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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Our Idiot Republicans and Our Debt Ceiling!

Ya, sometimes, I use facebook to write my posts, it's just easier...although, I wish they had a spell correction device, on the notes section. Why? I suck at spelling, that's why, if you must know. OK, what am I going to talk about, today? How about the debt stuff... Well it is important! You're like why oh why, Linda, are you going to talk about, the debt ceiling? Well for one, we will be headed, face first, into the worst depression, that the world has ever seen. If the yahoo's, in office, don't get off their lazy asses, and stop this mess, from happening.

So, if we the United States, hits that debt ceiling...well first off, our credit ratting with the world, is going to go straight in the toilet! We all know how hard it is to borrow money, once you have a bad credit ratting. It's almost impossible to get a loan with a bad credit rating. But the U.S, has really got to, get a grip, on spending and borrowing money! If our credit rating goes in the shitter, then we'll have to start printing money with no real value behind it. Which will give us, sky rocketing inflation. Which will make it harder, for the businesses in the U.S, that are struggling to hold on. Many of those businesses, will go out of business! So more Americans, will lose their jobs...when it's already so hard, to keep or find a job.

Gas prices and food prices are going up, they're not going down, here in the U.S. So many middle class families, will have to go without electricity. So that little Johny, will be able to go to bed, with something in his tummy, that night. Many more families, will go hungry or homeless. Plus, many important services, will have to be done away with, if, America doesn't raise it's debt ceiling. Why is this happening, because, the greediest of the greedy, are Republicans! They're thinking that it would be a great idea, not to raise our debt ceiling. These idiots (meaning Republicans), know, that it will lead to an even bigger financial disaster, then when the housing bubble burst! Look...I understand, that playing Politics, is a game that every politician plays in Washington. But...this time, it's going to cost the White House, a lot more then, just votes. What will these political fat cats do, when they are no longer able to borrow millions and trillions of dollars, from other countries? How will they deal with, an increasingly, angry republic?

I know, I'm worried, I've already seen enough heart break, and disaster this year! And as if, things, couldn't get any worse...God thought it would be a good idea, to bring 125 or 6 tornadoes, to the Midwest. Now add 2 billion in damages, to the disaster port polio. WOW! Can things get any worse this year? President Obama was overwhelmed, by the destruction, that he saw. Shit! I was overwhelmed, by the destruction, that I saw...the place looked like a garbage dump, after that giant tornado, had ripped threw their state. It really is miraculous to me, that anyone, survived those tornadoes. I was amazed...if it was me, I would be kissing the ground, that, I was standing on, and thanking God, for sparing my life. You can always buy more stuff, but, once you're dead, you're dead! But the bad weather, added to the bad economy...along with some very big idiots on Capitol Hill, is threatening, America's very existence! I personally believe, that if Presedent Obama, had been a white Republican, then he probably would have gotten, everything, that he wanted to do done by now. Sorry to say this, but, America is still full of, bible carrying racists, and unfortunately for us, these people vote.

I just want to see an end, to the nightly spectacle of B.S, on the News, like President Obama said; the White House has a lot of work to do, besides, worrying about, where the President's Birth Certificate is, and if the President is a citizen. Which to me, is a giant waist of every body's time! The government, needs to start, collecting, millions and billions in revenue, from the rich! It's not UN-American, for the richest, to pay more in taxes. It is UN-American, that, they're not paying, more in taxes! We don't need, the most important people in our society; teachers, policemen and women, and fire fighters, to lose their collective bargaining rights, and to have their pay cut. Why? Education, is the most important aspect, of any democracy and so are fire fighters and policemen and women! Our people, need to be smart enough, to know, what the laws mean, and they also need to be able to, make educated decisions, about the future of our democracy. Isn't that what dictator's do? Don't they keep the people stupid? So they can do whatever they want to them? What the government is trying to do, to it's citizen's right now, is really starting to look, really fishy...I even heard, that in one state, some stupid idiot in charge, wanted to let children work, and decrease their hourly pay, to boot. That makes sense, doesn't it? Bringing child labor laws, back to the 18th century. So some greedy giant corporations somewhere, can make money, off the sweat and tears, of some defenseless child. Who, won't be attending school. Who will grow up ignorant, and who will also be, a working class slave. Brilliant!

I really can't believe whats going on, it's unbelievable, that such a great country, might be brought to it's knees, by a few greedy, and short-sighted, idiotic, individuals, in government. So that they can attain wealth, off the backs, of their being in the back pockets, of some of the evilest people, whom run, some of the biggest corporations, in the world. OK, oil corporations, have had a record breaking year, in their profit margins, and the government is still giving them subsidies, to run their businesses? That makes sense...we are ready to hit our debt ceiling, and here is our idiotic government, giving tax breaks, and money to, the richest corporations in America, and the world. I'm sorry to say this, but, the people who are responsible for this, are to stupid, to be believed! I can't even begin to find the correct words, to describe them.

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