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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Do you think; the end of the world is happening?

OK, it's time for today's "Deep Thought Moment": Gee Linda, you've covered, so many topics this week. What's left to talk about? Well, sense all these natural disaster's, keep happening, all around us. Why don't I cover; "do you think; the end of the world is happening?" Ya, I know, every news caster, here in L.A and around the wold, and most of the crazy republican news caster, and all the over zealot-religious-fanatics, have covered; "The End Of The World!"

Hey, I never said, that I wasn't an opportunist! All I'm saying; is with Japan going off the hook, with the worst natural disaster, that's happened in like a hundred years. This might be a really good time, to pick a deep thought moment, about the end of the world. So since, I have had the UN-luck, of having prophetic dreams, which is more of a curse then any kind of blessing. Which really hasn't helped anyone, or stopped anything!

I was going to share a dream, that I had, about the end of the world. Now I'm no religious fanatic, or a Jehovah's wittiness; so the dream that I had, and why I was chosen for it; makes not sense to me at all? But here I go! One night, I had this dream, you're asking me; where was I in this dream? It was a grey day, I was sitting on a small long wall, which was located in front of a huge mansion looking house. The mini stone fence, was one of those older fences, that you'd see, in front of houses that where built before 1920. Anyway, I was sitting there, I believe; I was picking my nose at the time? I was waiting for something, but for the life of me, I had no idea; what the hell I was doing there. I was in the middle of minding my own business, on a really shitty overcast day. Now here comes the really weird part about the dream. All of a sudden, out of a cloud of mist, a grayish white horse, that had a rider, who was wearing an outfit that looked like a military uniform; from the British American Wars. A war that was near the beginning of U.S history. The uniform was blue, and the rider was wearing a military style ridding hat. Now as the rider approached me; I was looking, to see what this really odd looking person, looked like. Well as he got closer, he wasn't a living person at all. What I'm trying to say; was that it looked like he had been dead for a really long time! The only thing I could see on him was bones, he was only a skeleton, that was wearing a uniform. So him and his horse, stopped right in front of where I was sitting.

Next with his bonny skeletal finger's, he tried to hand me an envelop. Now this envelop, had an ancient-looking-waxed-seal, with a crest marking upon it. It looked really important! So with his bonny skeletal hands, he wanted me to take the envelope. You're asking; "so did you take the envelop?" Um, well... I don't know about you? I' know that I have seen, enough end of the world movies, to know; "there was no way in hell, that I was going to take, then open up, and read that message!" So your asking; Linda what happened next? Well in the dream, because I didn't take the message. I was transported, into a two story house. I was laying on the floor, with all of my other family members. I guess, we where laying on the floor, because a nuclear bomb was about to explode in California. Then I woke up! I have no idea, what that dream meant, or why I had it? Are there really horse men, that are going around warning certain people, with dreams about the end of the world? Are these messengers trying to warn America, and the rest of the world; about the end of the world? I have no idea? I had this dream, 5 years before all of the stuff that's going on started to happen.

As if yours and everyone's life, isn't hard enough, in today's UN-recession proof world. These day's, you have to constantly be worried about; the end of the world too? Now that sucks! Look at what happened to Japan just recently. What did those people do, to anyone, to deserve being shaken awake, and then drowned by a giant wave? I sometimes wonder, if there is a God that calls himself Poseidon; because if there is, then that God is "ruthless!" Exactly how many tsunamis, have there been, in the last 5 years? It's really weird to me because, I know that their have been at least 6. Do you remember the tsunami that hit; at least 4 countries at once, a couple of years ago? What's going on? Is God giving us the smack down, for all the crap, we've done to the environment, to ourselves, and to each other? Are human beings, on a rent to own bases, with God? What I'm saying is; if we mess the environment up to much, is God or a God, going to erase us off the face of the planet?

Hey, does anyone remember, all those birds dieing around New Years this year? I remember going to visit my Grandma in the Hospital, and there was a dead-bird, dead, lying in front of me, on the ground. The bird looked like something, that had been killed in a cartoon, and it should have had cartoon X's on its eye's. Why? Because the bird was in perfect condition; which I thought, was really weird. It was like the bird just died! Later, when I got home, thousands of birds had died in country's, and it was big news, that those birds, had up and died for no reason. That's weird isn't it?  What about what just happened with all those sardines dying? Thousands upon thousand of sardines, just drooped dead. And now, after what happened in Hattie, which seemed like it happened just yesterday. Now Japan, has been hit by a tsunami. Come on! How many natural events, can happen in a five year period? I've been around for a little while, and it seems to me; that the last 4 years leading up to 2011, has seen way to many traumatic and weird events, for those events, to be just a coincidence. Is the end of the world going to happen soon? I'm not sure, but I really hope not! Hey, write me, if you have anything to add to this story.

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