Written by Linda Mains
OK, today's topic deals with drug-addicts. Yes, that's right, the rich, pompous, drug addicts, that entertain the world. Funny, but an old guy I know and talk to. Who hangs out at one of the coffee shops that I hang out at. Just happened to play guitar for a 60's band, that opened and toured with Led Zeppelin. At that point he started acting like a 16 year old girl: when he just couldn't stop himself, from telling me this bit of juicy info.
He asked me: "Had I heard, about what had happened to Christine Aguilar? Of course, I wanted to know every juicy bit of info he had, so I had to ask: "why, what's going on with her?" He told me, that she had been arrested for disorderly conduct, when a cop had pulled over her boyfriend, for driving drunk. But that she was obviously, so smashed, that the cops let Christine sleep off her drunk at the station.
He then said: "could I imagine?" Honestly, that's a yes, I can imagine. Still, it was hard for me to imagine, the long haired diva, sleeping on a cop station bench. (disclaimer: I heard this from my friend, it could all be b.s.)
I told my aging grandaddy rocker friend: "wow, it's always someone in the entertainment biz, that's either, a big-drunk, drug-addict, or both. Can anyone answer me: why is that? Why do the rich, famous or both, usually, but not always, become supper screw ups? And sometimes their children follow in their famous mother's and fathers footsteps: into addiction and then recovery? Like Judy Garlands son, who was also a friend, while I worked as a topless dancer. Ya, he had known the depths and kind of dispare, and addiction that his mother had. Just like Charley Sheen, who's father is also famous. Is it a coincidence, or a Hollywood curse?
I went on to tell grandaddy rocker, that I had seen the cover of People (I'm not sure, if it was People Mag: it was like a month or so ago), and Angelina Joline was said, to have gone to a rehab for her heroine-cocaine addiction (those poor kids, if its true). But I had hung out with a rockabilly guitar player, who told me that she was strung out on junk and coke. All of which had happened a little bit before, and during her Billy Bob Thorton day's (so the whole Angelina Joline on drugs: really was not news to me). What was shocking and still is, is that Brad Pitt, is still sticking it out with her. Because I also had an ex-boyfriend who knew that she swung, and it was known, that she was a super-b*tch. Then Grandpa rocker chimed in at this point, not wanting to be out done by me, and had to tell me' that ya, he personally knew a T.V Exec who did more drugs then any rocker he had ever known. And that a lot of people in the movie and television industry's, had drug and alcohol problems. Really? What a surprise: aren't you surprised?
Ya, I knew about Charley Sheen, before the media did. You're probably asking how? I had hung out with his drug dealer and friend, whom had just gotten out of rehab, for doing coke, and was living with his counselor and the counselor's girlfriend. She worked with me at a bikini bar, thats how we met. Then I met him, during a summertime barbecue, which was being thrown by my friend. Actually he caught me having sex with his roomies girlfriend, in the back yard, and that's how we started hanging out. Now here's the interesting bit of info, I can't remember this 80's hipi, ex-rocker, ex-junkie's name, but I can remember what he told me that day. He told me that, he was the one who delivered Charley his coke and pills. Now get this, dilevering his purchases to the set Charley filmed on. Costing Charley $5000 American cash dollars, and then he hung out with Charley and they went shoping (I can't make this stuff up). Funny, but Charley was taking my friends anti-depressants, the same anti-depressants, I almost saw her O.D on in the bikini bars dressing room.
Here's my real mind blowing deep thought moment: which surpasses everything that I've written so far. It's not Sheen who disgust me, or Angelina Joline, or Christine Aguilar. It's the hypocrites in the media, as well as, the other rich hypocritical rich entertainers. They act like they have never gone to Hollywood party's, and have never partied. Most of these hypocrites are passing judgement on Charley and others like him, for the very things, they themselves do at those party's: which is party! But these hypocrites have never been caught, or have never had a noisy reporter think them important enought to report their drunken druged out mistakes.
