Written by Linda Mains
Have you ever really noticed, whats going on, at your local gas station? Has it ever occurred to you, that people in Gas Stations are A-holes? It's to funny to me, that even when you're trying to get to your car, someone in their car is giving you shit. Now that to me is total B.S! I guess, they think we're gonna run out of gas? I'm not really sure, why people are such hot-headed a-holes, when trying to pump gas in the U.S. Why do people act like, they are the only people allowed to walk in-front of their cars? Or the only people allowed to exist? Why are people in California so rude some times? What? Just because you have a car, and a cell phone, a job, or because you have to get to work; that doesn't give you an excuse, to act like a total dick or bitch, while your getting gas! Man, I don't know how many times, I've been cool to people in gas stations, and they copped a total attitude, when I walked past their cars. What the hell is the attitude about? It takes a lot less energy to be nice, then rude; right?
OK, let me get to my current deep thought moment; "let me reiterate my statement, that this is not a political site! This site is dedicate to an individuals thoughts, my opinions and to my deep thoughts. So get your panties out of a knot, and stop getting angry, over the words written in this blog! If you don't like something that is written on these pages,then at least have the balls, to leave us a comment! I will at least be mature enough, to listen to you, and to respond to your comments." Anyway, back to, my deep thought moment: "People taking iodine pills." What the hell is that about? WOW! Are we a country of hypochondriacs? What's going on in America; "people" the Japan nuclear reactor thing, is thousands of miles away! What the hell is everybody scared about; don't people remember, that we dropped a nuclear bomb, on Japans head? Did people back in day, in U.S history, start taking iodine pills, after we drooped, a nuclear bomb on Japans heads? No they didn't! Are some Americans crazy? Hell yes, they are! It's funny, but we our a nation of such self centered people. We have turned the catastrophe in Japan, into something, about us. People, this is totally unacceptable! Some of us have turned Japans, nuclear tragedy, into our own personal tragedy's. Why? Because a lot of Americans, are self-centered, pampered, idiot-hypochondriacs; that's why!
How many of you, have Friends out there, whom every-time the wind blows, or they order food, they're tripping out, on how they're getting sick? I can't stand hanging around people like that. Anytime anything happens, they assume they must be getting really sick. Don't those people totally suck? I dated one of those idiots for 4 years. He'd make waitress's take back his food, and he'd have stuff reordered all the time. I hated going to dinner with that fool. He was always going to health food stores, looking for any herbal cure, for deceases that he didn't have! Aren't these types of people; supper annoying?
Case in point; now you have a friend named Ted, you decide to take Ted to a restaurant. Now Ted is a hypochondriac. You decide on taking him to the stinking onion, once there, you both sit down, and the waitress brings both of you, glasses of water. Now the Stinking Onion is a bit pricey, so you order a cheap meal, while Ted is a restaurant lover, and just has to try the most expensive item on the menu. Both of you are making small talk, over roasted onions and something. Then all of a sudden, Ted starts pretend choking, on a piece of onion-roasted-chicken. So what are you going to do, now that Ted, has really embarrassed you? Well after Ted is done with his pretend chocking fit! A waitress comes by your table and asks; "sir, are you OK?" You're trying to hide your embarrassment and anger, then Ted says to the waitress; "Oh my God, I believe this food, has given me food poisoning; can you please take this back, and make me a new plate of food?" The waitress starts looking extremely annoyed at this point, and glares back at Ted, when she says; "well Sir, I will have to let you talk to the manager! You can tell him exactly, what's wrong with your plate of food." Meanwhile, while all this is going on, you are getting angrier and angrier, your temper is raising to the breaking point! So when the waitress walked away to get the manager. Ted leans over and tells you; "oh man, I hope, I don't have food poisoning from this." You can't even reply, you're so psst off! Your waitress finally returns with the manager, who asks Ted; "sir, what exactly, is wrong with your food?" The manager is looking at Ted, with a highly annoyed look on his face. You start thinking to yourself, is it really worth having Ted, who's an obvious hypochondriac, as a friend? Now the manager, goes on to explain to Ted, that there is nothing wrong with his food, but that they'll re-make-it for him. As if taking Ted to dinner, couldn't get any worse; the estimated wait to get Ted a new meal, is 20 minutes, but it took 45, because Ted psst off the cooks. This story proves my point, that hypochondriacs are annoying and totally suck!
So to me and everybody else in reader island, hypochondriacs, totally suck! It's so bad in the U.S, that they're even making themselves believe, that they need iodine pills, to stop "nuclear radiation". Can you say stupid? I'm still shaking my head, on how stupid, and ridiculous that is! Anyway, they'll get sick, just by taking the iodine, something which they obviously deserve. This the end of my deep thought feelings for today. Hey send me a story of a hypochondriac friend that you might know. Late...
