Written by Linda Mains
Does anybody remember the Book, then turned Movie, 1984? That movie was about a big-brother, type of government, that tracked everything, that every single person did. I believe, but don't quote me...that they, did this threw the T.V.
Well, I believe, I've heard that during the end of times. People would be identified, by a bar-code, that would be implanted, in one of their forearms. That way, the Government, would know everything, that their citizens did, and everywhere they where and went. So that these people, could be controlled by that Government.
I want to ask my American readers, because, I have people all over the world reading my posts. What do you think, it would be like, not to have any legal binding paper trails, associated with you? What would it be like, not to have a birth-certificate, or any legal document...such as a social security card number, that was associated, to any government? Would we become non-existent? Would being non-existent be better?
Did you know, that there are millions of people, who do not have any proof of birth? So nothing about these people, can be traced to anything, because, they don't have any kind of paper trail, that can be traced. It's as if these non-paper-carrying people, don't exist, in the eyes of any type of market society. You're probably thinking...this subject doesn't matter, in my over charged credit carrying life, but it does matter. I know most of my readers are Americans, and most of you, probably don't care about this, because...everybody in America has paperwork...and a paper trail. But, do we have to much of an invasion, into our private lives, from the long arms of our big brother type Government. A Government, who is in the back pockets, of giant corporations. Who probably uses every little bit of information about us, giving it to, those same giant corporations. Could be, could be?
What do you think our forefathers would have done? What would they have done, if, they would have been linked, into, a country wide computer system...a system, that had every bit of their personal information, on that same computer? I really think, that people or the Colonial period, would have been willing, to start a war, over that type of invasion of privacy.
Let me tell you the type of letter, that I got, from the social security office one day. I guess 6 or 7 of their computers got hijacked. Even though they told me, that no security numbers' had been snatched. They didn't believe, that any personal information of mine, had been snatched. But...I have a horrible credit rating, so I didn't have to much, to worry about. So, I didn't take their advice, by contacting an online service, to check if my identity had been snatched. So I have no idea, if, Sanchez is using my identity, to smuggle in marijuana. Look...people, people can and do, have their identifies stolen, which is no laughing matter!
Here's my next question. What can happen to you, if, you never had any identity to steal, to begin with?
Here's a list from my photographic memory (laughing out loud), from a show, that I watched, a couple of years ago. That was about South Americans, in Peru, who didn't have any legitimate paperwork to identify them.
This is my list of things, that you can't do, without an identity:
Anyway, I was watching the news, about, more wiki leaks...that said, 125 people where detained in prison. Simply because our Government, couldn't find out, who those people where. They weren't held for any real crime, or...because, they were actual terrorists. They where held, simply because...they, like millions of other people world-wide, aren't on any governmental record books, anywhere.
Ya, I know, it's a big Republican-birther complaint, against President Obama. You know? God, I hope you know, it's been on the News, millions of times. Where President Obama, is not an American citizen, (something that, crazy, white Republicans, came up with.), it's total and utter B.S. I guess, when your ratings slip, like Donald Trumps have, with his crappy reality show. It's OK, to start attacking the President, with the same old tired B.S. But really, birth, and having papers, is really important, in the real world!
Now let's examine, what can happen to you...if, you have a passport, social security number, and a paper trail. Now here's my list, of the bad things, that can happen to a person, because...of having a paper trail.
The paper trail list;
But do we have to much invasion into our private lives? Lifes that should be free, from the constant invasion, of our goverment into everything that we do "or" say.
What do you think, our fore fathers, would have done, if, they would have been linked into a country-wide computer system? That had everybit of personal information about them on it. I really think people back then would have been willing to go to war over this.
Let me tell you, exactly, what happened to me. One day I got a letter from the social security people. That 6 or 7 of theire computers where stolen, and that they didn't bleieve, that they didn't believe, that, my personal information was stollen. But...I have a horrible cridit ratting so I'm really not to woried about my information falling into the wron hands. But many people do and can have thier identitys stolen, in this country and many others.
Now here's a question, what can happen to you, if, you never had any identity to steal to begin with?
Actually I've heard of all kinds of things happening to people, because, of having an identitie. So what type of "nasty things are associated with identity?
Here's my next list;
I remember when I was younger. I used to get so angry, with foreigners. why? Because...they came to America, with no prior credit history, on their records. So they could move into the best apartments, get loans for small businesses and do basically everything that their little hearts desired while living the American dream, while millions of Americans who lived and where born here couldn't. I use to have this made up believe that my country and our Government, didn't want to see Americans doing well. While giving everything, that America had to offer, on a silver platter, to foreign nationals.
After I schooled myself on the subject, to what was really going on around me. I realized that the reason that a lot of foreigners where given everything that they had been given by our government. Was simply because the long arms of our big brother government didn't know who they where...yet. But the other reason was because the credit-people in America hadn't screwed them yet, and their financial circumstances hadn't taken a turn for the worse...yet.
