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Thursday, March 24, 2011

Obama Can You Please Get Us The Hell Out of the Middle East!

Written by Linda Mains

What can I say...after years of being in wars. Our current President, who had said in his campaign speeches. He was going to get us out of the Middle East, has gone and done it again. Gee thanks Mr. President. Who also besides the millionaire politicians, is...probally the only person in America whom is really happy about this NEW WAR. Anytime you use war planes to attack another country. I don't care what you're telling me. I believe it's a war! I don't believe it's a humanitarian cause! No it's not a humanitarian thing, where our country is sending watter over to the other countrys or...sending them blankets. PEOPLE! It's a war, someones going to get killed. I don't care how you want to candy coat it or...the reasons that we're in that country in the first place. A war is a war!

Can America afford, (is the government printing phony money?) I thought we where going broke. But we're obviously not broke enough, because now our pompous, b.s government and President is...driving us head-long into another unwinnable war. Do we as American's have the right not to fight? I believe in what Gandhi did, we should all just sit down, while saying "we won't be involved in anyone else's wars! Oh, but this humanitarian crusade, yes I said it, going to cost the U.S more money and families in the U.S more heartbreak, when their children, husbands or...wifes are killed. Or...these sons and daughters of the U.S will come back from another unescesarry war, emotionally scared for life! Way to go Obama!

What about our people, what about our son's and daughters. Why do we have to fight other peoples battles, over and over again. Oh to stop a blood bath! Really? People do you know how many acts of Genocide have happened sense the attempted extermination of the Jewish race? I believe there have been 4 or 5 other genocides since then, (don't quote me, because...I don't feel like looking it up, it disgusts me.) so now our government is telling us..."well we feel so badly, that we didn't do anything about those acts of genocide from happening. That in this one case in Lebanon, we're going to stop it. Before any killing happens there." But...Obama...we don't have the money to finance this war! So why is our country fighting it?

Our country is going broke, because...we constantly have to be the good guys, somewhere in the world. Meanwhile some States are firring thier employees, simply because they don't have the money to pay them. Is there an oxymoron in this somewhere...we are a nation of the richest-dumbest people ever. We don't need to be in the Middle East at all! Let NATO take care of Lebanon. No NATO leader is going to look at America, like we're a bunch of whimp's, especially after fighting in Iraq and Afghanistan for as long as we have been fighting both those wars. Why oh why, can't the President and our Government just mind their own business...when it comes to foreign affairs and starting wars? Look party people, I'm no goodie- goodie and I'm defiantly not a whimp, but...enough is enough!

Is the American Military, turning into the crusader's for the Middle East? Starting wars simply because it's a good cause? Aren't we only supposed to start wars, when we are attacked? The last time we where attacked or... there was a real reason to be fighting, was Durring the 2nd World War. Against a real axes of evil, against Japan and Hitler's Germany. Since that time, there really hasn't been, a good enough reason to even be in a war. Dying is still dying! So being killed, because...of some forgettable war, which is going on somewhere in the world. To me this war is not really a good enough reason to fight or be killed over. We always come to the aid of foreigners, whom are not citizens of the U.S. They even fly here, to llegally have their children, so that they can have their children's birth's financed by our country. We're idiots! Our country doesn't care about the citizens born here, they only seem to care about foreign born nationals! Foreigner's humanitarian rights, seem to be more important to the U.S, then our rights, right here in America! I'm over the U.S. helping every other nation in the world. Is there an act of actual genocide going on? Where thousands are being herded into concentration camps? That's the only time, that we should have any moral obligation, to help forieners. But...I believe, that the middle east is playing us. So we'll take care of all their financial millitary responsibilities. So they won't have to be financially responsible, for their wars. While we flip the bill! Oh, the Middle East didn't like Saddam Hussein. Who killed him? Did his own people, take any responsibility, in taking him out or...did the American Military, spend hundreds of thousands of dollars, to take him out? I believe the middle east, has been playing America, in every financial way possible for a really long time.

America is such a bunch of hypocrites, wasn't Qaddafi a guest here in the U.S? Didn't President Bush, personally invite him to America? Didn't we also give him millions in military aid? And don't we give a lot of the Middle Eastern countries, money in aid ever year? Our Government and our President, are a bunch of idiots! Don't these morons realize, how hypocritical it even be fighting in this humanitarian thing in Lebanon in the first place? Oh, so it's OK, to give Lebanese soldiers training and to sell them arms, but...if they actually use those arms, to stomp out resistance fighters, whom are against Qaddafi, and the government's not OK? So now we're going to help NATO attack Qaddafi and his military? Excuse me! I the only person in the U.S., who understands how whacked this sounds?

Personally, I believe, Obama needs to get us the hell out of Lebanon and the Middle East. He also needs to fix America and America's financial problems first! Something that he has promised to do...before starting more useless expensive wars. Unless Obama wants to become a repeat of President Bush? That's the end of today's deep thought moment. Hey don't look at me, I didn't vote for Obama! Now with the start of a third war, I'm really glad I didn't...


Anonymous said...

he tried to start a child army just like the nazi party also put fluoride in the water just like the nazi party, he no better then bush and Cheney. welcome to the new world order. WE need a revolution and ill gladly join

Anonymous said...

lets also not forget the fema camps inside the united stats and a law that allows it.. not to mention getting the government off our dick and taking away the federal reserve

Anonymous said...

I have to assume the previous comments are from a fellow Californian (or maybe a Floridian) whom has gotten too much sun in spite of the tinfoil hat which I’m sure is being worn to “keep them outa his mind”. We simply don’t have enough money to be the policeman of the world anymore. Things have got to change and we need to take care of the home front first. Rome made the same mistake of spreading itself too thin as did the British empire. Our time will also come if we don’t change our course.