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Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Smoking Pot And Playing Video Games!

Written by Linda Mains

Which is worse, um, video games, or...smoking pot? You're like, why, did you pick this subject to talk about today Linda? Well, it seems, like a lot of young people, love doing both. But why? Now I've never really understood, waisting hour after hour, playing video games. I never actually, could understand, why anyone, would waist every moment of their free time, playing a mindless video game. Now my son did it, and it cost me, a shit load of money, when he was growing up. I had to dish out, 50 bucks, every time, he wanted one, which was every weekend, or...every two weeks, which ever came first.

Now smoking pot, is a national past time these days. There are marijuana dispensaries, all over the state of California. Yet again, when I was younger, I smoked a ton of pot, but then one day, pot became like smoking cigarettes. So I quit, and I never looked back again, or wanted to smoke pot. But...I know a ton of people, who, like the video game player, spends, every waking moment, thinking about or smoking pot.

Now here's the break down, for how much money, was made, selling video games in 2010:

(1)Paul Heydon of independent banking firm Avista Partners, an investment banker, working in the game sector since 1999, has come up with his best guess, for the approximate value of the video game business across the entire world. Speaking at the UK's Edinburgh Interactive Festival 2010 this week, Heydon puts video gaming at about $105 billion worldwide. Now that's a shit load of money...everybody, they're raking up the profits.

Do you know what, I actually thought, that, the marijuana profits, would far out weigh, the video game sales.

And here's the amount of money, that was made in Oakland, from marijuana dispensaries in 2010;

(2)The city’s finance wizards, are projecting, that Oakland’s three dispensaries, will sell between $35 million and $38 million worth in marijuana this year. Translated that equals approximately three and a quarter tons, 104,000 ounces, or 4.2 million joints. Still that doesn't even begin to come close to video game profits.

I'm guessing that, the numbers are telling us, that a video game addiction, is way worse, then any marijuana addiction, simply because gaming is way more accepted then smoking pot. It's amazing that, that much money, has gone into, buying video games.

Now listen to this bit of info (3)from the Kaiser foundation, a new study coming from, Washington, D.C. – Even the very youngest children in America, are growing up immersed in media, spending hours a day watching TV and videos, using computers and playing video games, according to a new study released today by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation. Children six and under spend an average of two hours a day, using screen media (1:58), about the same amount of time they spend playing outside (2:01), and well over the amount they spend reading or being read to (39 minutes).
So a video game addiction, starts way earlier, then the marijuana addiction. Let me prove that statement; how young are the youngest pot smokers?

But first off, pot smoke, has way more cancer causing agents, then video games. Whats going to happen to you, if, you play to many video games? A blister on you finger, maybe, one on your thumb? This is no joking matter! I know many people, who fight with me, that marijuana is safe, now here's the facts; (4) Marijuana smoke, has been found to contain more cancer-causing agents, than is found in tobacco smoke. Examination of human lung tissue, that had been exposed to marijuana smoke, over a long period of time, in a laboratory showed, cellular changes, called metaplasia, that are considered precancerous. In a laboratory test, the tars from marijuana smoke, have produced tumors, when applied to animal skin. These studies suggest, that it is likely, that marijuana, may cause cancer if used for a number of years.
OK, but what negative side effects does, if any, do video games have?