Before the age of computers, there really werent' that many paper trails, leading to anyone in particular. So the government or American business's wasn't really able to herase you back then for money like they are now. It's so ridiculous to me that middle class Americans are so harassed by the government and creditors. While it seems like giant corporations in America are given tax breaks by our Government, and free-passes by banks. Oh, but with regular everyday Joe's...the Government and creditors...will hunt down those same everyday Joe's. These people will be hunted down to the ends of the world, for the money that they owe. That seems fair...right?
I was watching Dog the Bounty Hunter a cable T.V show...and there was a warrant out for a 65 year old Grannie who's only crime was that she had gotten medical, for her son. Who was now grown up. Did that stop the government from arresting her? No they sent her to jail anyway. The Fed's in America never forget what you or I owe, but if we where the top 2% of the richest Americans, they'd probably tell us we get a tax break. In fact we'd get millions in tax breaks.
So is it better for your local Government not to know anything about you? Or...is it better, for your local government to know everything about you?
I believe the one thing, America desperately needs. Especially when it comes to peoples identities and debts, is some kind of middle ground. The same kind of middle ground that our same government keeps giving to the top 2% of the richest Americans. Especially when it comes, to how much information our government and corporations or...medical facilities are allowed to know about each of us.
Just recently I got rid of my cell phone. Yes, I did...it's been the most freeing experience, that I've ever done in my entire life. I don't want parent's, my kid, friends...to have access to me, and my life all the time. Just like how many Americans are prisoners, to their identities, past or present, or to their debt. Simply because of what their local Governments, know and share about them, and their debt and lives. Most Americans today owe money to Banks, credit cards, schools or to the Government. Man have had to default on those loans.
then on the opposite end of this subject, not having an identity, can be even worse. You won't ever be able to won anything "real" ever! Your land won't be yours, and registering your small business my be impossible. Plus you may be thrown in jail for now reason.
There is a middle ground, but, for that our Government would have to be a lot less invasive on our private lives and a lot more forgiving with our debt. If they can do it for the richest 2% of Americans, why can't they do it for us? The U.S is condemning it's citizens to a life of the person, who has no identity at all. That's the end of this deep thought moment.
Does anybody remember the Book, then turned Movie, 1984? That movie was about a big-brother, type of government, that tracked everything, that every single person did. I believe, but don't quote me...that they, did this threw the T.V.
Well, I believe, I've heard that during the end of times. People would be identified, by a bar-code, that would be implanted, in one of their forearms. That way, the Government, would know everything, that their citizens did, and everywhere they where and went. So that these people, could be controlled by that Government.
I want to ask my American readers, because, I have people all over the world reading my posts. What do you think, it would be like, not to have any legal binding paper trails, associated with you? What would it be like, not to have a birth-certificate, or any legal document...such as a social security card number, that was associated, to any government? Would we become non-existent? Would being non-existent be better?
Did you know, that there are millions of people, who do not have any proof of birth? So nothing about these people, can be traced to anything, because, they don't have any kind of paper trail, that can be traced. It's as if these non-paper-carrying people, don't exist, in the eyes of any type of market society. You're probably thinking...this subject doesn't matter, in my over charged credit carrying life, but it does matter. I know most of my readers are Americans, and most of you, probably don't care about this, because...everybody in America has paperwork...and a paper trail. But, do we have to much of an invasion, into our private lives, from the long arms of our big brother type Government. A Government, who is in the back pockets, of giant corporations. Who probably uses every little bit of information about us, giving it to, those same giant corporations. Could be, could be?
What do you think our forefathers would have done? What would they have done, if, they would have been linked, into, a country wide computer system...a system, that had every bit of their personal information, on that same computer? I really think, that people or the Colonial period, would have been willing, to start a war, over that type of invasion of privacy.
Let me tell you the type of letter, that I got, from the social security office one day. I guess 6 or 7 of their computers got hijacked. Even though they told me, that no security numbers' had been snatched. They didn't believe, that any personal information of mine, had been snatched. But...I have a horrible credit rating, so I didn't have to much, to worry about. So, I didn't take their advice, by contacting an online service, to check if my identity had been snatched. So I have no idea, if, Sanchez is using my identity, to smuggle in marijuana. Look...people, people can and do, have their identifies stolen, which is no laughing matter!
Here's my next question. What can happen to you, if, you never had any identity to steal, to begin with?
Here's a list from my photographic memory (laughing out loud), from a show, that I watched, a couple of years ago. That was about South Americans, in Peru, who didn't have any legitimate paperwork to identify them.
This is my list of things, that you can't do, without an identity:
1. You can't prove who you are! (That sucks!)
A. Due to this fact you won't;
*have a bank account.
*you can't borrow money.
*be able to cash check's.
*rent an apartment.
2. You can't own land.
B. Because of number 1 on my list.
3. You won't be able to own a legitimate business.
C. Because of number 1 on my list.
4. You can be, imprisoned, by other country's.
A. Because of number 1 on my list.
*or by mistaken identity.
Anyway, I was watching the news, about, more wiki leaks...that said, 125 people where detained in prison. Simply because our Government, couldn't find out, who those people where. They weren't held for any real crime, or...because, they were actual terrorists. They where held, simply because...they, like millions of other people world-wide, aren't on any governmental record books, anywhere.
