Hey party people, sorry it took me so long, to get started today, with this deep thought moment. But I was dealing with an arch nemeses creative work today. My sidebars where missing, so I had to work on html coding and I was also removing hack, from my site, for a couple of hours. Come on people! Please stop being so f-ing juvenile. Writing is my dream. So if you believe, that I'm going to let a dream die, simple because of someone, that I have or haven't seen for a couple of years. That person is dead wrong! Yes sometimes I do sing; "I am the champion, while walking down the street."
OK, let me get on with today's deep thought moment, that hasn't been ruined by hate...yet? But there's still a chance, for stormy weather, ahead in my life today. You're probably asking yourself, what the hell are you talking about Linda? Well...I want to talk about people, whom never learn, to leave sleeping tigers alone. My mother used to tell me, people who poke tigers with sticks. One day will eventually be attacked by that tiger! Has anyone out there in reader land, met a person who has poked you with a stick? A person who never seemed to get the hint. That you didn't want anything to do with them! And...that their life's and yours, where not intertwined at the hip.
No names mentioned here in this story, but...I have had the unfortunate luck. Of actually befriending one of these crazies. Maybe, I was too good to him, or...maybe, I wasn't good enough? Either way, I just don't care anymore about this person. I'm no longer his, and I am in a relationship with someone else. This person has slandered me on web sites for years. Doing his slanderous deeds, all over the Internet-highway, for over 4 years. When will this person learn, that we are no longer connected at the hip? Look, we're not buds, and I really want him, to stop trying to destroy my life and attempting to find fame by slandering me or anyone I care about. Or...don't I deserve a life, after meeting this mental-giant? Look, I had a 9 year restraining order against my kids father, and even he, hasn't harassed me, as much as this fool has.
Look! I'm not Jesus! I don't know where the Holly Grail is. So I won't be needing any obsessed followers, following me around. Because...I know I'm not saying, that my way, is the only way into heaven! So sense I'm not trying for this type of negative attention. Whats up with all the hate? There are some people, whom are just no good! These individuals believe, that their being real "cool," by making other peoples lives, absolutely, horribly, miserable. Now why the hell, would I or...anybody, want anyone like this in their worlds? Hopefully, most of you reading this, have said; "hell no! I don't want anyone, like this, in my world."
Here's the funny thing, about how I really feel about hatters, and life destroyers. Whom may at this moment be reading this? Look, the rest of the world and me, have our own problems, We don't need "YOU" meaning the "life-destroyers", destroying our hobbies, personal relationships, or...lives. Why? Because we have life's, and our own problems to deal with. We also don't want anyone making more problems for us. Is being mean to anyone or me, really going to make anybody, whom participates in this type of negative Nannie b.s behavior, lives better? Why would you want everybody in your little-circle or big-circle of friends. Constantly thinking that you're a giant A-hole? Can someone tell me, how destroying a persons well-being, is going to help anybody like this, who obviously has self-esteem issues...feel better?
Ya, I guess this is an angry post. But...I'm sick of taking this type of abusive shit! I didn't do anything, to this idiot, which he couldn't of moved on from in 4 years. I basically almost lost everything, trying to help this fool out. He's the one who lied about needing a roommates help with paying rent. The reality of the situation was, he only wanted, to use and abuse me sexually. While I paid most of his rent. He over charged me in rent, for every month, that I lived with him. And thought very little of me, and would tell me so, on a regular basses. I personally believe, that people like him, must have very low self esteems and very black-souls. Otherwise they wouldn't have become such ugly, rotten people! The kind of people, whom have turned black-hearted, and ugly on the inside, because...of all their hate and vengeance.
I just want all my readers to know. Yes at one time, I was involved, in the adult entertainment business. Let me tell you, exactly what I learned...while being a female performer in that underpaid, over glorified, red carpeted-world. I leaned, that most people, whom are willing, to do any sexual act, for money on film. Knowing that they are getting to low of a fee of almost free nowadays. Especially, for most male, adult performers. You'll really need to watch your back! Especially in your dealings with some of these bitter men, or as the industry calls them (porn-mobs). They'll tell you they're big stars in the XXX industry. Yes...being underpaid, does make people angry, especially if you don't become what you wanted to become..."FAMOUS!" I wasn't talked into doing things, that I couldn't live with or...didn't want to do, or....only did, because I was looking for some kind of over-glorified, undeserved, fame. Or...only did it, because...I was getting paid or needed drugs. I figured, if I had done those sex acts on films. Then those extreme types of sex acts, would or could have, turned me into an evil person or pushed me over the edge into insanity. Or...at the very least, I would have become a very bitter one. So, I just didn't perform, in extreme XXX films, when I did perform. Yes, evil does exist, especially in the XXX industry. I've seen it!
