to be wanna be players, and making unreasonable demands on the women whom love you. Maybe, just maybe, you should give those women a big hug, and tell them how sorry you are, for being such a giant, selfish, unrealistic pigs. So maybe for me guys, you could ease off the women that love you, and come to the realization; most women, can't and don't look good ever single minute of the day! 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know the feeling. I hate it when men force you to change and look a different way for them and yet they look at other women in public when you are together.