Here are those negative effects of video game playing:
  • (5)Video game usage has been linked to the problem of obesity in children.
  • Children who play violent video games tend to blur the line about what is fantasy and what is acceptable in reality when it comes to violence.
  • As children play video games for a longer period of time, they begin to lose socialization skills.
  • Playing video games for long hours may cause children to neglect their studies.
  • Another problem is increased somatic complaints, such as gastrointestinal issues, heartburn, nausea and headaches.
  • And these kids will exhibit attention problems such as hyperactivity or ADHD.
  • Along with a decline in verbal memory performance. This usually goes hand in hand with, a loss of socialization.
Wow that's Amazing! I had no idea, that there where so many problems, associated with kids playing video games. So what kind of problems, can a kid, or...young adult get into, from smoking pot? (6) As compared to most drugs, Pot is the least dangerous. Pot is not an addictive drug. For those who claim it is, anything is theoretically addictive, and there are some people, who can become addicted, to spring water. So to put it in perspective, Pot is less addictive than coffee. I have become addicted to coffee myself, and have broken that habit. You get mild headaches for a few days. I have never had any symptoms, with withdrawal from Pot. Pot will cause some short term memory loss. It's harder to remember a 10 digit phone number. Beer, causes, the same memory loss, as Pot does. The effect is temporary and wears off completely. Pot has no long term affects on the brain. I have been smoking Pot for the last 25 years, and I still test as a genius, on IQ tests. My mental abilities, have increased, over the years. Pot will give you the Munchies. You may eat more than you would normally (which will lead to weight gain, trust me I know). If you are on a diet, you should factor this in, when deciding to smoke Pot. It could cause you to gain weight (is the guy who wrote this for real? Yea, I think most of us in the real world, know that dude!). Pot is a sexual stimulant. It removes a persons inhibitions. You are more likely to agree to have sex, when you are stoned. You are also more likely to not use birth control while stoned. Sometimes people get others stoned, to try to get them to have sex, when they normally wouldn't. If you are getting stoned with members of the opposite sex, be aware of this, and realize, that it can have this effect on you.
OK so the negative effects, from smoking pot are; weight gain, mild headaches, memory loss, the munchies, making you even fatter. It's also a sexual stimulant, and because, you forgot to take your birth-control, you might become pregnant, or...have sex with someone, you'd never touch, if you weren't high. OK, that reason right there, makes me never want to, smoke pot again! Sex with ugly gross people, just because, they got you high...can you scream, "oh my God!" Oh and lets top off this list, with the big C or, after years of being a fat, sexually abused pot smoker, you can also look forward to getting Cancer? WOW! Oh, and because, you got pregnant, and spent all your time smoking pot, you probably didn't graduate from High School, but that might not be the case. I know of a few pot smokers, that graduated from High School, but that's a really small number.

OK, so lets total up the negative effects of watching video games; You'll become fat, from sitting on your ass for hours, playing these games. If you started playing violent video games, at an early enough age, you might not be able to tell the difference between right and wrong, when it comes to violence. You'll lose most of you socialization skills, and become a savant, who doesn't know, how to relate to people. You'll also be an idiot, because, more likely then not. You spent hours on such a useless past time, and chose not to study. After waisting all your time playing video games, you didn't graduate from high school. You'll have stomach problems from playing, you might also have ADHD, (that right there, is a giant reason, not to let your kids, play video games.) You'll also lose your memory, from playing them all the time, now that totally sucks, along with forgetting, how to socialize with people. Oh my God people, did you realize, that there where so many problems, from playing video games? I feel dirty now, let me go wash my hands...I will be right back, to finish this post.

OK, so what about the people, whom are out there, that do both. I mean, they play video games and smoke pot...let the fun begin. So, if you do both, you'll have a heightened risk, of brain damage and memory loss, you'll get fat, because, not only do you have the munchies, but, you constantly are sitting around on your fat ass, playing video games. You'll have your friends over, and when you're not playing video games, you might be screwing your brains out, with ugly people (because you got high), and then they'll be sitting around with you, playing those video games. You might lose your job, because, you couldn't find the time, to go to work, due to your video game addiction, or...because you' where constantly late to work because of those addictions. You also might lose your job, because...your always smoking pot and playing video games, that make you lose your memory, making you late all the time. Then you might find yourself, stuck fat as a whale, living on welfare, with another pot smoker, that is as fat as a whale too. Because the both of you, spend all your money on pot, and are trapped stationary on your couch. While playing video games, while being stoned. You won't have any money, to take care of that baby, that you and your pot smoking girlfriend have. Because...A. you couldn't pass the drug test, and B. because your so into Mortal Combat II, you couldn't get your fat lazy ass off the couch, and didn't look for a job! Plus, you might wind up in jail,'re so violent, from playing video games daily and nightly for years, that you beat your girlfriend, and wound up in jail, for the next 4 months. Now, you have no prospect, of ever getting a real job! Then after you finally control your horrible addictions, to both smoking pot and playing video games, you find out, that, you got Lung Caner, smoked pot for years!

So what have we concluded with today's post? Well, I believe, everything, even working out, must be done in moderation. And everything that isn't, from smoking pot, to video games, in the long run, can ruin your life! That's the end of this deep thought moment.

(5)Read more: Negative Effects of Video Gaming |

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