Ya, I know, it's a big Republican-birther complaint, against President Obama. You know? God, I hope you know, it's been on the News, millions of times. Where President Obama, is not an American citizen, (something that, crazy, white Republicans, came up with.), it's total and utter B.S. I guess, when your ratings slip, like Donald Trumps have, with his crappy reality show. It's OK, to start attacking the President, with the same old tired B.S. But really, birth, and having papers, is really important, in the real world!
Now let's examine, what can happen to you...if, you have a passport, social security number, and a paper trail. Now here's my list, of the bad things, that can happen to a person, because...of having a paper trail.
The paper trail list;
1.Your dept can be tracked.
A.you can face court procedures.
*leading to fines.
*leading to jail.
2.You will be forced to pay taxes.
B. Which is tracked.
*leading to fines
*leading to imprisonment.
3.Everyone can find you.
C. Business
*can find you, calling all the time.
*make you, make, debt payments.
5.Identity theft, can happen to you.
D. From credit accounts.
*your bank.
*credit card numbers.
C. or just the use, of your personal information, to start new lives.
But do we have to much invasion into our private lives? Lifes that should be free, from the constant invasion, of our goverment into everything that we do "or" say.
What do you think, our fore fathers, would have done, if, they would have been linked into a country-wide computer system? That had everybit of personal information about them on it. I really think people back then would have been willing to go to war over this.
Let me tell you, exactly, what happened to me. One day I got a letter from the social security people. That 6 or 7 of theire computers where stolen, and that they didn't bleieve, that they didn't believe, that, my personal information was stollen. But...I have a horrible cridit ratting so I'm really not to woried about my information falling into the wron hands. But many people do and can have thier identitys stolen, in this country and many others.
Now here's a question, what can happen to you, if, you never had any identity to steal to begin with?
Actually I've heard of all kinds of things happening to people, because, of having an identitie. So what type of "nasty things are associated with identity?
Here's my next list;
1. Racial profiling (remember Rwanda?)
2. Exclusion from being able to rent, or buy a home.
A. Because of these things; (not everything is included.)
*prison time served.
*because of a crime.
*credit history.
*mental illness.
*and job history.
I remember when I was younger. I used to get so angry, with foreigners. why? Because...they came to America, with no prior credit history, on their records. So they could move into the best apartments, get loans for small businesses and do basically everything that their little hearts desired while living the American dream, while millions of Americans who lived and where born here couldn't. I use to have this made up believe that my country and our Government, didn't want to see Americans doing well. While giving everything, that America had to offer, on a silver platter, to foreign nationals.
After I schooled myself on the subject, to what was really going on around me. I realized that the reason that a lot of foreigners where given everything that they had been given by our government. Was simply because the long arms of our big brother government didn't know who they where...yet. But the other reason was because the credit-people in America hadn't screwed them yet, and their financial circumstances hadn't taken a turn for the worse...yet.
Before the age of computers, there really werent' that many paper trails, leading to anyone in particular. So the government or American business's wasn't really able to herase you back then for money like they are now. It's so ridiculous to me that middle class Americans are so harassed by the government and creditors. While it seems like giant corporations in America are given tax breaks by our Government, and free-passes by banks. Oh, but with regular everyday Joe's...the Government and creditors...will hunt down those same everyday Joe's. These people will be hunted down to the ends of the world, for the money that they owe. That seems fair...right?
I was watching Dog the Bounty Hunter a cable T.V show...and there was a warrant out for a 65 year old Grannie who's only crime was that she had gotten medical, for her son. Who was now grown up. Did that stop the government from arresting her? No they sent her to jail anyway. The Fed's in America never forget what you or I owe, but if we where the top 2% of the richest Americans, they'd probably tell us we get a tax break. In fact we'd get millions in tax breaks.
So is it better for your local Government not to know anything about you? Or...is it better, for your local government to know everything about you?
I believe the one thing, America desperately needs. Especially when it comes to peoples identities and debts, is some kind of middle ground. The same kind of middle ground that our same government keeps giving to the top 2% of the richest Americans. Especially when it comes, to how much information our government and corporations or...medical facilities are allowed to know about each of us.
Just recently I got rid of my cell phone. Yes, I did...it's been the most freeing experience, that I've ever done in my entire life. I don't want parent's, my kid, friends...to have access to me, and my life all the time. Just like how many Americans are prisoners, to their identities, past or present, or to their debt. Simply because of what their local Governments, know and share about them, and their debt and lives. Most Americans today owe money to Banks, credit cards, schools or to the Government. Man have had to default on those loans.
then on the opposite end of this subject, not having an identity, can be even worse. You won't ever be able to won anything "real" ever! Your land won't be yours, and registering your small business my be impossible. Plus you may be thrown in jail for now reason.
There is a middle ground, but, for that our Government would have to be a lot less invasive on our private lives and a lot more forgiving with our debt. If they can do it for the richest 2% of Americans, why can't they do it for us? The U.S is condemning it's citizens to a life of the person, who has no identity at all. That's the end of this deep thought moment.
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