Wow, what a boring, un-fun-filled, I sit. Sitting threw another, boring, and repetitive day at work. Yes! I'm stuck here in hell. Yes hell! I'm not supposed to be writing on the Internet, but this job I have,is more repetitive. Then being stuck on a Taco-Bell food line, in a crappy fast food restaurant. But...sometimes, it actually pays my bills. Hey, it's my birthday on the 24th, I'm so excited...NOT! I'm turning 38. My man is working, and made it to his job, earlier then I did to mine. What would we do without work? I'd go completely bonkers, without some kind of job... But that's, exactly what millions of Americans, are doing right now...they're not working.
I guess, I'm just glad, to even have any kind of job, in this incredibly, unpredictable time frame, we are finding ourselves living in. Really, today I was going to try to cop-out, of going to work. I just wanted to find any reason not to go in today. It's like you have to have a birthday but why? Are birthdays really important? To who? Isn't a birthday just another ordinary day? I told my man, I didn't even want a gift, because...I don't. Getting older totally sucks.
I believe getting old, is probably worse for men, then it is for women. Why? Men are always reminiscing about the past. They are always talking, or, living with the memories of past conquests. Or of women gone by in their pasts. My family, is lucky enough, to have a guy that lives around the corner, from our house, who is constantly coming over to tell us; who he banged...when he was a young stud. A stud, that traveled around the world, conquering, foreign tail. In my adult entertaining past, I've dated and know studs. Who've probably banged 1000's of women. So to me, to hear this old man, talk about tail of past decades, is just a little sad. I guess it happens to all men.
When they where young and studly, they never thought, that their studly-succession-of beautiful women, would ever come to an end. I've seen a lot of these types of guys, who think, they can treat people anyway that they want too, simply because they're sexy men. They think they're going to be young, and healthy forever! So they'll go out into the world, with their super-hero mentality about tail. With their one goal being, to conquer and destroy any nearby vagina, in a single bound. What these types of men are never thinking, is that, one day they to, would grow old, then becoming, the not so appealing. To the very creatures (women), they thought found them so iresistable and desirable.
I believe, arrogance kills! It kill a lot good looking men, faster then any bullet. It's sad, that some men, whom start out really "hot." Some even becoming supper models. I had the luck of dating a super-model, he was on a Calvin Kline Bill Board, and at 35 years of age. He to was looking for other options in his life, he said, he knew, that his expiration date was almost up. In the real modelling world, men and women have a very short window, in thier careers. He saved up his millions, and started directing, his own movies. No, I'm not sure, what happened to him...but every guy, when he hits about 34, starts to realize, that he might not make it out, with the looks he once held to be so important. Or...the body that had made him, the conqueror of women amongst a sea of men. So to me, these types of guys are set up to fail in life.
I believe, arrogance kills! It kill a lot good looking men, faster then any bullet. It's sad, that some men, whom start out really "hot." Some even becoming supper models. I had the luck of dating a super-model, he was on a Calvin Kline Bill Board, and at 35 years of age. He to was looking for other options in his life, he said, he knew, that his expiration date was almost up. In the real modelling world, men and women have a very short window, in thier careers. He saved up his millions, and started directing, his own movies. No, I'm not sure, what happened to him...but every guy, when he hits about 34, starts to realize, that he might not make it out, with the looks he once held to be so important. Or...the body that had made him, the conqueror of women amongst a sea of men. So to me, these types of guys are set up to fail in life.
When one part of your life, becomes...the best part of your life. That's sad! If your looks, made you feel so good. One day if they should ever change, then your manly world, will come crashing down around your head, as you get older. You're one day going to find yourself "awaken" by the fact, that your fantasy of being a stud forever, is coming to an end. You have just been hit with the reality, that your not going to be a stud forever! Don't go damn, Linda your so mean, look I'm just honest.
The older any of us become, the worse everyone of us, will become. That's what the aging process does. I'm not sure why any "God" would bless anyone, with fantastic looks, and then with the passing of time, cruelly, take those looks away? That's life, seems really cruel to me, to make such an eye-pleasing person, then take what they depended on (their looks), away from them. I've seen this actually happen, to many guys, in my life. My strip club boss, was one of those guys, he was really good-looking, when I started working there. But because he did coke, he got old fast! He aged double time! In the 8 years, that I worked at the Seventh Vail, he turned into an old man. I really believe that men, and not women, are way more vain, about their looks, and aging.
I've actually been forced, by my dad, to sell Este-Lauder anti aging cream. Then he'll use Some anti aging product, and continuously ask me..."do I look younger?" Men we can't live with out them, but try to understand them, and you'll wind up locking yourself in a closet, while trying to scratch your way out, of that same closet. That's the end of this deep thought moment.
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