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Monday, March 28, 2011

Can evil people become good people? Is it even a possibility?

Today's deep thought moment, which took me more then an hour of thinking about, to actually come up with. Here it is "can evil people become good people? Is it even a possibility?"

Look I'm no goodie-goodie, but...I believe, that anyone is capable of changing. I also believe, that some people, may even go on to become the good guys. Especially in times of trouble, just like in the movie Defiance. This movie was released in 2008 and it caused a panic, because party was based on a true story. Tuvia, Zus and Asael Bielski (kicked some Nazi ass!). They then decided to change the fate of 1200 Jews. This happened during World II.'s the amazing thing about these brother's. Just like in the movie Megamind...super-villain Megamind (Ferrell) kills his good-guy nemesis. Mega Mind becomes bored, because he killed the only super-hero in the city. So he went on to create a new foe, Titan (Hill) but...instead of using his supper-powers for good. Titan sets out to destroy the world! Which makes Megamind, the only person, whose willing to stand up against Titan. Which leaves Megamind,(the villain)to save the day! Something that he does, for the first time in his entire life. Party people it only takes one good act to make up for the all the bad... To me Life is all about the potential in a persons life.

When any society uses the death sentence as a way of punishment. They destroy the future. There are lots of reasons why people turn bad. The reasons could be where they grew up, all the way to being abused as children, or...because of mental problems. ending any ones life. Really the answer, in making any type of positive-permanent-change in our world? Doesn't imposing the death-penalty...make all of humanity just as bad as the killer? the phycos that we're pretending to stop? Look, I'm definitely not perfect enough, to even be talking about this. But someone has to! Even I realize, the stupidity in ending peoples lives, simply, because...they committed a crime. I'm against the death penalty! Because...the line between good and evil, is just to blurry, for me personally to make any-kind of unbiased decision, about taking another human beings life threw the death penalty. A prime example of how stupid the death sentence is, are the brothers Tuvia, Zus and Asail Bielski, now they where criminals. That went on to lead a resistance movement, against the legalized-illegal killing of Jews in World War II. Yes they killed many men. So these two brother's...then went on to teach 1200 Jewish people, how to fight and kill Nazis,(the biggest scerch of all time). Sometimes in our lives, the line between right and wrong, becomes a very difficult subject to judge.

Anyone is capable of change! You, me, doesn't matter, what culture you come from. It also doesn't matter, how moral or immoral you may be either. Changing and doing the right thing, actually only takes one act, and that's called "courage." It takes courage to say "my life is worth something, and I won't let anyone, take it from me!" No one has the right to tell me, because I don't live my life in accordance, with their made up rules. That I'm not living my life, the way I'm supposed to be living it! To me murder is murder! So if humanity is going to kill a few, for the act of killing. Then we are going to have to judge everyone, who has ever killed in the same way. Otherwise capital punishment is not fair to anyone! Why do the few, have to pay, for what many in humanity, seem to have gotten away with? Is that fair? I realize life isn't fair. But...people are capable of change. Even the most hardened criminals, and screw-ups, are capable...of turning their lives around. Some will even go on, to become like Megamind, the good guys.

I'm sick of all the religious-freaks in this country and abroad. Whom are constantly passing judgement on everybody, who A. don't live their lives in the way these crazies expect them to, or B. don't believe in what these crazies think they should be believing in. I'm a woman, and I'm seeing what's constantly going on in this world. Especially what's going on in the Middle East. The Middle East is a prime example, of how a group of people, can destroy other's lives, with their made-up laws...about how people should or...shouldn't be. I saw something on the news this weekend, that made me sick to my stomach, in that God forsaken part of the world. It was reported that this woman was rapped. As if being raped wasn't bad enough. Instead of her backward-culture, protecting her, which to me would have been the right thing to do. Hopefully after that throwing the criminal who was responsible in jail for raping this woman. Guess what her culture went and did do? The A-hole that committed this crime, went and told his ass-backwards-judicial-system, that she was a whore. So guess who went to jail? Her! Makes sense right? After being raped...she'll probably be killed. It's completely unbelievable! She was a law student, who could have gone on, to do great things! But...because she lives in a country, where animals make laws, that protect the real criminals. All the potential she had will never be realized. But...she's only one of probably thousands of women. Women whom have lived in the Middle East which have been murdered for no legitimate reason. She may have gone on to become a saint, but...we'll never know now. Why? Because...some Middle-Eastern Idiots, snuffed-out her life. Not only destroying the hope that her life had, but...also breaking her parents heart's, for absolutely no good reason.

I'm sick of all violence and the reasons for that violence! I'm also sick of people passing-judgement on others around the world! No matter how many years go by, people never learn, that violence begits more violence! Not less! My life isn't better then anyone elses, and it sadens me, to know, that somewhere in the world, people are constantly lossing their lives, for absolutly no-good reason. Humanity needs to end these types of killings at all costs. When someone losses their life, you take away their potential, from humanity. Those dead people, could have gone on with their lives, and changed! But because...either their governments, or...those governments laws said it was alright to kill them, these people no longer exist in any society. So their potential to change has been whiped out. Their futures and the futures of their loved ones, have been changed forever. Some of these lives, that where touched by these deaths, may never be the same. And...the people whom are left behind, are left to grief for them.

I've had first hand experience seeing this. One of my fathers naibors, is a survivor of a German concentration camp. He saw his father shot in the head, right in front of him. Now he's almost 70 years old. He came over to our house one night, and was watching a movie where a young boy lost his father. It touched me because even all these years later. I caught him fighting back the tears! To me, he's the best example, of why we need to stop killing each other. Why? Because you never forget family, and killing doesn't bring the dead back to life. What it does do, is subjicate more people, to the emotional scars, of losing their loved ones! These murderous acts, will set up, the birth of more Megaminds in the world. But...if someone would have killed, what most would consider, to be the worst amongst us, like a "Megamind." Something would have been lost to the future of humanity, and that thing is called hope. Thats the end of this deep thought moment.

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