Today my deep thought moment is about "DEATH". That's a rather bleak subject Linda. Ya, I know, but I just have to discuss it. Does anyone remember the Family Guy Character death, and how: Peter the father in the show, was struck down by lightning one day? Does anyone also remember in that episode, that Peter, was trying to get back into his body, right when death came along? Death told Peter: your not getting back in, that way.
Anyway, is it all destiny, when it comes to people dying? Or is it better to grow old, decay threw the years, then finally become an unrecognizable bag of aging flesh? At some point in your decaying life, even your own family members, won't visit you, or recognize the person you have become. They say God has thought about everything, before anything was ever created. So do you think God, actually came up with bullets, to stop the aging, decaying, process? Is it better to die young and quick, then to die at 90 something? When you won't even be able, to remember your own name? It will be time when some foreign nurse, will be spoon feeding your cream of wheat to you. While simultaneously changing your depends undergarments for you.
The budest says: that the centurion teaches man, compassion, respect and kindness. But what about that centurion? Who can no longer participate in any of their beloved activity's, and who needs, constant help and care Whom has no memory of the day, or that days events. They say God works in mysterious ways. Well to me, life is like a crap game, and your never going to know, what cards your life is going to be dwelt, until the final match.
Hey, don't look at me cross eyed, I believe in God: I just have a few unanswered question's? Like: why is it alright to kill men in foreign lands, with out going to prison for life, as long as your a soldier? Why if your in a gang, and if you defend yourself by shooting back. Lets say you accidental kill your assailant. How come, if you defended yourself, why would you get any prison time at all? Both the assailants where in gangs: right? What I'm trying to say, is, if you kill someone in self defence, you are going to do some kind of jail time. While a soldier, who in all probability, will be killing a foreign fighter, won't do any time at all. For killing a person or should I say human being. Isn't killing, killing, or is it something else? Who makes these rules, and is killing, because of some cause, not just the killing of an unarmed, faceless, fighter. What I'm trying to say, is that a couple of years after the dust has cleared: does anyone even remember, what the fight was about? Didn't most of these fighters, on both sides, die in vane, to be forgotten in the passages of time, over an unmemorable fight.
Look, I'm no green peace, democratic, goodie, goodie, either. But I was born after Vietnam. During my life-time, the world has seen more social unrest, and wars, then any other time in history. The 20th century, should have been called, the century, dedicated to killing. So is death for a cause, better then dieing, in a pair of depends-under-garments? It's funny " I believe that thow shall not kill, didn't even make the top two commandments." Could it have been that, even back then, human life really wasn't as important as it should have been? Or was it because, there was so many deceases thousands of years ago? What was the life expectancy back then like 35, so when Jesus was crucified he was considered older back in the day.
Has humanity as a whole, become smarter or dumber? Well back in the day, thousands of years ago. They believed in God, but they didn't kill in the name of God. So who was brighter are ancestor's, or us? Do you think Socrates, or any other historic figure from ancient history, would have strapped a bomb to himself, and blown him self up, for any stupid cause? No! So I believe, that ancient humanity, was way smarter, then most in certain society's around the world.
Wow, no matter how much times passes, humanity still hasn't figured out a way to defeat death. But we sure have figured out plenty of ways, to kill ourselves and others a lot faster. Once you're born, your own personal hour glass, starts to run out. It's inevitable, someway, somehow, you are going to die! Weather it's in a car crash, from a decease, weather you're murdered, or blown up by some religious fanatic somewhere. Your death could happen in a billion different ways. When your time is up, it's up!
Death or the character who plays him, sure has his hands full in our passage of time. We still have, all the same disaster's, that our ancestor's had thousands of years ago. Even though we can handle those disaster's better now then back then. People will always be killed or die threw some type of murder, disaster or from natural causes. I guess, no matter who you are, you are going to die. Your life will at times be painful, brutal, and at some point, end without warning. So to end this deep thought moment, be carefully, but if you wind up seeing death, tell him I said "hi".
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