Have you ever really noticed, whats going on, at your local gas station? Has it ever occurred to you, that people in Gas Stations are A-holes? It's to funny to me, that even when you're trying to get to your car, someone in their car is giving you shit. Now that to me is total B.S! I guess, they think we're gonna run out of gas? I'm not really sure, why people are such hot-headed a-holes, when trying to pump gas in the U.S. Why do people act like, they are the only people allowed to walk in-front of their cars? Or the only people allowed to exist? Why are people in California so rude some times? What? Just because you have a car, and a cell phone, a job, or because you have to get to work; that doesn't give you an excuse, to act like a total dick or bitch, while your getting gas! Man, I don't know how many times, I've been cool to people in gas stations, and they copped a total attitude, when I walked past their cars. What the hell is the attitude about? It takes a lot less energy to be nice, then rude; right?
OK, let me get to my current deep thought moment; "let me reiterate my statement, that this is not a political site! This site is dedicate to an individuals thoughts, my opinions and to my deep thoughts. So get your panties out of a knot, and stop getting angry, over the words written in this blog! If you don't like something that is written on these pages,then at least have the balls, to leave us a comment! I will at least be mature enough, to listen to you, and to respond to your comments." Anyway, back to, my deep thought moment: "People taking iodine pills." What the hell is that about? WOW! Are we a country of hypochondriacs? What's going on in America; "people" the Japan nuclear reactor thing, is thousands of miles away! What the hell is everybody scared about; don't people remember, that we dropped a nuclear bomb, on Japans head? Did people back in day, in U.S history, start taking iodine pills, after we drooped, a nuclear bomb on Japans heads? No they didn't! Are some Americans crazy? Hell yes, they are! It's funny, but we our a nation of such self centered people. We have turned the catastrophe in Japan, into something, about us. People, this is totally unacceptable! Some of us have turned Japans, nuclear tragedy, into our own personal tragedy's. Why? Because a lot of Americans, are self-centered, pampered, idiot-hypochondriacs; that's why!
How many of you, have Friends out there, whom every-time the wind blows, or they order food, they're tripping out, on how they're getting sick? I can't stand hanging around people like that. Anytime anything happens, they assume they must be getting really sick. Don't those people totally suck? I dated one of those idiots for 4 years. He'd make waitress's take back his food, and he'd have stuff reordered all the time. I hated going to dinner with that fool. He was always going to health food stores, looking for any herbal cure, for deceases that he didn't have! Aren't these types of people; supper annoying?
Case in point; now you have a friend named Ted, you decide to take Ted to a restaurant. Now Ted is a hypochondriac. You decide on taking him to the stinking onion, once there, you both sit down, and the waitress brings both of you, glasses of water. Now the Stinking Onion is a bit pricey, so you order a cheap meal, while Ted is a restaurant lover, and just has to try the most expensive item on the menu. Both of you are making small talk, over roasted onions and something. Then all of a sudden, Ted starts pretend choking, on a piece of onion-roasted-chicken. So what are you going to do, now that Ted, has really embarrassed you? Well after Ted is done with his pretend chocking fit! A waitress comes by your table and asks; "sir, are you OK?" You're trying to hide your embarrassment and anger, then Ted says to the waitress; "Oh my God, I believe this food, has given me food poisoning; can you please take this back, and make me a new plate of food?" The waitress starts looking extremely annoyed at this point, and glares back at Ted, when she says; "well Sir, I will have to let you talk to the manager! You can tell him exactly, what's wrong with your plate of food." Meanwhile, while all this is going on, you are getting angrier and angrier, your temper is raising to the breaking point! So when the waitress walked away to get the manager. Ted leans over and tells you; "oh man, I hope, I don't have food poisoning from this." You can't even reply, you're so psst off! Your waitress finally returns with the manager, who asks Ted; "sir, what exactly, is wrong with your food?" The manager is looking at Ted, with a highly annoyed look on his face. You start thinking to yourself, is it really worth having Ted, who's an obvious hypochondriac, as a friend? Now the manager, goes on to explain to Ted, that there is nothing wrong with his food, but that they'll re-make-it for him. As if taking Ted to dinner, couldn't get any worse; the estimated wait to get Ted a new meal, is 20 minutes, but it took 45, because Ted psst off the cooks. This story proves my point, that hypochondriacs are annoying and totally suck!
So to me and everybody else in reader island, hypochondriacs, totally suck! It's so bad in the U.S, that they're even making themselves believe, that they need iodine pills, to stop "nuclear radiation". Can you say stupid? I'm still shaking my head, on how stupid, and ridiculous that is! Anyway, they'll get sick, just by taking the iodine, something which they obviously deserve. This the end of my deep thought feelings for today. Hey send me a story of a hypochondriac friend that you might know. Late...
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