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Friday, March 4, 2011

Ridding Any Form of Public Transit In L.A

Written by Linda Mains

Look, I know everyone does it occasionally, either your honey or lover, or friend's have done it. Done what Sophia? Taken the bus. Ya right: there's some snooty person saying, "I've never done that!" Stop lying, it's OK, even the rich and famous have done it, somewhere in the world. At some point in their shallow lives.  Stop all the drama! Don't get crazy with me over this conversation.

So you probably wanna ask me: whats the funniest thing I've ever seen on the bus? Um, that would have to be, not what I saw, but how some people acted, when they smelled a smelly person on the Bus. Some just got up and moved, other's held their noses. I believe, there should be a law about how people are allowed to smell in public. It should be a crime, under capital punishment. Especially where I live, and I live in an upper class building. We have a lot of Indian Immigrant's living in our building, I'm not being racist, when I say, some Indians from India, smell to high heaven of B.O. Man, I went to wash my laundry just yesterday, and man, even the washer smelled of B.O. Look! There needs to be an American class about personal hygiene, when becoming American.

Anyway, sense this story isn't about B.O, and is about taking public transit. Let me get back to the subject, I love taking the bus in San Fransisco. I've made lots of great and note worthy friends on the bus. And no the bus isn't just for drunks, or people who've drank to much, like in the Two and a Half men's episode featuring Charley Sheen. Where he was forced too, because he had crashed his car or something.  Yes, it's funny to me, that the only places that people meet or talk to each other any more, is online, on a bus, or at work. Why
is that? Man, in a society where the Sim's have taken over real family values. I remember watching my son always playing the Sims. Yes, the Sim's the lamest interactive video game in the world. It's like people have lost the art of meeting each other, making new friend ships, and being human. Can someone please explain why this is happening? Another interesting fact in Cali, people are always driving: then they wonder why they're fat? Hey, it's because you don't move when your driving: you just sit on your butt, getting bigger and bigger. The lost art of walking, some of us in America, really need to learn how to just walk. It's literally amazing to me, that people whom always drive, and stuff their faces with Fat Burgers, don't  just drop dead from heart attacks everywhere.

Anyway, when I walk down the street, and I see all these people driving around in their caskets on wheels. I always think to myself, what would happen to the world if we ran out of oil? I personally believe, people would stop existing without their cars. Especially men, whom pride themselves on what kind of car they're driving. Hey, I'm not a saint, I've dated a guy whom owned a Mercedes, I loved that car. To bad I didn't love him as much as that car. So when he sold it, I dumbed him. Ya, I used to be materialistic, and back then it mattered to me, what my man drove. Don't give me that judgmental, crossed eyed look. A lot of woman have done it, and that's why guys drive those car's. I believe that the Mercedes manufacturer, might go out of biz, if it wasn't for men wanting to score lots of tail. Especially guys over 40, closer to 50.

So my deep thought moment is ending for today, but before I check out of my blog for the day. Get outside, take a walk, and learn how to take the bus and learn how to just be.  It's fun, you'll meet people who will actually like you, for the person you are, not the person your trying to be.   

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