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Friday, April 15, 2011

How Do Men Cope When Relationship's End?

Wow another day, tomorrow's my B-day, which would be 12AM tonight, and here I sit writing. I love writing. So writing on Friday night, pre B-day eve, doesn't seem like a failure to me. I'm conquering a mundane, ordinary life. How? By continuously writing and putting my ideas, out in the real world.

So what's my topic for a Friday night? How about men and love. What I'm saying is, how do men react, when relationships come crashing to the ground? Do they act weaker then women, when their relationship's end? Are women stronger then men, in loving heterosexual relationships? I'm going to try to awnser some of these questions in tonight's post.

Some men are cold and unloving, while other's are needy, clingy, desperate to be loved, and basically act, really pathetic in any relationship they have, just as many women act in a loving relationship...pathetic! I believe some men, do act weaker, then many women. Why? Because from birth, they have been taught, not to cry, or show any emotion at all. Not showing emotion, is a lot harder, then showing emotion's. Have you ever tried not crying, after someone special has passed away. It's harder, then just crying your eyes out, about it. People who don't cry, suffer more then people, whom allow themselves to cry. So in that regard, men, will always suffer more then any woman, when a relationship, comes to an abrupt or awful end.

Another reason, why men, will suffer more then "most" women, when a relationship comes to an end. Especially if they have kids, is simply because...most men, will have to front the bills, for those kids. I dated one guy, who had two kids, and was divorced. His wife, got his house. Which she immediately, moved her boyfriend into, after he moved out. A house that he was still making payments on. He also had to put up with an evil-ex-wife...who delegated, when and if, he could even see his daughter's on the weekend's. Plus, as if all this wasn't enough, she had him by the balls, and was getting a lot of his pay. Every time he got a raise, she went to her lawyer's office, to get more of his money.

But some men, do act weaker then a lot women, when it comes to being in any committed relationship. I knew one guy, who would tell women, he loved them, after only two weeks of being together. I believe, that's a huge red flag, and I generally never trust, any man, who is willing to throw the "L" word around carelessly. Why? Because...if it only takes him, two weeks, to tell you he loves you, and only another two month's, to ask you to marry him. How much time, will it take him, to do that to another woman? Desperation is always a cover up, for something, much, much, bigger! Like insecurity, in a man, wouldn't be such a horrible thing. wouldn't impede on a woman's happiness, but it unusually, always does. Your probably asking how? Well, if a man's insecure in a relationship, and desperately trying to cling onto you, within the first 2 months. How do you think, he's going to treat you in a year? Well, for one, he's going to watch you like a hawk! You probably won't be able to do what you did, before you met him. And God forbid, you actually have to go to the bathroom, in that kind of relationship...because, he will probably, follow you, into the bathroom. To make sure, you don't try to escape!

I believe at first, women are equal to men, in loving relationships, a woman, most of us will mature, and act like adults, in those relationships. I've seen a lot more men, acting immature, when relationships come crashing to the ground in flames. I have an idea, why that might be, and I believe, it's because society expects more out of men. Especially when it comes, to men, being the bread winners in society. So if a man, can't keep his relationship, with his woman together. He'll probably feel like a giant failure, and take the ending, of said relationship, harder then any woman probably would. Look, I'm not talking about A-holes, they don't care about themselves, or...the women they hang out with. I'm talking about good guy's, guy's, women like keeping around.

Hey I have a heart! I've seen many guys, really suffering, when their relationships came to an end. They don't cry, but...they'll drink, get high, have a lot more meaningless sex. Or...they'll go for a rebound relationship. Or make the fatal mistake, of having sex with the ex. Let me tell you people...never, ever, have sex with an ex! Especially if the ex was a bitch. Hey, I look out for my readers, that's been one of my biggest mistakes! People it never works out. Good night, my party people, or good morning my party people, this is the end of this deep thought moment.

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