There are individuals that seem to almost be talking in tongs, they've become so emotionally screwed, while performing in porn. Or maybe decay and bitterness, has entered into their already blackened-souls. But...either way, I have discovered that dealing with the porn-mob, for the most part was, and for the most part is still, not worth my time, life or...effort. There are the few exceptions...but, they're getting fewer and fewer all the time.
I'm not angry at all porn performers, and I wish the best to all the male and female performers out there. In this story, I was not referring to the "NORMAL" performers. I'm talking about the emotionally damaged "CRAZY" ones. I am no longer involved, for the most part with that business, because of the damaged performer, that I had the unfortunate luck of moving in with. Due to the simple fact, that the man that can't stand me, has dirtied and ruined my reputation, and relationships in that God Forsaken Industry. And pretty much, has had me black-balled from the biz. Something, which I thank him, and God for everyday.
I don't believe that any of us need these, jealous, vindictive, idiots in our lives! But...everywhere you go, at least in California, you had better look like a 10, even while shopping. Or you're going to hear some idiot, somewhere, saying something...about how you don't look good enough. I've had fantasy's about going up to people, and just telling them; "my life or...how I'm dressed is none of you f-ing business! If I don't want to dress up, I won't! Now bugger off!" I didn't know, that being allowed to exist, was some kind, of stupid fashion contest? I'm deeper then the f-ing cloths on my back! It's like Shallow Hall out here, in real time, in California. Everybody is in everybody elses business. If I want to be a slob I will be! If I want to eat fattening ice cream, in front of you I will! If I want to hang out with my man I will! If you don't think I'm hot enough to be with him, and snicker as I walk by. I might tell you to, "suck a D***!"
Because guess what haters? This is my life! I do not exist, to make your silly asses happy. I'm here, to simply enjoy and prosper, just like all of you should be doing. So stop being so concerned, with what your neighbors or I am doing right now, or with who. Please to all the negative Nanny's out their, learn something called minding your own business. Who the hell are you, to tell anyone or me, that we suck? Negative Nannie's, stop the hate, its ugly. If you don't learn how to change, your going to turn into, the ugly and the not so ugly... and the, just rotten. Peace out Linda Mains.
OK, let me get on with today's deep thought moment, that hasn't been ruined by hate...yet? But there's still a chance, for stormy weather, ahead in my life today. You're probably asking yourself, what the hell are you talking about Linda? Well...I want to talk about people, whom never learn, to leave sleeping tigers alone. My mother used to tell me, people who poke tigers with sticks. One day will eventually be attacked by that tiger! Has anyone out there in reader land, met a person who has poked you with a stick? A person who never seemed to get the hint. That you didn't want anything to do with them! And...that their life's and yours, where not intertwined at the hip.
No names mentioned here in this story, but...I have had the unfortunate luck. Of actually befriending one of these crazies. Maybe, I was too good to him, or...maybe, I wasn't good enough? Either way, I just don't care anymore about this person. I'm no longer his, and I am in a relationship with someone else. This person has slandered me on web sites for years. Doing his slanderous deeds, all over the Internet-highway, for over 4 years. When will this person learn, that we are no longer connected at the hip? Look, we're not buds, and I really want him, to stop trying to destroy my life and attempting to find fame by slandering me or anyone I care about. Or...don't I deserve a life, after meeting this mental-giant? Look, I had a 9 year restraining order against my kids father, and even he, hasn't harassed me, as much as this fool has.
Look! I'm not Jesus! I don't know where the Holly Grail is. So I won't be needing any obsessed followers, following me around. Because...I know I'm not saying, that my way, is the only way into heaven! So sense I'm not trying for this type of negative attention. Whats up with all the hate? There are some people, whom are just no good! These individuals believe, that their being real "cool," by making other peoples lives, absolutely, horribly, miserable. Now why the hell, would I or...anybody, want anyone like this in their worlds? Hopefully, most of you reading this, have said; "hell no! I don't want anyone, like this, in my world."
