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Saturday, March 5, 2011

Acident's do happen at home!

Written by Linda Mains

So where is the number one place you could have an accident? If you said your home, you've guessed right. I remember a comedian who joked: "who's responsible for coming up with the radio you stick on your shower wall? Now that man needs a sign, that says "STUPID." But really no joke, there are a lot of accidents, that can happen to a person, while hanging out at home.

Oh ya, like banging your head into open cabinet doors. Slamming fingers on counters and in refrigerator's. If you are asking yourself: "Am I accident prone? Hell yes I am! I slammed my foot into the shower faucet. Well if your asking yourself: "how the hell, did I do that?" Here's my awnser: I woke up, stumbled around, because I an not a morning person. Ya, it takes me 30 or 40 minutes to wake up, and Thank God for Ripped Fuel pills, or I'd be in la-la-land while driving to work. So I was about to step into the shower, and "WHAM"! I slammed my foot into the shower faucet. I can't scream, because my man is sleeping, and a sleeping man woken up, by a screaming girlfriend, is like a sleeping bear, who's been screamed awake. He's roaring and screaming, about why you where so noisy, and why where you so rude by waking him up . So I kept it cool, jumping around on one foot, grabbing, rubbing and patting my foot, to make the pain go away, while keeping quite.

Has anyone ever watched a friend, lover, or just anyone play the Wee games or those action filled flash light games? You know, those video games: where you hold two controllers, that look like flash lights (instead of going out side and actually playing the game in real life). While being stuck inside, playing a real life game, on a T.V screen, while looking like an idiot.  Now, the funny thing about this game is: to anyone who is actually doing it, it's fun and great. But if you're the one watching this funny shit, the person who is actually playing, looks like a complete idiot. But I really love playing the outdoor Frisbee thing. That's fun! You get to throw a Frisbee into a little chained cage area to score a point. It's to much fun! I love it! Now here's my problem with it. OK, your about to bop around, and do that wee game thing. Your almost ready to go to the beach, because you've had a long week at work. So you get out your wee controllers, you put them on, but you forgot to tighten those oh so important little straps. Now you have a glass coffee table, that is the pride of your living room. So of course, you start playing the fighting game with swords, they have on the system. Now you really start getting impassioned, like you're going to win. What happens next: you're fighting with your roomie, you lose your balance. Then you wind up taking a fall right threw your favorite coffee table. Glass shatters everywhere, but during your fall and on your way down: before crashing threw the table, the controller flies off your wrist, and flies right threw the T.V screen. So much for going to the beach, instead you'll be going to the hospital to get stiches.

Now that's an extreme case of what can happen to you, while your hanging out at your pad. Hey don't forget, don't drink to much, or you might wind up doing what my friend did. He accidentally pissed in his hamper, thinking it was his toilet! Hey, it could happen to you, if you're drunk. That's the end of this deep thought moment.

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