OK, I want to discuss, Class-War-Fair for today's, deep thought moment. You've probably already asked yourself, "why does it seem, like, our government is going after, our middle class workers?" But...before, I answer that question. Let me ask my party-people this question? Can anyone tell me, "why the 1950's where one of the best periods in American history, when it came to how people lived?" My awnser to that is...there were no, greedy, corporate government take overs! Plus...Americana's weren't a bunch of corporate, brain-washed, zombies! I personally know, since I've been alive, that most of us, have lived life like a bunch of brain-washed idiots. Why? Because of our media, and threw brain numbing commercials, (which are run by greedy corporations) to make us believe anything, that these monster's feed us.
So back to my main question: "why does it seem like, Government is against, America's working class?" Well that's kind of an easy answer, because...then they can pay everyone less, and keep more of the profits, made off and from, America's working class. These greedy C.E.O's, don't care about America, or...Americans! You're asking where is your proof Linda? Here's my proof people, "by moving out of the U.S, and by their refusal to pay their fair share in taxes! That tells me, and it should tell you, something that should be loud and clear to anybody. Greedy corporations, don't care about Americans, and they are not American!
Why does it seem to me, that, these greedy corporations, and a lot of law makers in America. Are against middle class workers? A major factor is "stupidity" and "greed!" These law makers are saying and doing, whatever...these greedy corporations, say they want done. Why? Because...of the funding they're receiving for their States. Guess whose funding them? If you just said "SPECIAL INTEREST GROUPS," you just won yourself, a blue-ribbon! Now these groups, are run by those same, greedy corporations. So who's really in charge, of Corporate America? I believe it's millionaire politicians, Wall Street, and greedy C.E.O's.
So what's keeping us so distracted, that we're not paying attention, to what's really going on, right under our noses? I believe...everything in America distracts us. From T.V., to the Movies we watch. To the News we listen to. Cell-Phones, Computers, T.V. Commercials, Materialism, Exhaustion, War and anything else that distracts us. Numbing us to what is really going on. All of which, is setting us up to become, the perfect sitting ducks! Ducks, whom are just ready and perfect, to be taken advantage of, by a corrupt, and dirty Corporate America.
What are some other reasons, that America, might be in the dark, about whats really going on? Well, if these same, greedy Corporations. Feed us false information, threw having the media lie to us, about everything that is really important, and threw their use of false information. Information that comes from different media sources. But also because....of some stupid, greedy, Senator's or...Governor's, whom are helping Corporate America lie too us. Why? So they can line their pockets, with special interest money, that they've received for their evil deeds! Or...what they like to call "favors." Whats the biggest reasons for American's, being asleep at the wheel, in regards to their freedoms and rights? Because...most Americans, are self-centered, delusional, and...live in a marbleized-coma, when living their life's. With and attitude of; "I don't care, about whats going on, in our Government. As long as what the Government does, doesn't affect me personally!" So with that kind of attitude. This is where the delusions of grander set in, "I'm doing great!" Even when most of us aren't doing great, because...well, it's not affecting my back-yard...yet!
Oh, I almost forgot, one more factor, in corporate America's take over, of the American life style. It's also one of the biggest reasons. And that reason is called; "FEAR!" You or I, can control anybody, threw the use of fear. How does corporate America's government do that? Threw the use of a word called, TERRORISM!" You're probably asking yourself, why I used the terrorism card? Oh that's easy, thats how Corporate America, is taking what's left of our freedoms and rights. By using something called: "homeland security. Homeland security was something that 9-11 was created for. To install fear and terror, into the hearts and minds, of Americans everywhere! Now these evil corporate take over plans, have been in the works for years. Ever since Ronald Regan was in office. But...this could have been, in Corporate America's plans, pre Nixon.
So just how easy, would it be for corporate America, to take advantage of and victimize Americans... stripping us, of our fundamental rights and freedoms?
