Someone has sugested to me, to write about Japan. Now this is a subject...that's been talked to death about. Yes, I know, what the hell, is this post about? LINDA! LINDA! LINDA! Why, would you even attempt, talking about this tired subject. Well disgust is a pretty good reason, yes...that's right party people. I'm totally disgusted, that humanity. Humanity that is allowing a few greedy individuals. To screw up the envioroment for years. Man, whats your favorite thing, about being alive? Well, I love California's sunsets. I love the mountains here. I love everything in Sanfran. Maybe except for the rain and the cold.
OK, for two secounds, try imagining being some poor Japanese person. Who's snugled in their blankets, after a long hard day at work. You're sleeping and dreaming of Sushi. Then sudenly, a giant wave, smashes threw you front wall. You have three minutes to think. Am I dead? I going to die? All of a sudden, what was your mansion, has now become a pile of rubish. You can't see anything, except miles of dirty black water. Oh, and maybe a few, of what used to be your naibors, who are now floating by past you.
Or...are holding on to trees, for dear life. Tree's which are the only things left standing. Finally after standing on top of a house, that you where lucky enough, to float upon. You grab the roof of that house, with all the life in you (like a sceen out of Titantic). Your not sure if your friends, or family is even alive. Things are, looking pretty bleak, for you at this point. Your car and everybody elses car, is floating or..has sung beneath the black muck that used to be the ocean, before in ingulfed your friends, family and stuff. The only thing that there seems to be a lot of, is misery, black-water, death, and dispare! Hey but all is not lost, at least your still alive. So as you stare at the sky, your assured that things are going to get better, because the moon is still above you.
As if, anything, could ever possibly get any worse, for these people. The earthquake that started the Sunami in the first place. Has trickered an even worse disaster. Becuase...your living in a country that believes in ussing nuclear power. Which comes from nuclear reaters, that are sporadically located. Threw out your native land. You never thought for one moment, that these reactors, could ever be distroyed. But quess what, if you thought that, you where dead wrong! People are great, at comming up with ways, to make energy. But ...when it's dangerous, even life threatining, to peoples health. People rarely ever have anyway, of stoping the comming disaster from happening. Why? Because...for the most part, people, never think that they can be killed. At least, thats what I believe, the reason may be.
There are nuclear reactors all around the world;
Now here's a picture of just how many reactors are in Japan:
OK, so out of all those reactors, only 6 have had problems, with only 2 or 3 having actual melt downs. But...those melt downs, are real bumers. I mean, it takes years, and years, for the enviroment to recover from these disasters. And with all those nuclear reactors, they have a chance of creating, a nuclear born monster called God Zilla (just joking). There will also be a lot of birth defects from this disaster.
Really, do we need to keep inventing energy forms, that have the posibility, of taking out everyone we know. It's amazing to me! That there are that many nuclear plants, in the world. Will we ever learn, that if we have no real way of stoping the posibility, of another a melt down. Then maybe the money made, or...the money saved; is not worth the risk. I've said it before, and I'll hve to say it again. That we really, need to stop playing with energy, that we have no real ways of controlling. Especially if it only takes, an earthquake, to take it and us out.
(5)"Following the 2011 Japanese nuclear accidents, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has announced it will launch a comprehensive safety review of the 104 nuclear power reactors across the United States, at the request of President Obama. The Obama administration "continues to support the expansion of nuclear power in the United States, despite the crisis in Japan". Following the Japanese nuclear emergency, public support for building nuclear power plants in the U.S. dropped to 43%, slightly lower than it was immediately after the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, according to a CBS News poll."
OK, now here's the list of accidents, that have happened, sinse nuclear power plants have existed in the U.S. I'm giving you the link. Because...I'm beat! Heres that link: Click here to see how many accidents have happened. Anyway, I personally don't believe, that the risks, are worth having cleaner air. Which won't matter anyway, because...after a nuclear meltdown, the air will cause cancer a lot faster. Faster then threw breathing in the smoke from any coal that may have been burned for energy. We'll always have pulution! As long as we have cars. Thank God, those cars, are not run, by nuclear energy. That's the end of this deep thought moment.
(2)where picture was from:
(4)U.S picture:
OK, for two secounds, try imagining being some poor Japanese person. Who's snugled in their blankets, after a long hard day at work. You're sleeping and dreaming of Sushi. Then sudenly, a giant wave, smashes threw you front wall. You have three minutes to think. Am I dead? I going to die? All of a sudden, what was your mansion, has now become a pile of rubish. You can't see anything, except miles of dirty black water. Oh, and maybe a few, of what used to be your naibors, who are now floating by past you.
