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Saturday, April 23, 2011

One Man's life Was Outsourced!

Writen by Linda Mains

Look, I want to write this post, from my heart. I want to write this, with a compassionate heart. I want to write this, with real compassion. I'm not writing this, for myself. I'm writing this, for the thousands of men, women, and children, who never had the misfortune, of being homeless, but...threw no fault of their own, are finding themselves homeless. With the only real reason, for that homelessness in America, in the first place, is because of "outsourcing!" Something, that a heartless cooperate America, did, to save themselves millions, upon millions of dollars. On doing one thing, and that thing is...not hiring American workers! Which was a great idea for them...but a really bad idea for America. Now, Giant corporations, can hire 1000's of underpaid, uneducated, slave-waged workers, in foreign country's for a dollar or less an hour. Which was such a fantastic least it was for them.

When I was a kid, in grade school, they taught us, about Benedict Arnold...wasn't he executed, for being a trader? Hey, whatever happened, to executing traders? my readers think, that, moving multi-million-billion-dollar businesses over seas...isn't an act of treason? Moving those businesses over sea's, to some 3rd world country. Then enslaving, all of their new foreign employee's, to a less, way less, then minimum wage job...A. isn't being a traider, or...B. that America, doesn't look like, a bunch of cheap, en slaving, opportunistic, greedy, f*!k's, to the rest of the world. Then, I believe, that you are, dead wrong!

I'm not holding back on this post! I'm so sick of America, and all the B.S, that I have to constantly see, and hear around me, because of the recession. Does any pompous hot aired wind bag, Republican Governor, or...Republican Senator, realize, this simple fact...without a middle class, soon, even the rich, will wind up, being just as poor, as the decent-middle class has become. The middle-class is something, that the Republican senate, has desperately tried, ultimately, to destroy.

It breaks my heart, that there are so many, selfish, stupid, and cold hearted people, in this world. Whom obviously, are out to make as much money, as humanly possible, in their life times. All at the expense, the backs of the middle class! While not spreading the wealth around! I like to call it; "spreading the wealth." I've said it before, and I have to say it again. Where's Robin Hood, when Americans need him? Somebody needs to smack, some sense into the rich. While simultaneously, screaming in their faces; "wake up, you're destroying American families, and the American dream!"

When I started writing this, it was around 9PM, Friday the 22nd, and after work. Now because...I'm one of the lucky people, whom, still has a job in California. I pulled up, to the corner, in my car. At first, I thought, I saw a man, pushing a baby, in a stroller...but, when I got closer. What I actually saw, broke my heart, and the memory of the look on that mans face, will probably haunt me forever! Now, what I'm about to describe, is, what the selfish 2% of the richest in America, and what fat-cat Republican Senator's and Politicians, have blinder's against, and never talk about. Especially, during their stuffy social gatherings, and party's. This poor man, didn't have a baby in that cart. His heart looked broken, from losing everything, he had in this world! Except for what he was pushing, and what was stuffed in that cart. He was homeless. No, he wasn't a drug addict! No, he wasn't a drunk! All he really was, was, a jobless man, whom had lost his job,  his home, and ultimately; what he really lost, was his dignity. Why? So some rich C.E.O somewhere, could save a couple million, by moving corporate headquarters, to another country. While enslaving, that country's population, to a way less, then minimum wage, hourly pay. Plus, these same C.E.O'S, are being helped by fat-cat, Republican congressmen, and senator's, whom are helping these greedy C.E.O's, and business owner' screw over...the whole world. How? Threw their constant use of outsourcing.

Of course these greedy, S.O.B, Republican Governor's and Senator's, are in the back pockets of these giant corporations. They voted against an Act, that would of ended the outsourcing of American jobs. That Act was called; "creating jobs and ending outsourcing Act." This Act, would have helped, to close all the tax loop-holes, that rich giant corporations, are receiving. Congressmen Dale E Keldee, who is fighting for American worker's. Was devastated, by his senate-colleagues. Even he realized, that once again, Republicans in the senate, have sided with big business, and special interests.

Outsourcing is utterly ridiculous to me! That outsourcing of American jobs, was "ever" allowed to happen, in the first place, says a lot about politicians! Millions upon millions, of Americans, have been devastated, by "job-outsourcing." It's total non-sense to me, and makes no sense at all to me. Why is this non-sense, still being allowed to happen, in America? It really makes no sense at all, except, it makes a lot of sense to greedy giant corporations, and the greedy Republican Senator's whom are in their back pockets. anyone else, who doesn't hold a profit margin, in this's retarded, to outsource jobs. Outsourcing, is screwing over American worker's, and foreign workers as well! No one wins, when giant corporations, are allowed to do this, to workers all around the world.

Well, Congressmen Dale E. Kildee (D-MI) will continue, to fight the good fight. By trying to keep American jobs, where American jobs America! I for one, agree with Congressmen Keldeetraider's, lets stop the Republicans and giant corporations from destroying what's left of America! Let's end the top 2% of the richest Americans domination, over America, over our lives, and over our political system, finally and forever! I for one, don't ever want to see, another broken hearted, American face, because...his life, was outsourced, by a giant corporation. Corporation's that have been helped, by greedy Republican Senators, in our Senate, to outsource American jobs.


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