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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Why I hate Sci-fi!

Written by Linda Mains

OK today's delayed subject, due to the simple fact, that I have a sprained back, and I don't do well on Vicidin. I have to tell everyone reading this, I have a secrete. Your asking yourself, Linda, what could that secret be? Now when I was a 3 or 4 year-old  child. My father used to always watch Star Track. He loved himself some star track! Actually, so did my whole, sci-fi loving family. It was Star Track night, every night, Star Track came on in my family home. Since I was forced to watch Star Track, every time, that corny show aired. I started to hate Sci-fi! My grandfather actually worked for NASA back in the day. He was responsible for buying parts, for the First tin-can, that was hurled into space. Which really makes me wonder; how or why, the shuttle didn't fall apart in space? Especially because I know, how ridiculously cheap, my grandfather was.

So my man loves sci-fi and story's about outer-space. Here's my take on sci-fi and life in space. Have you ever seen your cat, while he was taking a dump in the litter box? Now there isn't anything else, but sand in that box: right? So now all the cat can do, because there isn't any room, is to dig a hole: is to take a piss, or  dump; right? Meteforically; there aren't any buildings, mall's, car's, cool Friend's, or cool places to go in that cat box. No there isn't! So to me; that's exactly, what outer-space is like. Outer space is like, one giant kitty litter box! Where there's nothing but shit, and absolutely nothing to do all day long.

I really think its funny, we have everything right here on earth. We're always looking for something better? Something that is made in China, or we're searching for it in outer-space.  Why do we do that? There's no air and there's no water in space? Those are only the two most important things, that we need to have in order to survive. So actually; the kitty litter box, gives more to the cat, then space gives to us. Yet, our country and a lot of other country's, have expensive space programs, going on all the time. Can you all say: "that's a giant waist of money!" My grandfather was always talking about, space, space, space, space! As I was growing up. I always thought; worrying about something, we can't live in, or even visit was a huge waiste of time. Especially if you didn't have; A. millions of dollars or B. oxygen.
My man and I saw Batle On L.A, (God, don't chew my head off, if the title isn't right! I can't remember the name, because the dialog was so cheesy, and I'm taking vicidin). The movie, well at least for me, totally sucked. Why? Because, there was a tent that was in an industrial building. In the building that tent had a bunch of holes in it. OK I kept asking; "how did the tent, get all those holes? What? The Marines in that movie, are so broke; they can't afford new tents?"

Why do all sci-fi movies make aliens look like, ugly, giant-bugs? I told my man; what if aliens, wound up looking, just like us? Wouldn't that be more scary, then an alien, that looked like a giant bug? I believe that would be way more shocking! Since we've all been raised, expecting to see aliens, looking like giant-bugs, that resemble, praying mantes, like, monsters. He said; "no!" Because if aliens, did look like humans; that would be way more comforting. I said: "hell no, it wouldn't be; way more comforting! Could you imagine, a human looking, alien? That wound up eating humans! It's way more disturbing, then your bug like, Hollywood alein version! A human looking alien; would be like a Texas Chain Saw Alien.

I've had plenty of arguments with people over this. Wow! Space travel; can anyone say boring? What's to look at? Space! What's to do for 50 million light years? Nothing! You can't even go outside, without your oxygen. Even if you could; what would you do there? Nothing! Why? Because everything that we love doing, is right here on earth! There isn't any place that's better then Earth. Supposedly, the show Ancient Aliens; is always saying, even space-men are coming here to take their vacations. Grabbing their space supplies and fuel. These ancient aliens probably came to Earth, for the same reasons, that I've already mentioned. Everything, anybody would ever want to do, or have, is right here on earth! Why would anyone ever want to go anyplace else? Unless you live in Japan right now.

The other reason I hate Sci-fi; most of the story lines are the same. All the way from star-wars, to any other 3rd rate movie, or T.V show. Either the hero gets lost, was found, was searching for something or was eaten by something. Of course durring these shows, or movies, his ship always gets wrecked! Then he's traped in the middle of no-where. This always happen when somekind of horrible looking alien, is looking for him. An alein that Either A. infects him with some alien decease, or B. impregnates him, or C. fights him. With C. being my favorite story plot; of my least favorite form of entertainment.

Now I actually thought War of the Worlds, was a really funny idea. Plus the fact, that Orson Wells, pulled that practical joke off, without ever seeing any prison time. Still impresses me! That story plot, is another over used plot; aliens attacking the world! OK, my first question would be; "why would aliens; who are supposed to be way more intelligent then us, want to have anything to do with us?" What? They just got tired of the millions of aliens, where they were from. So these crazy aliens, decided to travel millions of light years,  to the planet called Earth. So they could take Earth over? As if aliens don't have lives? What makes people believe, that aliens would want our overly polluted, chemically-enhanced, trash-ridden, radioactive-planet, that's covered in AID's? Then Aliens would turn into Barack Obama's campaign promises. Remember when he tried to fix America's financial troubles. The aliens would seem like, they where coming close to fixing all our problems; but they'd still have a long way to go! Especially now that Japan, has become a nuclear fallout, hazzard. Man how many reactors are planing on destroying themselves in Japan? Japan has never had much luck, with nuclear anything over there. Maybe when they are able to rebuild, they should stick to wind mills, for their power.

Plus why would any alien life form, want to deal with our wild life? There would be so many things here, that aligns could get eaten or killed by. There's Bears, Crocodiles, lions, tigers, snakes, and a truck load of other animals that might kill them. It's really funny to me, that so many people, have their sites, set on space. Instead of trying to make the suffering in this world end. They're ready to go to some other world. Ya, it's a fantasy, I know; a fantasy, that has waisted millions of dollars. For what? Unless you think a space station, that's a million of miles away, in the middle of nowhere, that probably costs million's or billion's. If that isn't a waist of money, then I don't know what waisting money is. Well I for one, think all of that money, could have been spent on something better. Like finding any other form of fuel, which wasn't nuclear. Look at Japan now. If every country would of spent their money developing a safe fuel source. Maybe those poor people in Japan, wouldn't be going threw the hell that they're going threw now! So to me, thinking about space travel, while waisting money on space. Is a huge waist of everybodys valuable resources. I still hate sci-fi, but sometimes, I think its really funny. It's funny to me, to watch people; who need some scary space monster, to worry about. "Run everybody the big green man, is going to kill us!"

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