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Friday, March 11, 2011

Smarts: "Who has it?"

Written by Linda Mains

WOW, there are so many deep thought topics, that I can cover. That it's hard to pick a starting point. you know my Grandmas always saying: "you know how much I like you?" And you'll say: "how much do you like me?" And she'll answer: "I don't!" I just wanted to throw a very random thought in the mix today.

OK, your like Linda, could you please get to the point, I'm eating lunch. Linda, what's the topic, what's the topic today? OK party people, here's the topic: "people who think that they are smarter, then they really are." First off, I'm no Algebra pro or tutor, and I'm not Gorge Almighty either: but I'm no dummy! Oh don't blink your beady, little, blood shot eye's at me! Ya, you know who I'm talking about. That may cover a lot of people you might know.

Oh, there's a list of so-called professionals, who are on the smarter then we really are list. And just because you make lot's of money, does not always equal genius. It just means, your luckier than most of society. When it comes to making truck loads of money. It does not necessarily mean, that you are smarter then anybody. Unless, you are Bill Gates, who really is smart. I wouldn't say that about Donald Trump, he's not smarter. Why? Because, I have no idea why, any millionaire whom has millions, would star in such a stupid show. Do you? I'm surprised he hasn't shown his mug, on how to marry a millionaire yet. His actions make no sense to me, maybe they make sense to you.

So here's my list, of so-called professionals who make the: "smarter then we actually are list." These individuals, really believe, that every word they utter, is the smartest on the planet, and that we should all listen to every utterance, from their lips as the truth. They truly believe, that they are of a race, of supper-intelligent being's. Spouting off facts and quotes, as if they are in the know. Just because, someone thought, that they where great enough, to stick in front of a camera somewhere. Here's my disclaimer, "some but not all: rock-star's, movie-star's, director's, T.V. actors and news anchors. Oh and of course Charley Sheen, who's just full of true facts, and statements: where's this guys ball-gag?

Anyway, I believe that sounding smarter than you actually are, can be found for the most part, in the mammal, that's called man. Especially in men whom call themselves Democrats. Sorry to all the men who call themselves democrats in the U.S. But I have met four of the most self-centered, self righteous, can never be politically wrong, democrats in all of the U.S, I think. These men thought that the Democratic party, was carrying around the wholly grail, and could do no wrong! God forbid, you didn't agree with their overrated political views, because you had better have your bullet proof vest on. Especially during any discussion, or while disusing any political view. You might discuss with these pot smoking, democratic, hot heads.

Another type of person, who believes that they're smarter than everybody else, is the on-line college student. I don't know how many of these idiots, I have met in Cali, but there has been a lot of them. Geese! Just because, some really expensive, on-line college, is willing to take you on as a student. By throwing thousands, upon thousands of dollars, in loans on your lap. Does not make you a first, or second year genius! It makes you stupid! Because, any city college has better teachers, and costs half of what your going to have to pay back in loans. Courses on line, may not even get you a real job. So you'll be working at a grocery store one day, trying to pay what your going to owe on those loans. Now that's not smart.

You know which colleges I'm talking about, like the university of Phoenix or Devry, or any one of a 100 on-line campuses. So some uneducated dumb-ass, somewhere, who can barely write their own names, without having to look them up. Who gets a few good grades, on a couple of on-line essays. After finally, learning how to write those same essays on line. So these hot-air-bags, will go around "acting" like they're smarter, and better then everybody else. Even smarter and better, then people whom attained A's, and whom attended real colleges in person. Why? Due to the fact, that some on-line teacher somewhere, who's probably picking his or her butt. While grading their half ass'd essay's, because they are long and boring. The same teachers, who will give them A's, grading their essay's on a curve, because he or she is only teaching on-line, to achieve their weekly paychecks. You're asking: why is that Linda? Because these teacher's, know that more than half of these losers, whom call themselves on-line students. Probably won't, either A. Finish or B. Find a real job after graduating. So these on-line teacher's really aren't going to care, about what grades they give on essays. I mean, unless the essay, completely and utterly blows! So some on-line idiot somewhere, is going to feel higher then the clouds, because of the A's they received on-line. Which his or her falsely inflated ego, is going to think. Anyone who's not also an on-line student, in all actuality, is dumb. So these on-line students, are going to artificially think, that they are smarter then everybody else. Which is total and utter B.S!

Another person who thinks that they are smarter then they really are: are people who always get caught, trying to be sneakier, then their intelligence allows for. Now only really dumb people ever try this. These are the idiots, whom are always trying, to take a dollar something out a cash registers around the U.S. Knowing Damn well, that there is a security camera above them. Then they'll say to their bosses, I was only borrowing that money. They're also the same types of people who make lame excuses, to friends, relatives, or employers, about where they've been. But these sorry dim witted individuals, are forever trying to pull a fast one, on you and me. Except these moron's, aren't fast enough, to pull it off.

Oh I'm on a tangent, there are also those dummies, whom have to tell you how everything works. You know the type: don't you? He or she is the type, of yellow helmet wearing individual, who has to explain to you, how things work! Even though, you already know, how it works. If you tell these morons, that you know how it works, they're going to "explode" and they may even become violent. You can't even get a word in edge wise, against these professor's of genius, without being cut off. Why? Because in their wrong thinking, about how they are always right. Due to the simple fact that they think, they are smarter then everybody else.

There are a few more so-called professionals, whom have made the list: which include, the Personal Trainer. He or she has all the answers, that every bit of fitness advice, that they give is always right. Not! And people whom work in health food stores: some of these individuals, act like they run diet clinics, and are health food Doctors. And that their health food advice, is the smartest in town. It's usually not! Oh, and computer site designers, whom use Dream Weaver. Oh, wait, I know there are some computer guys, who are laughing their asses off over that one! Well, if you need a program, to build a site, where's your yellow helmet?

Anyway that's the end of todays, deep thought moment. Viva la resistance against stupidity.

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