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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Rich Wife's And More American B.S!

So it's a new day, and Thank God, my man finally got the computer, to sorta work. Even though, I was just about to start writing, and the God damned things power, just died. What I'm saying is, that I had just gotten on the computer, and it just died! Hey, how are all my power, party people doing today, on a hum-drum Wednesday. Yes, I'm still alive, barely, after pushing myself, all week at the gym. I'm completely gonked-out! So today, I treated myself to the spa-treatment. Now because it's my B-Day in a couple of weeks, I was feeling stressed out and burned out. So I decided, to go to a meditation, Japanese, nail spa. This spa is awesome, it totally rocked! They served me lemonade, while simultaneously giving me messages, putting hot towels on my arms and legs. It was amazing! So in a minute, after I write this, I have to go to the gym again. So I can work out for two hours, come back do my hair, twize my eyebrows. Do all my womanly stuff, and then go to bed. Enough about my "great-day," oh and as if my day, couldn't get any better. I found a bag full of C.D'S, it was righteous, I'm really not that into punk, but now I own 30 rare punk C.D's... All for free...yes!

I'm writing this rather fast, because, I need to get a move on. The night is burning, and there is so much shit, I have to get done, before tomorrow... What to really discuss? OK, where's Robin Hood, when we need him? Our government needs to be more like Robin Hood was in the 1940's something movie. Where Errol Flynn played Robing Hood and took from the rich, didn't give to himself, and gave to the poor. I'm sick of Republicans and certain Democrats, going after the poor and the middle class. Instead of doing the right thing, and going after the top 2% of the richest, greediest, and nastiest people, in America. Has anyone had the disadvantage of watching, the Wife's of Orange County , or the Wife's of New York. Well I did, because...some idiot in my apartment building, always leaves that show on for me, when I'm working out in our gym. Anyway, these catty, self-proclaimed, snobby, overly botoxed injected, rejects. Some of whom, are obviously milking their men's money, and look completely ridiculous on T.V. Like I've always said, just because you have money. Does not make you rich! I see most of these chicks, as being ungratefully, jealous and super-lame. Threw-out the entire show, it's always about them, crying over, what some super-snooty, nasty, rich-bitch, said about them. The whole while, I'm thinking..."are these chick's for real?"

Here we are in the real world, where if you really look around, and break lose from that bubble, which you have obviously been sucked into. You can see real suffering all around you. It looks like a lot of T.V stations, have now become geared to glamorizing, snobbishness, amongst America's, classless rich people. I'll give you an example, two of these women, wore white to a wedding. Who wears white to a wedding? Everybody who has class, knows, that your not supposed to try, to out-shine any bride, on her wedding day. Our Government just like our rich, has forgotten, what its like...not to have. A lot of America's rich people, are amazingly self-centered, arrogant, and basically...full of shit! There is no nice way to say it! Our whole society, is geared, to glorifying snobbery. It's hard to even imagine a society, that's like the pre-french-revolutionary period, where people are glorified for allowing others to suffer. Your probably asking...what the hell am I talking about now. I know you have probably heard, that our Government, is going after planed parent hood programs. Why? Because they want to create more suffering for people, by not funding these clinics.

Clinics whose sole purpose for being, is to bring women's services, to poor and middle class American women. Who's doing this, the rich and elite of America! Who want to be the only ones in this country, that are allowed to have anything, and they don't care who they have to destroy to get it!

Is it only me, who sees, just how much damage our Government is doing, by trying not to fund Planed Parenthood programs? So these greedy S.O.B, anti-women Nazis, are going to stop a lot of women, from getting the care, that they so desperately need. While these same types of people, whom run T.V stations, are glorifying a bunch of over the hill, botoxed, snob's, during the worst recession America has ever seen. Can you see how disgusting our society is becoming? Rich pregnant women have planers, to plan their birth's for them. WOW! Can we all say, f-ing ridiculous, please. I actually liked the show, but thought yet again, here's some more snobs, that we get to watch being rich. Oh, yes! So now a woman, who's probably to poor to have another child, will have more poverty, and repression, dumbed in her lap. Simply because...some rich-hypocritical-snob judged her, for her choice, not to have a fourth child. Because... she didn't want that child, or her other children to suffer because of that child. You'll probably asking me...why didn't she use birth-control? I'll tell you..."ACCIDENT'S HAPPEN!" Weren't most of us accidents? Don't look all crossed eyed at me, threw your hypocritical stares of..."oh, my God, did she just really just say that? Yes, I did!" So here we are at a cross-roads, where the rich, keep getting richer. While the poor, have to take, these rich bastard's shit!

It's getting so bad that the rich, won't even adopt American children anymore. They've become to "GOOD," for American children. So they have to fly-off, to some other God forsaken country, and save some foreign kid. Why? For publicity! The rich and famous need recognition, for every little thing, that happens, in their over glorified lives. There's a passage in the bible, that says, when giving. You should never brag, about what you've done. With that reason being; you wanted to help! What you didn't want to go and do, was publicize your own name and righteousness, for doing such a great dead. Like Jesus said...God knows and sees all. So you wouldn't have to sound the horns of righteousness, if, you where actually doing those good deeds, for the right reasons. Which is supposed to be to achieving recognition from God. Good deeds aren't done, to subject the poor and indigenous individuals in society, to more humiliation. They're done to help those people, to feel like they matter, and that humanity still cares about them. Now to me that's what giving is all about. least that's what I was taught, what true giving, should actually be about. How do I know, because...I actually read what Jesus said, and took that part of his teachings to heart. Meaning I understood, why he really didn't like the rich...when he said, "it's easier for a camel, to get threw the eye of a needle, then for a rich man, to ascend threw the gates of heaven." Truer words never spoken, matter how much, most of the wealthiest have in our country. They are always, constantly, trying to figure out, ways of attaining more wealth. Riches for the rich, become like a drug, and they never get their fill of taking.

The rich in America will even go as far a financing Governors and Senator's in our government, to stop the funding for programs, that feed babies. Because they'll say that those programs, are costing our government too much money. Feeding future Americans; is costing to much money? Meanwhile, millions of Americans nation wide, are stuck watching, the richest most selfish people in America on T.V, showing off their snobbish ways. Making many in our ass-backwards society, wish that they too, could live like them. Getting thousands of dollar's, of botox injected into their faces. Until we as a nation realize, that we are all brother's and sister's. Whom all deserve a chance at the good life. Not just idolizing, the undeserving few, who really havent' done anything for anyone. To even be able to have the things that they do have. Who probably don't even appreciate, what they do have. I believe that we as a UNITED people, will never be UNITED, especially with the gap in class differences, getting bigger and bigger. Especially between the rich and poor. Do I want to become like the rich house wife's on T.V? No! Everything, I could ever want, I already have.

I would love to one day, love to see an American society, that's not divided by rich and poor. I would love to see every one in America...prospering. Will I, ever be able to attain that, in my life time? Probably not! It seems, that America has become good, at taking advantage, and turning on the poor. Faster then a thunder storm in spring. If things don't change, I believe that another civil war, is possible...hopefully not. But... people whom forget the past, are doomed to repeat it. If it could happen in France it can happen here. Late everyone.       

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