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Friday, April 8, 2011

Stop Talking Smack!

What's in a name? A name? Now Linda, why, oh, why, Linda? Would you ever discuss names? Well party people, do you realize...people, have been coming up with name calling, since the beginning of time.

Yes, that's right...language, is one of humanity's, biggest problems. What's in a name, you ask? Everything! Like the word "savage." Savage named a group of people, as being, "uncivilized." Or "whore," which, I hope most of my readers, know, what the meaning of that is? If you don't, go get me my ruler, and hold out your hands! Then go and get me, your yellow helmet.

But...the names, that are associated, to any persons name, have the power to destroy them. When, I was in grade school. I had one teacher, who told all my class-mates...that, I was stupid! Can you believe it? Even though, my I.Q, is probably higher, then that retarded teacher's. She made, that great judgement call, to ruin, the 6th grade for me. I never liked school after that, for the most part, was boring to me. I didn't start to like school, until I was in College. Now the name tag, of stupid, that my idiot teacher, attached to me. Followed me around, for most of my life. Not until just recently, have I shaken off the word "stupid," from my life. But it's not because...I found myself, surrounded by such wonderful people, in my life either.

I believe that names can destroy, many different types of peoples...lives. Here's an example;

Let's say you have a friend, we'll call her Jill. Now Jill, is your bestest friend, in the whole world! The two of you, pall around, and go everywhere together. But Jill has a hidden past. She was a Las Vegas hooker, who has been busted over 6 times, while hooking. Something, she had conveniently, forgotten to tell you. Now the two of you, work in the same office. One day, she tells you, she's been fired. Of ask her why? But...she has no real awnser, then makes excuses, about her firing. She then gives you another excuse and leaves. You're thinking, "wow that was weird?"

Of course, you and everyone else, would probably be nossy. And...if they had a friend in that office. They'd also want to find out...why she got fired? So you ask your other friend. Who just happens, to work in your office. You ask her, "why did they fire Jill?" She whispers in your ear, "oh, I know why, because...she's was busted, for being a hooker!" But "hooker," is just one in a million, of those life destroying word's. Words that people love calling each other, and word's that are attached, to a person's name, for the rest of their life's.

Let's, play the name game, shall we...

  1. Justin's a (word that rhyme's with hag, and starts with an F).
  2. Silvia sucks the (male word for chicken) for a living. 
  3. Santos is a "retard."
  4. Wanda is a "whore."
  5. Manuel is a "wetback."
  6. Luise is "ugly."
  7. Misty is "fat."
Oh don't forget, the multiple word associations, that people like to use. Like Misty is a (male word for chicken) sucking, whore! Whose, retarded, fat, and is dating a wet-back. Isn't that lovely people?

Yes people, people need language, to come up with names, for things like broom-stick, make-up-wedges, and hair-follicles. But...tearing everyone around you down, with those names. Makes you, and not the person you're attacking, look like the names, you so carelessly, love throwing around.

I like what the Budest said, about people, whom use names, to tear people other people apart. The Budest's say; "to use your words, to tear a person apart, is soul murdering, because...instead of using a weapon, to kill that person, (that you obviously, loath, and despise). You used you words, like the coward you obviously are! Destroying that persons happiness and lives, in most cases, for a very long time. I always go back to the story called Las Miserables, the french novel. Now their was a female character in the book, that was beautiful. The other ugly-women where jealous, of her blond perfection, and good looks. So one woman, decided, to make-up something about her, which just wasn't true. Of course, she was fired, from her job. Which really sucked, because...she had a daughter. She wound up becoming, a prostitute, caught some God forsaken decease, that was running around back then. In the end, her character...died! She died, because of "words!" Word's, that were used to defile her, as a person, and because...she was so beautiful, most who worked with her, assumed that the rumors, must be true.

I feel, I have to write about this. I have seen, so many of my friends lives, destroyed by "word's!" Many of which, just weren't true! Here's another two-word's, that have destroyed millions, and millions of peoples life's. I'm going to tell you, what those two-words are. Those two-words are "drug-addict!" Now these two-words, have the power to destroy peoples life's. Yes, I know people, drugs-kill! making the victim, in a very complex subject, a victim again, by judging them for their addictions...really fair? Drugs, that for some, have become impossible, to kick. Instead of just being their friends, and sticking by their sides. Threw their obvious dark-moments. It's like your telling the entire world, what a shallow, heartless and cruel person you really are. Now, I didn't just say, go party the lights fandango, with them either. All I'm saying, is that unless you've been in a drug addicts shoes. You shouldn't be using the words "drug-addict," to condemn them either. That's like sealing a persons coffin, and shoveling in the dirt.

You're probably like, damn, Linda! Linda! That's a really deep thought. You're probably asking'd I come up with, all of this in site into humanity? Well, I was a stripper for 12 years, and I worked in adult for 3 years. I've seen and heard everything, you can ever imagine hearing. But...the one thing, that boils my blood, is when jealous-haters, try condemning everyone else, along with me. Simply by using damming names, to make that condemnation happen. Really nobodies anything, if everybody is something! Here's some of John Lennon's logic; "let's give peace a chance."  Hey everybody let's give peace a chance, and the name calling, a rest...  

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