Hair, let me once again, post another post, about, the, oh, so unimportant, and shallow subject of hair...only this time, let me talk about women's hair. Now the length of a women's hair to me, represents, the repression, of men, against women. When men can dictate, what is sexy for every woman, then, by making those women submit, to an artificial way of existing. Molding them, into, what they want these women to be. Let's look at, the lengths of women's hair, threw out, the decades...shall we? In the 50's, women generally wore their hair, medium to longer lengths, and they also wore, repressively, longer dresses too. Being married, and raising a troop, of sknot nosed brats became the norm in the 50's. Because, that's what women, where taught to do, back then...they were taught, to know their place.
This is what a woman, named Suzanne, said about, what happened to her, when she decided, to go short, three years ago.
Suzanne Reisman wrote; When, I cut my hair short almost three years ago, I didn't mean to send any messages; I just wanted to look nice. Since then, however, I seem to be radiating some signal that I am a lesbian. If I am confusing people, I do not mean to, so apologies for any mix ups. However, I certainly hope that I am not projecting, that I am a dried up prune.
Wow, today is Sunday, it's my easy going day, and it's my real birthday today, which...I'm really glad, I celebrated it, on the 16th. You're probably asking me, why, I'm so glad; I celebrated my birthday, on the 16th? Well today's Easter, and who wants to celebrate, anything else, besides Easter, on Easter Sunday? Can you one? As I write this, I'm doing my laundry; it's just what I do, every Sunday, the, got to have clean towels.
OK, so back to our current discussion, the length of a woman's hair. Now in the 60's, having long hair was something people did, as a way to rebel against society. And women, grew their hair longer, because...long hair, was considered sexy, by long haired guys. I'm pretty sure, that, the 60's, was also the start of the sexual revolution, along with the 70's. Even though, during the 60's and the 70's, women, where still being repressed, by men, women where gaining rights, but were still being taken care of, for the most part, by men.
In Wikipedia it says, "During the cultural revolutions of the 1960 and 1970s in North America and the Western world, long hair remained a strong symbol of rebellion against the cultural norm. Again, though, there are exceptions to these rules, notably among the long-haired and religiously devoted Nazarites of the Hebrew Bible Samson being a famous example and among the Sikhs."
Now, I believe, that men's and women's attitudes, about, the length of a woman's hair, really changed, in the 1980's. We really had some "fantastic" short hair cuts. And the Mohawk was made famous, during that great period of time. But...people's attitudes changed...along with the stupid things, that they are raised to believe. Now short hair, doesn't nesicarily mean that a woman is a "LESBIAN." That's the dumbest thing, I've ever heard of! Having short hair, does not mean, that a woman, is a dried up crone, either.
I personally believe that women are taking a few 100 steps backwards, by allowing, other people and the Media's culture, to dictate to them, how long, their hair should be. Media plays a huge role in this. Shampoo and hair coloring adds, are constantly, showing women, an unrealistic way of portraying themselves. It's something that most women "can not" live up too. Movies and T.V shows are also helping, that believe, that women, must be beautiful at all costs. The Vampire Diaries is a television show, where all the young women, have hair, either, to the middle of their back's, or at ass lengths. Plus, there are 100's if not 1000's, of Actresses in Hollywood, perpetrating, this unrealistic, shallow hall, type of existence. Those women are sex icons, which are weak, and meant to be used. I believe that the only thing, that long hair really represents, is the subservience of women to men, which eventually leads, to more violence against women.
I live in California, and when I walk down the street, or go to the mall, I will see every woman with, hair, past the shoulder's to ass lengths. Do these women do it, because, they really want long hair? I don't believe so, I believe, that peer pressure, along with magazines, commercials and movie stars, and actress's growing their hair long, is actually what is making women, around the state the U.S and the world, grow their hair long. It's amazing to me, that women's rights have taken such a step backwards. I also believe, that the only time, any woman, should wear her hair long, is when she, and not society...decides to have long hair. I'm growing my hair out, because, I've had short hair for most of my adult life. No, I'm not a lesbian, unattractive woman either; I just really, enjoyed, short hair. That's the end of today's deep thought moment...happy Easter.
It can key a way of life. Way i imagine ladies carry themselves. Long or short hair. Peer pressure perhaps plays a part in how women think
While I understand where you are coming from with this, I have to disagree. I have mid butt length hair and it was actually something that had happened because I had had 3 children in two years(one 3 twins that are two, my surprise babies). I had just forgotten about my hair and next thing I knew it was just below my waist! I just loved it, my mother had never let me have long hair and always kept it above my shoulders. Now that I know that I can have long hair that looks amazing on me I figured it could stay. You should check out you'd be surprised how many of us are growing or grown our hair out because it was a personal decision. You should also research the amount of men who think that below waist is way to long.
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