Or...are holding on to trees, for dear life. Tree's which are the only things left standing. Finally after standing on top of a house, that you where lucky enough, to float upon. You grab the roof of that house, with all the life in you (like a sceen out of Titantic). Your not sure if your friends, or family is even alive. Things are, looking pretty bleak, for you at this point. Your car and everybody elses car, is floating or..has sung beneath the black muck that used to be the ocean, before in ingulfed your friends, family and stuff. The only thing that there seems to be a lot of, is misery, black-water, death, and dispare! Hey but all is not lost, at least your still alive. So as you stare at the sky, your assured that things are going to get better, because the moon is still above you.
As if, anything, could ever possibly get any worse, for these people. The earthquake that started the Sunami in the first place. Has trickered an even worse disaster. Becuase...your living in a country that believes in ussing nuclear power. Which comes from nuclear reaters, that are sporadically located. Threw out your native land. You never thought for one moment, that these reactors, could ever be distroyed. But quess what, if you thought that, you where dead wrong! People are great, at comming up with ways, to make energy. But ...when it's dangerous, even life threatining, to peoples health. People rarely ever have anyway, of stoping the comming disaster from happening. Why? Because...for the most part, people, never think that they can be killed. At least, thats what I believe, the reason may be.
There are nuclear reactors all around the world;
There in (1)Algeria, Antartica, Argentina, Armenia, Austrailia, Austia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chille, China, Columbia, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Cuba, Czech Republic, Denmark, Eygypt, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungry, India, Indonisia, Iran, Iraq, Isreal, Itally, Jamaca, Japan, Kahakhstan, Latvia, Lybia, Lithuania, Malasia, Marroco, Netherlands, North Korea, Norway, Pakistan, Panama, Purru, Philpines, Poland, Portugal, Porto Rico, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovania, South Africa, South Korea, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Syria, Tywan, Tyland, Turkey, Ukrain, The United Kingdom and the United States, Uruguay, Uzebekistan, Venezula and Vietnam.
Now here's a picture of just how many reactors are in Japan:
OK, so out of all those reactors, only 6 have had problems, with only 2 or 3 having actual melt downs. But...those melt downs, are real bumers. I mean, it takes years, and years, for the enviroment to recover from these disasters. And with all those nuclear reactors, they have a chance of creating, a nuclear born monster called God Zilla (just joking). There will also be a lot of birth defects from this disaster.
A partial meltdown is likely under way at second quake-stricken nuclear reactor [the Fukushima III reactor], Japan's top government spokesman said Sunday. Fuel rods were briefly exposed and radiation levels briefly rose above the legal limit at the nuclear plant where both reactors are located, said Chief Cabinet Secretary Yukio Edano.His statement came after Japan's largest electric utility started releasing steam Sunday at the second nuclear reactor while trying to stop a meltdown that began a day earlier in another.
Really, do we need to keep inventing energy forms, that have the posibility, of taking out everyone we know. It's amazing to me! That there are that many nuclear plants, in the world. Will we ever learn, that if we have no real way of stoping the posibility, of another a melt down. Then maybe the money made, or...the money saved; is not worth the risk. I've said it before, and I'll hve to say it again. That we really, need to stop playing with energy, that we have no real ways of controlling. Especially if it only takes, an earthquake, to take it and us out.
(5)"Following the 2011 Japanese nuclear accidents, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission has announced it will launch a comprehensive safety review of the 104 nuclear power reactors across the United States, at the request of President Obama. The Obama administration "continues to support the expansion of nuclear power in the United States, despite the crisis in Japan". Following the Japanese nuclear emergency, public support for building nuclear power plants in the U.S. dropped to 43%, slightly lower than it was immediately after the Three Mile Island accident in 1979, according to a CBS News poll."
OK, now here's the list of accidents, that have happened, sinse nuclear power plants have existed in the U.S. I'm giving you the link. Because...I'm beat! Heres that link: Click here to see how many accidents have happened. Anyway, I personally don't believe, that the risks, are worth having cleaner air. Which won't matter anyway, because...after a nuclear meltdown, the air will cause cancer a lot faster. Faster then threw breathing in the smoke from any coal that may have been burned for energy. We'll always have pulution! As long as we have cars. Thank God, those cars, are not run, by nuclear energy. That's the end of this deep thought moment.
(2)where picture was from:
(4)U.S picture:
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