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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Unrationalized fears

Written by Linda Mains


a, I didn't make the tread to work because, I got sick as soon as I got to my car. So I was weak and sweaty and dizzy. I was like I deserve the day off. My man believes me because he's not feeling so hot either. Funny but people really take being well for granted. Until, they themselves find them self's ill.

I get up around 9AM or 10Am depending on how cold it is. It's been really cold lately in Cali, another reason I think I fell ill. Plus, the crazy swinger party me and my man where invited too, on the coldest night of the year in Cali, when there was snow on their ground, might be the other reason.

So if every word isn't spelled correctly, or my punctuation sucks, the least you could do is appreciate my dedication. Notice how when you're sick, weather it be at work or at home, you'll notice that it feels as if you have more things to do, that you didn't do, because you were feeling sick.

So here's my one and only story today, it's about un-rationalized fear's

Have you ever had a friend, whom totally had un-rationalized fears? You know what I'm talking about, don't you? You know that guy who keeps asking you if he's losing his hair. But every time you answer him, he'll ask you the same question again in 20 minutes. I mean: your friend will ask you this question: "Am I losing my hair?" And it seems, no matter how you try to make his fears subside, he's never satisfied, and then tries to convince you that he is going bald, even though you know he's not.

Or a skinny man or woman, who's borderline anorexic asks you: if they're fat, with: "do you think I've put on 5 pounds?" And it's the same deal, no matter how much you tell this person, she or he could even be your special someone. You'll realize that it doesn't matter how you answer them. You just can't seem to make them feel secure about themselves, no matter what you say.

What's funny to me is I used to be that way. Until, I realized, just how annoying I was to everyone around me. So what goes and happens to me this last weekend, and yes I'm a bisexual swinger, and was at a swinger party, with a couple that we've swung with before. Look our swing partners are both really good looking, the guys not smoking hot, but he could pull a lot of chicks if he wanted too. Look, he's not as rich as Hue Hefner (I just always wanted to use Hue Hefner's name in a story.), and he's not hung like a porn star. But he's not ugly and his junk isn't the size of a 3 year olds either. So to me he's doing pretty good, well call him Doug, to protect the Innocent.

Now the other couple whom came to that same party, wasn't as hot, but I really liked his chicks hair, plus she was out-going and fun. It was her husband, whom wasn't hot and looked like a Spanish troll. But still: I was willing to swing, because I wanted his chick, both me and my friend from our regular swing couple, were willing to have sex with him. Now here's the irrational fears thing coming from this troll: "he had this un-rationalized fear, that neither me or my friend wanted to have sex with him. And that was the unrationalized fear, because even though he was a troll: we both wanted to have sex with him, so we could have sex with his girlfriend. Now at first, he wanted to leave, because my Friend stopped to have a drink, which he thought (unrationalized fear): she didn't want to have sex with him. In all actuality, she just wanted to drink. A swing situation is a party situation, the guy was a newby, dumb-ass.

Look, I'm not the most secure person in the world either, I can turn jealous and stupid sometimes myself. But even I, wouldn't mess up a party scene, the way he did. So anyway, he wanted to leave, basically because he was jealous, and because he thought that we didn't want to have sex with him. Then he got mad over a sexual accident' he had with me, he didn't even say he was sorry, because he took the accident personally (and swinging with them was over,they then left).

Now lets get to Doug: who had been patently watching all this, and he was from the couple we regularly swing with.

Doug: After the party was over says: You don't know what it's like, and I can understand how he is feeling. I understand what he's going threw, because I am a guy. It's hard for a regular guy, who's not beef-cake, a stud or rich to get chicks. Then he insults his girl, and basically says that the only reason he's with her whore ass, is because, he doesn't believe that he could ever score anything any better. Another irationalized fear.

I was puzzled over his believes and his unrationalized fears. I said: Um, (I couldn't believe he insulted his chick like that in a public setting.), no Doug, you're hot! You're hot enough to score, all the va-j-j you want. Hey being a sexy guy who's a stud, isn't all about good looks, or money, or power, or any other material looks thing. Being a stud is about personality, if you don't have one, it's not going to matter how hot you are, chicks aren't going to like you.

I went on to say: Doug, look at my dad, he's fat, bald, where's a hair piece, isn't a millionaire, but he has an award winning personality. He at 65, has dated 5 women at one time (hey, if one of his chicks is reading this, sorry). My own son idealizes my dad, he's like Charley Sheen in Two and A Half Men. Except he's not a millionaire. My son says: "I hope I'm still scoring with the Lady's like my grandad, when I'm 65. So I told Doug he was crazy, for feeling the way that he did, and that he was thinking irrationally.

At the end of the night his girl, and I wound up snuggling to sleep. I was thinking before I fell asleep, there are things you can say in-front of people about the significant other in your life, and there are things you can't ever say. Saying that your girl is a "whore" is one of those things. Anyway at the end of this deep thought moment: we haven't heard back from them, probably because she stuck her foot up his butt, after we left.

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