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Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dealing with the INSANE and those that Live in Denial

Linda Mains

I'm going to free write today: for today's deep thought moment. The toilet was running in my bathroom. I had to give it a jiggle.

OK enough rambling, here's my deep thought for today. Why do people seem to live in a constant state of denial? Oh, like you guys in reader land, don't know people, whom trick themselves. Then try to trick you into believing that their crappy existences are "so" great.

I'm not like billions of people in the world living in denial. So why do so many people in California and the world live in denial? If I can admit that any relationship I have totally sucks, why can't other people? Is that the only way millions of people, whom live around the world can survive? So they won't commit suicide, by lying to themselves and everyone else: that their lives don't suck?

Let me give you guys an example of a person living in denial:

You have a friend, we'll call him Sam. Sam lives in a run down part of L.A, and he's paying way to much money in rent. Now you've never been to Sam's apartment, for all you know he could be living in a card board box. Why? Because you have never seen his place. Now he gave you the directions in an e-mail to his pad. Directions which are connected to your cell phone. So you Google those directions. While you're driving down a couple of decaying streets, that head towards Sam's house, you have seen five homeless people so far. With one of those homeless people building a cardboard mansion on the sidewalk 4 blocks before Sam's apartment.

Now you have finally, managed to find Sam's apartment. Sam should be named Waldo, because you can't believe you have finally found his apartment. But wait! You can't find any parking, because there is five family's whom are squeezed together. These family's all seem to be living, in every apartment unit in Sam's building. With each family owning a car! So there is zero parking in Sam's naiborhood. When you finally do find parking. The parking available, is four blocks away. So you put the alarm on in your car. Why? Of course you know that's it's not safe to park there. You're like great narrative Linda, thanks.

As soon as you step outside of what you call a luxury ride, that most people call a Honda. What do you smell? An illegal-immigrant-vendor, illegally-grilling-hogies and unions, on a rigged looking grill. Which isn't a grill at all, but in all actuality, it's a cookie tray over a flame. The cookie tray grill is attached to a mini propane tank. Isn't Sam's place, starting to sound 5 star, to you yet?

After you pass the cookie-tray-grill, cafe master. You watch another illegal pass by, in Sam's rundown neighbored. He's pushing and pulling, a two wheel, under his own power, ice-cream refrigerator cart. this cart goes anywhere he wants it to, as long as he's pushing! You just can't pass up that offer, so you grab an Ice Cream. You continue on with your journey to Sam's apartment.

Now while on this journey you notice: you're walking past pile, after pile, of dog poop! But you're still trying to get to your destination, Sam's apartment. Hopefully without getting those piles of dog-poop, on the bottom of your snake-skin-boots. But right in front of you, a man is yelling in Arabic, at another man that's he's chasing. The man who is being chased just ran right by by you. The man who is chasing him, throws a heavy frying pan, right at that man's head. Hitting him and knocking him out cold!

You're shocked, you're terrified in a moment of primal fear. So the man who knocked him out, has the ball's to ask you: "if he can use your phone?" Of course you say: "yes you can use my phone to call the cops." The victim in this ugly scene, then proceeds to call the cops. Taking him eight whole minutes to finish. Now the peramidic's also arive to assit the knocked out man. Who's lying knocked out cold in-front of you, all because he had tried to rob the man with the frying pan. Do you still think Sam lives in a nice neighborhood?

You're finally back on track, eventually getting to Sam's place. At this point you're one whole block away. But before you get there. A Mexican-momma-sita who is standing in-front of a giant pot. A pot which at that moment is steaming, asks you: "if you'd like some corn on a stick?" She's even willing to smother the corn, in some Manase and hot sauce for you.

Finally, you've made it to Sam's apartment. You call him, he then gives you his security code. You'll need it to get in the front door of his building. But what he didn't tell you, was, you'd be tracking it up four flights of stairs. Why? Because his mansion's elevator is broken! You're no professional-athlete, so sweat start's dripping, all over your designer suit.

Finally, you make it to Sam's front door. So whats the first thing you're going to notice about Sam's pad? Noticing this tragedy against color combinations, before you even walk threw the front door. You'll notice the color's on the wall, which are the God awful colors of puke avocado green, and puke bright orange! Which are making you dizzy, and sea sick: if you look at these colors, for more than a couple of minutes at a time. They're kinda like a bad drunk that you had, and make you wanna vomit.

So you ring Sam's door bell: which completes two rings, and then seem's to short out. Sam comes to the door, he invites you in. So what is the first thing that you will be noticing about Sam's apartment? You will notice that the paint is chipping off of the ceiling, but you're also going to notice, that you are being constantly attacked by flies in Sam's rundown apartment. You then ask Sam: "what's up with all of the flies?" He responds by telling you: "the manager has forgotten to give him the screens for the windows."

You've driven over 40 minutes, and you've walked over a mile, to get to Sam's pad. So at this point, your dying to use the bathroom. But when you get into Sam's bathroom: you have to cover your mouth to stop from screaming! Why? Because you have seen better kept truck-stops, then what you're seeing in Sam's bathroom. Everything in his squalered bathroom, is covered in black-mold, mildew, and all of his faucets are leaking! Plus as if all of that wasn't bad enough. There is also black mold on Sam's bathroom ceiling.

After you have washed your hands, from fear of being infected by the Swine Flu, or some other contagious disease. Due to Sam's squallered, pigsty conditions. You go back to his living room, and are being constantly swarmed, and attacked by a huge swarm of flies. Sam turns around and ask you: "isn't this place great?" Telling you how much he loves his place.

Now to me, that's denial in it's truest form. So naturally, you ask Sam: "how much do you pay in rent Sam?" Sam's answer: "oh, only twelve hundred a month, but isn't this place sweet?" Now, you and I both know, Sam is getting burned: but what can you do?
That's the end, of this deep thought moment for today. I hope that you're not living in denial, or hell like I was. Sometimes: you just have to wise up and realize. Maybe it's you and your thoughts, that are making things suck in your friendships, relationships, and life. Or maybe your apartment really does suck.

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