Why do reporters do this to people? Isn't a person, who is a star, still human? Don't they deseve humane treatment and the right to be left alone? The News media in this country, has passed judgement on many famous people, and the list would be to extensive to mention here. One New's Caster asked on a news program: "why can't we get enough of Charley Sheen?" A better question is: "why can't the media, get enough of Charley Sheen?" Because to the media, it's funny to watch a man, who's obviously high, destroy himself and his family on T.V. Oh, ha, ha, and because we're in America: where if you're lucky enough to make millions, jealous hater's will want to see you turn into a Charley Sheen. So they can have the opertunity to destroy what's left of your reputation, name and life.
Maybe I'm the only one to feel this way but when my friends and even strangers are doing good, or at least seem to be doing good, I'm generally happy for their luck and wish them the best in life. To me envy, especially media based envy is really ugly. To me envy is even uglier then Charley Sheens' self imposed, soulless, drug induced, binge. A self imposed tragedy which has happened to many like him in the entertainment biz.
Hey, I'm not perfect, I'm a sinner, and have partied with some of the best of them. And to me, doing drugs, is like silently and bloodlessly bleeding to death. Because whether it takes two minutes or twenty years, drugs and alcohol or both will eventually kill you. So for sober men and women, who call themselves reporters of the media, to allow famous people to give interviews while under the influence, not allowing them to retain any of their former dignity is not a compassionate act, but is a cowardly one. Who's in the wrong here? The drunk, drugged up person for speaking while under the influence, or the media for knowingly allowing a man who is known to be under the influence to ruin his life.
I'm sure that the pompous media heads really helped Charley Sheens' custody case with his kids mom. So now a woman who also has drug problems, may win full custody of those kids. Those kids sure have a lot of thanking to do, to the media when they get older. Thanks for ruining our dad's life. I know this whole drug thing sucks for him, and it sucks for us too. A life destroying roast, of a very popular American man is just sad. This is one more idiot move the media didn't need to do.
OK, today's topic deals with drug-addicts. Yes, that's right, the rich, pompous, drug addicts, that entertain the world. Funny, but an old guy I know and talk to. Who hangs out at one of the coffee shops that I hang out at. Just happened to play guitar for a 60's band, that opened and toured with Led Zeppelin. At that point he started acting like a 16 year old girl: when he just couldn't stop himself, from telling me this bit of juicy info.
He asked me: "Had I heard, about what had happened to Christine Aguilar? Of course, I wanted to know every juicy bit of info he had, so I had to ask: "why, what's going on with her?" He told me, that she had been arrested for disorderly conduct, when a cop had pulled over her boyfriend, for driving drunk. But that she was obviously, so smashed, that the cops let Christine sleep off her drunk at the station.
He then said: "could I imagine?" Honestly, that's a yes, I can imagine. Still, it was hard for me to imagine, the long haired diva, sleeping on a cop station bench. (disclaimer: I heard this from my friend, it could all be b.s.)
I told my aging grandaddy rocker friend: "wow, it's always someone in the entertainment biz, that's either, a big-drunk, drug-addict, or both. Can anyone answer me: why is that? Why do the rich, famous or both, usually, but not always, become supper screw ups? And sometimes their children follow in their famous mother's and fathers footsteps: into addiction and then recovery? Like Judy Garlands son, who was also a friend, while I worked as a topless dancer. Ya, he had known the depths and kind of dispare, and addiction that his mother had. Just like Charley Sheen, who's father is also famous. Is it a coincidence, or a Hollywood curse?
