Wow what to talk about? Um, I'm going to try to cover disappointment, remember that R.E.M song everybody hurts. Well, that's true...have you ever been disappointed in a job, a love, a friend, or by any random thing? Oh, I think that disappointment happens, it starts when you are a kid. Then it works it's self, into you, by the time you turn into adult. I know, not everyone out the world, has had loving, compassionate, caring parent's or good relationships, with co-workers or...friends.
Now this is the type, of disappointment, I'm talking about;
- Your parents promised, to take you to Disney Land but never did.
- They promised to get you that toy, but didn't...
- They said they'd make it to your birthday party, but never showed up.
- A date never showed up to pick you up, to go to a party.
- Someone special told you, that you where weird because you didn't act like other people.
- Someone didn't say thanks for the great meal.
- A friend burned you.
- Your kid didn't say thanks for the surprise party.
- No one has ever appreciated any of your hard work.
Those are just a few of the things, that can disapoint a person. I've had bigger disappointments, then that, in my life. I've had supposed friends, sleep with my ex-boyfriends, and break us up. One is still living with my ex-fiance to this day. Bitch! It's OK, because, I found out, what this piece of "human-wreckage," had done to me, and I wound up, beating the hell out of her. Guess, she won't ever be, doing that again to anyone. know what? Kicking the holly-shit out of her, didn't make, what she had done to me, any better, and it really didn't make me feel any better. All though, it sure gave me props, with my friends. Who thought, I was hella cool, after, I had kicked her ass. Funny, because...she sucker punched me, after the security gards, where already holding my down. Why? Because...that's just what kind of person, that c*ck-sucker was. She could only ever do things, behind people's backs, or...while they had their hands, tied behind their back's. Unfortunately, I know a lot of Californians, just like that. Was I disappointed? Hell yes I was, but...she needed a daddy figure, and my Ex was stupid enough, to play that role, for that whore's kid's. I saw this douche two years ago, he decided, to come to my dad's house for a visit. I was glad, he was no longer, in my picture. He 6"4, he got fat, and being big boned like he is, he looks ultra ridiculous.
It's funny to me, because I was a stripper, I've had so many hatter "rags," hatting on me, threw out my inglorious career. And it was always, some buttered face chick. Who was never good enough, to entertain anyone, by doing anything! At first these chick's, act like your best friends. So they can get close enough, to find out, what your weaknesses are. After they know, what those are, all hell breaks lose! I even had this one chick named kitty, who was a chunky-dumb-blond. Who thought, because...she sucked c*ck part time, and rich guys, she blew, made her a diva, by buying her crap. Kitty's reasons for hating me, was because she looked like shit at 21. She was half my age and totally jelouse of me. She assumed, that I was supposed to look worse, then she did. So she became my stalker, look's, wouldn't conform with her dellusional believes, about how older women should look. Kitty made my life a living hell! She wound up blowing my ex-homo-boss, who also owns that club, which is called Exsposed (it's supposed to be good, but sucks). Anyway, Kitty wound up getting me fired one day, because...she lied, by telling my idiot boss, that I had hit her. Something that I simply never did, but...wish I had! She stalked me, harassed me, wouldn't stop bothering me, and then got me fired. Way to go Brad, that guys an ultra...dumb ass! Was I disappointed? Hell ya, I was disappointed, but...I was really disappointed in my stupid boss!
I know about disappointment, especially when dealing with the idiot's. I have found myself having to deal with on the regular, which has been almost a daily occurrence, in my life here in California. It's funny, because...two more of my idiot hatter's. Hatters that I had the unfortune of working with, at that same club called Exposed, (to crap). One is now living at my building. What are the odds? That fact totally sucks...because, I have to work-out. So who, do I have to see, everytime, I go to the pool or work out? A gold-digging, wanna be, rich girl! She's a total butter face, (her body's nice, but her face looks like shit.), and her friend is a giant stripper, gold-diging, phony. These chick's are nobodies friends! No normal person, would ever hang out with them, least they have each other. They have each other right where I live! YES! NOT! I just totally ignored them, what the hell would I have to say, to a couple of "c*nts?" Oh ya, you guys where my bestest friends, when I was working at show your hole? Let's hang? I don't think so! Was I disappointed, one of these skanks, lives and "barbeque's" with her sugar-daddy, in my building. Hell yes, I'm disappointed! Why? Because it's like, no matter where I go, I can't get away from my past. Wouldn't you be disappointed?
Atleast the chick who got me fired, for no reason, gained a lot more weight. That's what I heard, and she became a f-ing whale. Miss Kitty is a fat c*nt! Who deserves to be a fat ass. Am I fat? Nope! Not even for what, she considered to be old. You know what's really disappointing, when you've been a stripper. It's really hard, to trust, other chicks. It's a disappointment, that I have with myself. Since, I no longer am a stripper. I'm trying to regain my trust, in other normal, non-whorish, gold digging, chick's. Who knows, if I will ever, be able to trust women again? Only time will tell. That's the end of this deep thought moment.
Atleast the chick who got me fired, for no reason, gained a lot more weight. That's what I heard, and she became a f-ing whale. Miss Kitty is a fat c*nt! Who deserves to be a fat ass. Am I fat? Nope! Not even for what, she considered to be old. You know what's really disappointing, when you've been a stripper. It's really hard, to trust, other chicks. It's a disappointment, that I have with myself. Since, I no longer am a stripper. I'm trying to regain my trust, in other normal, non-whorish, gold digging, chick's. Who knows, if I will ever, be able to trust women again? Only time will tell. That's the end of this deep thought moment.
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