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Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Hate and Gang Banging In America

Well today's, another boring, long day... Work's, work, and time is time. Sometimes working is like doing prison time. Where you're counting the minutes, so you can get the hell out of dodge. You're asking yourself, so what the hell, am I going to talk about now? Last night, I chose love to talk about, as my topic. OK, lets talk about tolerance, and what that means. To me tolerance means: "tolerating other peoples choices, to be whom or...what they want to be." Like a lot of straight people hate gay people, and a lot of gay people hate straight people. Excuse me for thinking this, but...isn't that a huge waist of time people?" No, this deep thought moment is not about sexuality. That was just an example, of what I'm attempting to tackle here.

Look, I'm half Spanish. I realize how Spanish people, have been treated, in this country. Which in my opinion, racism is rampant, against them. Even though most of the "rich" in this country, have Spanish or Mexican maids. Now, I grew up with a white family, because my father is white. But...what do you think happens to a child, who grows up watching both of his parents, being constantly put down, by a country that acts like Mexican Americans, don't have the right to exist in America? Well, I didn't go threw that, but...I had the opportunity, or luck (if you can call it that) of having to watch my friends. Friends that looked like gangsters, made fun of, and put threw the mud, because of their race. Simply because, their skin was brown, and because, they where Mexican Americans. Do you want to know, what the biggest question, at my work I get is? I get the, do you speak "ENGLISH" question all the time. Just because my skin is darker, then most white people. Or, because...I look Spanish. Does that automatically mean, I was born in another country?

But that's just how racist America thinks. And then they'll ask me, why do Spanish people or Mexican people not like them? Why? Because...I know I am, and I'm assuming that they're sick of, white peoples, stupid assumptions, about our intelligence. Biased on our race. Plus the cops do bother Mexican American men a lot. If one of these guys, accidentally, is wearing any gang related paraphernalia, he's diffidently& going to get bothered by the cops. Plus, as if growing up, for the most part, in poverty...wasn't enough, and not having parents, who spoke enough English, to help you with your homework. Or whom, where never around, because...the only jobs that they could get, where minimum wage jobs. Which they had 2 of, to keep the roofs, over their kids heads. Which meant, they were never around for their children. Bread a lot of hate, into those kids hearts. So growing up any kind of Spanish, in America, was difficult at best. Now, with all that added together. With all of the assumptions about Mexican American men and women. Your going to have the perfect environment, for racial tensions, and hate amongst that group of people!

I believe, this type of hatred starts in school. When young people, first start teaming up, in groups, biased on race. You know what I'm talking about, blacks hanging with blacks, Mexicans hanging with Mexicans, and Whites hanging with Whites. These groups, start the idea in these young minds, that its OK, to hate someone who's not the same as you. I should know, my son went threw public school, and because he looked like a big white guy, in Junior High and High School. He told me, about the kind of prejudice, and bullying, that is running rampant threw out California's schools because of race. He told me, that one of the Black Panthers members son's, had thrown him head first, in to the toilets of the boys restroom, one day. For no apparent reason, other then, because he was white, and was the head of a young white group of guys, at that time. So in California, the us against them thing, is running rampant. Now since I'm half Spanish, it really sucks, white people are a little bit easier to deal with now. Then they have been in years past. But still, if I decide to go to another state, where the inhabitants, are still trying to make friends with the Native American Indians. I'll hear flack, with this question; "what race are you?" Let me tell you guys something. That's my least favorite question of all time. Why? Because non-racist never ask it. It's only people who make race, their most important topic and issue.

OK, we now know, that racism is running rambent, threw out every aspect, of our American society. Especially knowing, what just happened to a Giants fan, who went to a Dodger game, to see his favorite team the Giants. Sorry to say this, but a lot of gang-banging Mexican American men, actually hate...what they refer to as "white-boys!" Plus being paroled, and going threw the revolving door, of prison. With no real way, to have a legitimate life. The gang mentality, is instilled in these guys. Yes, when I was stripping, I met and talked to a lot of these types of guys, and there's a lot of anger out there amongst those types of guys.

So this is what happened to a white Giants fan:
(1)"A San Francisco Giants fan who was beaten and badly injured at Dodger Stadium showed “evidence of brain injury and dysfunction” and remained hospitalized in critical but guarded condition, doctors said Tuesday.

Dr. Gabriel Zada, a Los Angeles County-USC: “He does remain in critical condition and over the next week or so, we’ll be able to make a better assessment,” said Zada. “At this time, the prognosis remains guarded. It’s going to be a long recovery process.”

At one point, doctors had to remove the entire left side of Stow’s skull to ease pressure on his brain. The pressure was now normal but Stow remained in a coma from his injuries and from sedation to reduce his brain activity, Zada said."

What happened to him, happened to me, at a strip club one day. When 5 gang banging Mexican chicks, whom my dumb manger, had hired to work there attacked me one day. Gang bangers are dangerous. Some are very racist! They are very angry people, who will kill anyone for no other reason. Then for the color of their skin! Or...for what they believe, the color of their skin to be. I was attacked for no other reason, than my skin looked white. So these dumb bitches, assumed, I was white. Which almost got me killed that day. After they were done kicking my ass, I had two broken front teeth, a black eye, damage to my right temple, where I had been kicked. I sued my club and received $5000 dollars in damages, for all the damage they where allowed to do to me. The $5000 only covered the acupuncture, deep massages, and doctor visits. Visits I had to go threw, after the beating. Do I hate gang bangers? No! Actually I feel sorry for them, because...they are so ready to hurt and kill anyone, over nothing. Without the slightest thoughts, about those people families. California needs to change these groups, from even being allowed to instill hate, and violence, in the young. Because...if they couldn't recruit children or family members. Then these gangs would cease to exist. How do I know, my mother stopped me. From being jumped into a Mexican Canoga Park Gang, by a chick named Elma. If I had turned into a gang banger chick. I know my life would now be over.


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