I went on to tell grandaddy rocker, that I had seen the cover of People (I'm not sure, if it was People Mag: it was like a month or so ago), and Angelina Joline was said, to have gone to a rehab for her heroine-cocaine addiction (those poor kids, if its true). But I had hung out with a rockabilly guitar player, who told me that she was strung out on junk and coke. All of which had happened a little bit before, and during her Billy Bob Thorton day's (so the whole Angelina Joline on drugs: really was not news to me). What was shocking and still is, is that Brad Pitt, is still sticking it out with her. Because I also had an ex-boyfriend who knew that she swung, and it was known, that she was a super-b*tch. Then Grandpa rocker chimed in at this point, not wanting to be out done by me, and had to tell me' that ya, he personally knew a T.V Exec who did more drugs then any rocker he had ever known. And that a lot of people in the movie and television industry's, had drug and alcohol problems. Really? What a surprise: aren't you surprised?
Ya, I knew about Charley Sheen, before the media did. You're probably asking how? I had hung out with his drug dealer and friend, whom had just gotten out of rehab, for doing coke, and was living with his counselor and the counselor's girlfriend. She worked with me at a bikini bar, thats how we met. Then I met him, during a summertime barbecue, which was being thrown by my friend. Actually he caught me having sex with his roomies girlfriend, in the back yard, and that's how we started hanging out. Now here's the interesting bit of info, I can't remember this 80's hipi, ex-rocker, ex-junkie's name, but I can remember what he told me that day. He told me that, he was the one who delivered Charley his coke and pills. Now get this, dilevering his purchases to the set Charley filmed on. Costing Charley $5000 American cash dollars, and then he hung out with Charley and they went shoping (I can't make this stuff up). Funny, but Charley was taking my friends anti-depressants, the same anti-depressants, I almost saw her O.D on in the bikini bars dressing room.
Here's my real mind blowing deep thought moment: which surpasses everything that I've written so far. It's not Sheen who disgust me, or Angelina Joline, or Christine Aguilar. It's the hypocrites in the media, as well as, the other rich hypocritical rich entertainers. They act like they have never gone to Hollywood party's, and have never partied. Most of these hypocrites are passing judgement on Charley and others like him, for the very things, they themselves do at those party's: which is party! But these hypocrites have never been caught, or have never had a noisy reporter think them important enought to report their drunken druged out mistakes.
Why do reporters do this to people? Isn't a person, who is a star, still human? Don't they deseve humane treatment and the right to be left alone? The News media in this country, has passed judgement on many famous people, and the list would be to extensive to mention here. One New's Caster asked on a news program: "why can't we get enough of Charley Sheen?" A better question is: "why can't the media, get enough of Charley Sheen?" Because to the media, it's funny to watch a man, who's obviously high, destroy himself and his family on T.V. Oh, ha, ha, and because we're in America: where if you're lucky enough to make millions, jealous hater's will want to see you turn into a Charley Sheen. So they can have the opertunity to destroy what's left of your reputation, name and life.
Maybe I'm the only one to feel this way but when my friends and even strangers are doing good, or at least seem to be doing good, I'm generally happy for their luck and wish them the best in life. To me envy, especially media based envy is really ugly. To me envy is even uglier then Charley Sheens' self imposed, soulless, drug induced, binge. A self imposed tragedy which has happened to many like him in the entertainment biz.
Hey, I'm not perfect, I'm a sinner, and have partied with some of the best of them. And to me, doing drugs, is like silently and bloodlessly bleeding to death. Because whether it takes two minutes or twenty years, drugs and alcohol or both will eventually kill you. So for sober men and women, who call themselves reporters of the media, to allow famous people to give interviews while under the influence, not allowing them to retain any of their former dignity is not a compassionate act, but is a cowardly one. Who's in the wrong here? The drunk, drugged up person for speaking while under the influence, or the media for knowingly allowing a man who is known to be under the influence to ruin his life.
I'm sure that the pompous media heads really helped Charley Sheens' custody case with his kids mom. So now a woman who also has drug problems, may win full custody of those kids. Those kids sure have a lot of thanking to do, to the media when they get older. Thanks for ruining our dad's life. I know this whole drug thing sucks for him, and it sucks for us too. A life destroying roast, of a very popular American man is just sad. This is one more idiot move the media didn't need to do.