OK, so I decided to go to the beach, this weakened. It was my b-day celebration. I was sun-tanning on the beach. While watching, the Volley-Ball players, whom where playing volley ball. It was a great day! I was reading a philosophy book, while tanning. Or...at least, I thought everything was OK. My man, was playing street hockey, at that time.
So, I thought everything was great, after that we went to Chillies to eat, it was great...or, at least I thought everything was fine. Until, 2 hours after I got home, that night. I was eating the rest of my corn on the cob, part of the left overs, that, I had boxed up, before, leaving the restaurant that night. So, I was thinking everything was fine, until...my jaw and teeth started to ache, for absolutely no reason at all. Ive never experience pain like that before and it didn't just go away it lasted strong for two day, and it's still with me. Extra Strenght Tylenol has become, my best friend, since visiting the beach this last Saturday. It happened, after, I bit into my corn on the cop. I started to run around the house! My tooth, felt like it was trying to break lose, from my jaw. I haven't experience pain like that, for years, and never while eating a soft food like that. That's when I thought, about Japan, yes Japan. Well, I know, everyone by now knows about the nuclear plants, melting down in Japan. Here's some info, about how much radiation has leaked, into our (meaning humanity's) atmosphere. Plus, I looked it up on google, and mouth pain, is associated with radiation poisoning, and cancer treatment. Many times, cancer patients give up on the radiation treatment, simply because the mouth pain is so severe. Something, I can now, completely understand, because it's brutal.
Hey read what my facebook friend wrote using my story...click here to read it...
The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), citing information it had received from Japanese authorities at 0350 GMT, said on Tuesday dose rates of up to 400 millisievert per hour have been reported at the Fukushima power plant site. More facts from http://www.infowars.com/reaching-california-are-a-whitewash/ If the two individuals quoted in the reports, are so confident that there is no threat. Why are they so keen on remaining anonymous? As we have emphasized, the radiation, which is now hitting the west coast,was from the early leaks suffered by the Fukushima plant. Which happened after the earthquake and tsunami, last Friday. This tragedy actually occurred Thursday U.S. time. These leaks, were minimal, in comparison to the radiation, that has been emitted, after explosions on Saturday, Monday and Tuesday. Where responsible for tearing apart the buildings, that housed those reactors. In addition, the radiation currently being measured, does not take into account...the radiation emitted by pools of deadly spent nuclear rods, which, only began to emit serious amounts of radiation, justa few days ago.
But remember: "It was also what ground zero workers heard in the days after 9/11, that the air was “safe to breathe,” a contrived cover-up, on behalf of the EPA, and the White House...that led to thousands of crippling illnesses and deaths, of firefighters, police and first responders.
Even on http://articles.latimes.comcalifornia-radiation-20110316said/ Tony VanCuren, an atmospheric scientist, with the California Air Resources Board in Sacramento, said, it would take a "catastrophic release" of radiation, to carry dangerous levels, across the ocean, and even then, it would take five to 15 days for particles to reach California.
Here's my question, wasn't it catastrophic? Didn't three nuclear reactors, have melt downs?
Here's more infor from http://laist.com/2011/03/17/post_123.php It is a scientific fact: The plume of radiation, generated from the Fukushima Nuclear Plant in Japan, is moving towards the U.S. West Coast. That plume, is expected to reach California, by Friday. However, "experts have said, they were confident that the amount of radiation, would be well within safe limits," reports the LA Times. The United Nations, have been monitoring the status, of the crippled nuclear plants, and the movement of the radiation plume. Plus the forecast, for that plume's path, though the New York Times, has noted, that though the forecast was made on Tuesday, on Wednesday "the agency declined to release" it. The path, is based on atmospheric conditions, as well as, the expectation that the plant, will continue to release radiation. Causing uncertainty is the fact, that while most experts agree, that minimal radioactivity is likely to enter our local airspace, and not pose any threat. Japan has not been forthcoming, about just how much radiation, is coming from their plant. "Since Japanese authorities have said, little about the amount of the releases at Fukushima, nobody, can say, how much radioactivity will hit California," adds the LA Times.
So I'm assuming that, that bit of info, means; yes it was catastrophic, and yes, it's probably, going to make people, who are sensitive to radiation, very sick...that pretty much means everybody, since, I don't know anyone who's amun to radiation. Do you know anyone? Oh, maybe, except for, God Zilla and the Incredible Hulk...
From a post made by a concerned Californian Just because, they've told us, that--- 181 times, the safe limit of radiation, is what I heard. Some of these readings are in California. That's on the coast, and that's where I live, and I spend, lots of time in the Ocean.So...yes, am worried too.
More info for you at http://visionsgreen.com/?p=914
Let’s be perfectly clear on this.. No radiation is good for you or safe! As you sit back, to watch "Dancing with the stars Big Brother and Survivor…" Or...maybe Baseball’s spring training, the EPA, is working hard, in the background, to up the anti."
The EPA, is poised, to raise the acceptable levels, of radiation exposure. Does anybody want to tell me, what was wrong...with the current levels? After all, they have been using, the same levels, for 40+ years. So why change it now? Our wonderful government…if the radiation levels in the air, food, and water across the U.S., might increase, due to a seemingly unstoppable radioactive fallout from Japan, they simply raise the ‘acceptable’ numbers, so that they can continue, to copy-and-paste the same summary response on their Japan Nuclear Emergency web page, of their daily updates. Which read, “EPA’s RadNet radiation air monitors, across the U.S., show typical fluctuations, in background radiation levels. The levels detected, are far below, levels of concern.”
•1000-fold increase for exposure to strontium-90
•3000 to 100,000-fold hike for exposure to iodine-131
•25,000-fold rise for exposure to radioactive nickel-63 in drinking water
•Allow long-term cleanup
Thresholds thousands of times more lax than previous Collapsenet, who first reported the details, of the new EPA action, said; Under long-established EPA policy,in conformity with long-accepted international standards, on “acceptable” amounts of radiation, these proposed changes, would increase, the permissible amounts of radiation to levels where…25% of those exposed to these “new acceptable levels,” would develop cancer. That's based on the EPA’s own numbers. Once the EPA publishes, the changes in the Federal Register, it is a done deal! EPA deliberations, are not discussed in public, or...debated in Congress.
OK, so I took a lot of Aspirin's, and I finally felt better, two days after going to the beach, but I still feel shitty. I feel spacey, and sick...ache, with flu-like symptoms, and dizzy. This sucks, f-you Japan! Ya, I feel bad for them, but they f-d up our environment, by not taking the appropriate precautions, with their very dangerous nuclear reactors! Now I, and a lot of Californians, that live...or play at the beach, will probably wind up getting sick or getting cancer. THANKS JAPAN!
1 comment:
And to think I was afraid of sharks while at the ocean. Radiation, the new invisible shark. I have maintained that nuclear power is not clean energy. An accident like the one in Japan is proof we are pooping in our own beds.
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