OK, I know most of the, hot chicks out there in Cali, have had some horrible dating experiences. Dating what even other guys, call (douche-bags). OK, you're probably asking me. exactly what, a douche-bag is? A douche-bag, is a guy, who A. just doesn't care, and only cares about himself, or...B. Is to stupid. to realize, that he is being an insulting prick.
Hey, I know myself, and sometimes, I'm not the most sensitive woman in the world, either. But...as a chick, who's trying to speak, for other chicks. I believe, that their are a lot of guys out there, who just don't care, what they have to do, or...say. As long as it gets them laid! Some don't even care about getting laid, and will, say anything, to undermine the date, that they are on with you. But...to all my female readers, out there, on reader island. I'm probably not telling you anything, you haven't, already, found out for yourselves.
To the guys, whom are actually taking the time to read this. This is not a post, that is trying, to tear down the good guys, whom exist in the real world. There are many, many, decent men out there, to be had. What I'm talking about, are the buffoon's, whom try to act like decent guys, to fool chicks, into waisting their time.
OK, guys, here's some things, that most women, including myself, hate hearing, out of your mouths. During phone conversations, in person, or...during texts. Please get out your pen and paper, and take notes. So you'll stop embarrassing yourselves and us, with your constant; irritating and annoying questions. That A. are none of your business, and B. are just really stupid!
Here's that list:
- How big are those?
- Are those real?
- Did you know, you look like, someone, whom lives next door, or...like a aunt, sister, or...an ex-wife?
- Are you into three ways?
- Is that your real hair?
- How old are you?
- Are you wearing colored contacts?
Why do douche bags, keep puting real women, threw this type of crap? Some men, can be such jerks, while going out, on a first date with them. Here's just a few things, that, you might hear, while out on your first date, with a douche bag like this.
- Hey, I thought you where going to, help pay, for this meal?
- I forgot my credit card!
- Do you have an extra $20 dollars, that you can lend me?
- Um, excuse me, while, I awnser this call.
- Um, excuse me, while, I text this person back. Then he proceeds, to awnser 20 text's, in a row.
As if a first date couldn't get any worse, but it can, it can! Here's my example's, of what else, can go wrong, on a first date, with a douche-bag.
1. His ex-girlfriend, walks into the restaurant, that you are both eating at, and he;
* Asks her to sit down, at the table, with the both of you. Of course, she excepts his offer, because...she has no social etiquette, and doesn't care about, your feelings either.
2. He can't stop talking, about how amazing, everything this bitch has accomplished! He has to tell you, how she's gone on, to finish graduate school.
A.As you are both sitting at the table, he is still looking, lovingly, into her eye's, while ignoring you.
B. Then, he goes on to tell you, exactly, what a meaningful relationship, they both had together.
C. If there is music, he will dance with her, right in front of you. Why? Because that was his one true love!3. His ex-wife, walks into that same restaurant, and he invites her to your table.
A. She's the only woman, worthy of being married to him. He looks, lovingly into her eyes. He disregards your presence, in the room, while she is at the table.
B. He pays for her meal, and asks her, how she likes the food.
C. Threwout your entire date, he can't stop talking about, how happy he was, to see her.
D. He tells you, after she leaves, how wonderful his ex-wife was, and he won't stop, during the entire length, of your first date.
E. He'll tell you, how great, the sex was, between him, and his ex-wife.
F. He will also tell you what a great; mother, housewife, friend, or...person, his ex-wife was to him.
G. He will also go on, telling you; if she wouldn't have left his, obviously, pathetic ass...because, she's the (patriot-saint of France), during her great Aunt's illness. That this giant-douche-bag, would still be with her ass.
4. The other types, of pathetic douche-bags, who;
A. Leave your ass, at the movies. Why? Because they decided, to tell you, they wanted, to become women. Then they'll ask you, what you think about that? If you say, that, that's cool. They'll ditch you anyway, because...you don't fit the norm.
B. They'll leave you high and dry, on a road, somewhere, because...you didn't believe, in their political views. Or...you said something, that this hot headed, as*!ole, didn't agree with.
C. They'll leave you at dinner, and, let you pay the tab, not telling you, that they had left.
D. They won't awnser your calls, because...they never had the balls, to really tell you, how they felt about you in the first place.5. Guys, who will break up with you one day, just because they can. Now every woman, who lives in the real world, needs, to watch her ass, with these types of guys;
A. They will call and dump you, not even giving you, a legitimate reason, for dumping you.
B. They where really married, and dumped your ass, when you where least prepared, to handle it.
C. They'll give you an excuse, about, how it was your fault, because...you didn't either, dress well enough. Or...you didn't put on enough makeup. You weren't skinny enough, pretty enough, or...they'll give you some other stupid excuse.
D. They'll dump you, because, of their hidden sexuality, or...deep dark secrets. They won't tell you, that, it was something, that they, had hidden, in their closets from you. All the time knowing, that, the breakup, really, had nothing to do with you at all.
E. They'll come over to your house, after finding out about your past, and break up with you. Rather then, act like real men, and just tell you, exactly, why they broke up with you, in the first place.OK, I hope my list, will help all the women out there, in the real world, who read my blog regularly. To stop from dating, douche-bags, like these. Don't let it happen to you! That's the end, of this deep thought, moment.
1 comment:
That's not fair, 5A, we can text too :)
Just kidding. Good blog, nice bit of man bashing, we deserve it most of the time :)
Tesco99pence :)
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