Here's the funny thing, about how I really feel about hatters, and life destroyers. Whom may at this moment be reading this? Look, the rest of the world and me, have our own problems, We don't need "YOU" meaning the "life-destroyers", destroying our hobbies, personal relationships, or...lives. Why? Because we have life's, and our own problems to deal with. We also don't want anyone making more problems for us. Is being mean to anyone or me, really going to make anybody, whom participates in this type of negative Nannie b.s behavior, lives better? Why would you want everybody in your little-circle or big-circle of friends. Constantly thinking that you're a giant A-hole? Can someone tell me, how destroying a persons well-being, is going to help anybody like this, who obviously has self-esteem issues...feel better?
Ya, I guess this is an angry post. But...I'm sick of taking this type of abusive shit! I didn't do anything, to this idiot, which he couldn't of moved on from in 4 years. I basically almost lost everything, trying to help this fool out. He's the one who lied about needing a roommates help with paying rent. The reality of the situation was, he only wanted, to use and abuse me sexually. While I paid most of his rent. He over charged me in rent, for every month, that I lived with him. And thought very little of me, and would tell me so, on a regular basses. I personally believe, that people like him, must have very low self esteems and very black-souls. Otherwise they wouldn't have become such ugly, rotten people! The kind of people, whom have turned black-hearted, and ugly on the inside, because...of all their hate and vengeance.
I just want all my readers to know. Yes at one time, I was involved, in the adult entertainment business. Let me tell you, exactly what I learned...while being a female performer in that underpaid, over glorified, red carpeted-world. I leaned, that most people, whom are willing, to do any sexual act, for money on film. Knowing that they are getting to low of a fee of almost free nowadays. Especially, for most male, adult performers. You'll really need to watch your back! Especially in your dealings with some of these bitter men, or as the industry calls them (porn-mobs). They'll tell you they're big stars in the XXX industry. Yes...being underpaid, does make people angry, especially if you don't become what you wanted to become..."FAMOUS!" I wasn't talked into doing things, that I couldn't live with or...didn't want to do, or....only did, because I was looking for some kind of over-glorified, undeserved, fame. Or...only did it, because...I was getting paid or needed drugs. I figured, if I had done those sex acts on films. Then those extreme types of sex acts, would or could have, turned me into an evil person or pushed me over the edge into insanity. Or...at the very least, I would have become a very bitter one. So, I just didn't perform, in extreme XXX films, when I did perform. Yes, evil does exist, especially in the XXX industry. I've seen it!
There are individuals that seem to almost be talking in tongs, they've become so emotionally screwed, while performing in porn. Or maybe decay and bitterness, has entered into their already blackened-souls. But...either way, I have discovered that dealing with the porn-mob, for the most part was, and for the most part is still, not worth my time, life or...effort. There are the few exceptions...but, they're getting fewer and fewer all the time.
I'm not angry at all porn performers, and I wish the best to all the male and female performers out there. In this story, I was not referring to the "NORMAL" performers. I'm talking about the emotionally damaged "CRAZY" ones. I am no longer involved, for the most part with that business, because of the damaged performer, that I had the unfortunate luck of moving in with. Due to the simple fact, that the man that can't stand me, has dirtied and ruined my reputation, and relationships in that God Forsaken Industry. And pretty much, has had me black-balled from the biz. Something, which I thank him, and God for everyday.
I don't believe that any of us need these, jealous, vindictive, idiots in our lives! But...everywhere you go, at least in California, you had better look like a 10, even while shopping. Or you're going to hear some idiot, somewhere, saying something...about how you don't look good enough. I've had fantasy's about going up to people, and just telling them; "my life or...how I'm dressed is none of you f-ing business! If I don't want to dress up, I won't! Now bugger off!" I didn't know, that being allowed to exist, was some kind, of stupid fashion contest? I'm deeper then the f-ing cloths on my back! It's like Shallow Hall out here, in real time, in California. Everybody is in everybody elses business. If I want to be a slob I will be! If I want to eat fattening ice cream, in front of you I will! If I want to hang out with my man I will! If you don't think I'm hot enough to be with him, and snicker as I walk by. I might tell you to, "suck a D***!"
Because guess what haters? This is my life! I do not exist, to make your silly asses happy. I'm here, to simply enjoy and prosper, just like all of you should be doing. So stop being so concerned, with what your neighbors or I am doing right now, or with who. Please to all the negative Nanny's out their, learn something called minding your own business. Who the hell are you, to tell anyone or me, that we suck? Negative Nannie's, stop the hate, its ugly. If you don't learn how to change, your going to turn into, the ugly and the not so ugly... and the, just rotten. Peace out Linda Mains.
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