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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Humanity Keeps Giving Food To The Flies

Written by Linda Mains

OK, today, this post, was really late. Sorry guys and gal's, who read, the deep thoughts blog. Today, I want to compare and contrast...the 18th century wars, with the 19th and 20th century wars. I know what you're thinking...Linda, Linda, Linda, why are you going, to attempt, to cover this "sick" topic?

Why? You ask me why!

Really, it's a very simple fact, why I'm interested in, trying to figure out, the war machine. Look, people the 18th century, had a total of 5 or 6 wars. While the 19th and 20th, had a 130, click here to check all the names, of those wars out. Sorry but I had to put it on its own page, was so long. Some of these wars, are either still waging, or...have been forgotten. These statistics of the war-machine, have been laid at my feet. Here's the facts, every year since the civil war, somewhere in the world, there has been between 5 to 10 wars waging constantly. Why are so many wars constantly popping up, and being churned out, by the war machine?

Could I have picked a harder subject to discuss? I don't think so...

OK, here are some of the reason's why, Nations and Cultures, continue to wage wars. Not all, are due to the  facts, that the churning of the war machine, keeps ragging on. There are many complex reasons, why wars start and humanity keeps fighting them.

Here's but a few of those reasons;
  1. Disputes involving race.
  2. Religion.
  3. Power.
  4. Control.
  5. Money.
  6. Ignorance.
  7. Stupidity.
Another major fact, was that, there had been a great depression, in Europe prior to World War I, which threw all of Europe, and America, head long into the great War Machines path. World War I, was a war that killed, thousands of men. A fight, that would ultimately prepare America, and the rest of the world, to become more accepting of future wars. Wars, that occurred around the world, a hundred and thirty times so far. It's really sickening to know, that during the late 18th, 19th and 20th century's. There has been that many wars, fought, and many are being continually fought, around the world today.

Now socio-economic reasons, are not the only reasons, that, so many wars have occurred, in those century's. Really, I believe, that, the invention of the radio, and the fear mongering-politically-driven media, threw out the history of the media, has helped the War-Machine, to churn out wars, at the maddening pace it has been. But...really, World War II, brought these words, into being accepted, by society at large, and around the world. Those words are...A. World Wars and B. Genocide. Plus, I personally believe, that violence has become a way of life, around the world, for millions of people. With violent video games, and violent movies, all of which, helps the War-Machine to churn.

How many more reasons, are there, for the creation of a world-wide, violent-war-machine, of Nation upon Nation of groups of people, whom worship violence, as their one true religion?

Maybe, the awnser could be found, with all of the technical advances, that the 18th, 19th and 20th century, has brought. It has also been seen, with the creation of mass-media, threw radio, film, T.V, and now threw social networking. All of which, has advanced the levels of brain washing, which needs to take place, in order for the war machine to churn, in the first place. Plus, with all of the technical advances, for the war machines advancement, like; gun's, bullets,  tanks, shells, landmines, and a sickening variety of bombs, being fired from ships and planes. All of these instruments of death, has made killing, and dying for the war machine, very popular, amongst society's, across the world. Plus, there has been a maddening number, of technical advances sense World War II. But, I actually believe, that the bullet, is probably one on the driving forces, behind all wars.

Now you're probably asking me, why I believe, that guns and bullets, are responsible for the 130 wars, that have waged, fueling the 18, 19th and 20th century's?

That's an easy awnser, hundreds of years ago...actually, my boyfriend, mentioned this to me one night. The military has to train soldiers, for hand to hand combat. Because...the screaming, from stabbing a person to death, is so brutal. So hundreds of years ago, when real men, had to look another man in the eyes, before, running them threw, with their blades. To me, was a lot more difficult, then shooting, or...blowing someone up! Because...when you shoot someone, you don't have to get close enough, to look the other man in the eyes, watching the light in his eyes, being snuffed out.

By the time the civil war came about, man, at that time, had the technology, to kill 100's and 1000's of men, easily and quilt free. Something, that's been helping, the war-machine around the world for years. Leaving over a billion people dead threw out the 18, 19th and 20th centuries. Making more food for the flies!

Look, I don't like using Hitler, in any of my stories, that are intented to wake up the world, and aren't intended to offend anyone. Hitler, was the master of the war machine and death, over 6 million people died, by Nazi hands. At first he lied, and told his people, that he was going, to bring them together. He did everything, except, bringing his people together. He annihilated a group of people, threw mass media campaigns, dedicated to his lies and hate. Which kept the German people preoccupied, to what was really going on, behind most of their backs. Hitler, was one of many dictators, whom made killing people, into the war machines, own personal, production-line. Hitler, was the first, who found a way, threw the practice of genocide, to kill 60 to 100 people, every 20 to 30 minutes. If he hadn't of been stopped, he probably would have, eventually killed, the whole world. Hitler and the Nazis, didn't need a good reason, to kill anyone. They killed for killings sake! I believe that the art of killing, is what gives the killer, the rush of actually controlling, the last minutes, of any ones life. That's probably another reason, that wars, have become so popular...because of, killing for killings sake.

People, lets not forget, all the hate, that, is required, to keep the war-machines, lethal-arms working, as much as they have been, during the 18, 19th and 20th century's. Along with a healthy does, of brain-washing, to believe that your cause, is the only cause, worth fighting and dying for, in any war.

Citizen's all over the world, have become, leader's and dictator's, chest pieces, in the un-stoppable, war-machines killings. This machine of the 18, 19th and 20th century, has cost, close, if not more then, a billion life's to date. Humanity's blood-lust, has finally peaked, these wars, aren't video games, that have glorified, killing and dying. These wars, have decimated entire groups of people, in society's, all around the world! Leaving the survivor's, to live in squalor, in their surrounding, decimated, towns and villages, once the fighting stops.

Will humanity, ever stop fighting, and killing in Wars? Only time will tell...but, unfortunately, if people, won't stop accepting, that being in a war, is a normal way of life. Then I doubt, anything, will ever change. There will just be, more food for the flies.    

Here's my list of sites, that I read or used to write this story;

(3)Lee, R. "The History Guy: Wars and Conflicts of the 21st Century " and

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