It would be very easy. Why? Because...we've all been taught, to believe, and trust our Government. Plus, we've also been taught, that not believing in our Government, is wrong. Where's the proof? Well a judge in America was arraigned, just recently, for sending kids to Juvi, and destroying those kids live's. One of these kids, even went on, to commit suicide, because...of what happened to him, because of this judge. What was the judges reasons, for doing what he did? The answer is, he received, "kick backs, from corporations!" Why? Because the judge, was getting a fee, on every-head, that he sent to Juvi. Plus, what about the people in America, whom have been in prison for years, for crimes, that really didn't fit the sentencing? An example is one black woman, whom was released to get a kidney transplant, but...can't get paroled, after serving 15 years, for stealing $11 dollars. Which to me...screams wrong!
Look people, Greedy C.E.O's, are paying attention, to these important political subjects, that are going to effect all of us. They'll also use deflection, and smoke screens, to avoid important subjects, about their real objectives. We'll be so distracted and confused, that we won't ever know, what the hell is really going on around us in America. But... they will also use, certain senators and governors private life's, as another form of distraction. But the media, is already distracting us, with all of their lies. All of which, is funded by Corporate America, to destroy our life's!
What's the end goal, of these tireless strategies? By keeping Americans fed, with artificial information, about their real goals, about what this evil empire is really up too. Our Government, is allowing greedy corporations, like Enron, Haliburton (whose charging the U.S government, $180,000,000 annually, to run FEMA camps. Camps, that should never have been allowed, to happen in the first place!) General Electric, Wall Street, and many, many, other greedy corporations. are involved in a government takeover. Wake up America!
Are we living in denial, by thinking that our lives, are "SO GREAT?" We seem to pretend, that as long as the government, doesn't mess around in our back yards. That we are protected, from the thought police, that are being run, by our Militarized-States. Will our hourly pay, be protected from cuts, from these same greedy Corporations? We think we're protected, or...we've been brain washed into believing, that we're protected. From being ruined by our own government. A government that we where raised to trust and believe in. Is holding 2 jobs, and working 60 hours a week...really living the good live? NO! Why? It seems to me that most people in America, really don't have any kind of social-time, or...real-lives, outside of their jobs. Is what, Corporate America is doing to Americans, happening all over the world? No! Did you know that in Europe, everyone, gets 5 or 6 weeks of paid vacation time, each year? Why? Because...their governments, don't allow, their greedy coperations. Threw special interest groups funding, to dictate to them, how they should run their governments. Or...what they should, or shouldn't do, with their citizens. Why? Because...Europe, actually cares about, the welfare, and well being, of their citizens. America could really care less, about our rights or...well being!
I really can't figure out, why American's everywhere, aren't protesting in the streets, about what Corporate America is doing? We should really protest for higher wages, paid vacations, and for mandatory health care, from these greedy corporations. Corporations, who can afford to pay for these things, with their billions in profits. All of which would make their employees happier. It wouldn't take, a mass amount of money, out of their pockets either.
Why don't we stand up for our rights, by demanding these things? Because...generation, after generation, in America, we've been brain washed, by Corporate America! About how we're disposable, and our employers can replace us, on the drop of a dime. If we complain, we will be replaced at will, and for the most part. Most of us are, considered worthless by corporate America! It's funny (meaning sad), that such a great Country, has been torn to shreds, by greed and stupidity! All of these factors, combined with American attitudes, has allowed many unnecessary laws, to destroy people lives needlessly. But...also because everything is pegged, so unfairly in America.
With only the top 4%, really benefiting, from anything, that Corporate America is doing. All of which, is happening, under all of our noses! Trust me, Corporate America, won't care, if they ruin your or my life...why should they? If we didn't care enough, to come together, to stop them! If we don't wake up soon. One day, all Americans everywhere, will be brushing their teeth, with coal, because... they won't be able to afford tooth-paste. Trust-me, when I say, that Greedy Corporate America, does not care about you or...me, and that's, what they secretly would like to see happen. They only care about one thing, which is their profits! Later party people....
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