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Saturday, March 19, 2011

America Needs to Take A Backseat!

Is the sky falling today? Right now, I feel like Chicken Little... Why do you feel like Chicken Little Linda? Because party people, the whole world is jumping into the fight! Into a fight against who Linda? Into the fight against Kernel Qaddafi. Yes... I did write Kernel! I'll let you figure out, what I meant by Kernel.

So here's Saturdays deep thought moment. "Why does the world, feel like, they have to help country's, that are going threw any type of Civil-War or violent uprising?" Are Americans and the world, becoming a bunch of hypocrites? You're asking; "Linda why do you think that the U.S, and the world is becoming a bunch of hypocrites?" Because children, now get your pencils out, and your thinking caps out... if that same type of violent- rebel-uprising happened in America, or in any other country or super-power; wouldn’t the President's in those country's, fight to stop that violent uprising? Did I hear a "YES!"

I for one, am not condoning, Kernel Kaddafi’s actions! I care about America, and Americans! We really need to mind our own business! When it comes to sticking our noses into, other countries humanitarian issues. God! Doesn't our Government realize, that we're already in two wars? Does it make any sense, to anyone out there in reader land; to start a third war? Why does America, keep spending millions of dollars, on "humanitarian-causes?" The same U.S government, that knows damn-well, they'd never allow, any type of violent repel-militia-uprising, to happen here in the U.S!

I know what our government would do, if a violent uprising happened in America. They'd stomp it out, and classify the participants in the violent uprising, as being insane!

WOW! Our Government has turned into a bunch of hypocrites! Here’s a story, about an F.B.I smack-down in the U.S, against an innocent man named; (1) "Richard Jewell, who in 1996 was falsely accused of a terrorist act - setting off a bomb at the Atlanta Olympics. Jewell was branded "the chief suspect in the bombing." It all began when the bomb exploded in Atlanta's Centennial Olympic Park just after 1 a.m. on July 27, 1996. Richard Jewell was working as a private security guard there and helped escort many of the spectators to safety. He was called a hero. Then everything changed. The FBI put Jewell under round-the-clock surveillance, and conducted a very public search of his apartment. All of it was broadcast on live television. It was not until many weeks later that the FBI finally acknowledged Jewell was not a suspect in the bombing. In five years, the FBI has never apologized for the leak. Nobodies ever called me, written me a letter, sent me an Email, called any of my attorneys, Jewell tells Wallace." Now you’re asking; Linda, what does this have to do with, what you’re talking about? Look, he didn't even do anything against our government! He wasn’t the whack job terrorist, that they had portrayed him to be. Even after the charges that the FBI brought up against him were dropped; no one ever apologized to him, for screwing up his whole life! Richard Jewell was minding his own business, and only wanted to help, and because he helped, the FBI ruined his life.

Another scenario of our violent Government over reacting was (2)" Waco, it began on February 28th, 1993 the U.S Bureau of Alcohol, tobacco, firearms and explosives attempted to execute a search warrant. Now the Branch Davidian ranch at Mount Carmel, was a property located nine miles, east-northeast of Waco, Texas. On February 28th, after attempting to serve the warrant, an intense gun fight broke out. The gun battle lasted for 2 hours, four agents and six followers of David Koresh, wound up dead! As if this wasn't enough, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, initiated a siege. A siege that ended 50 days latter, when a second assault on the compound was made and a fire destroyed the compound. Seventy-six people (24 of them British nationals) died in the fire, including more than 20 children, two pregnant women, and Koresh himself."

These same types of scenario's, keep springing up, all over America! Our Government, isn't going to let their citizens, start any type of violent uprising. Especially like the one in Lebanon! If you really believe that any violent-rebel-uprising, could ever happen in the U.S, you're insane! Crazy cult's and citizens whom have been accused, of; A. being involved in any violent uprising or B. any crazy cult. Either have; A. had their lives snuffed out, or B. have had their lives destroyed! By who you're asking? By our peace-loving, aid-giving, humanitarian-loving-Government! If you believe, that any type of violent uprising, could ever happen here in the U.S; you’re really crazy!

It's funny to me, that the U.S, which is a military supper-power! Whom is dedicated to stomping out, any violent-uprising of any kind, here in the U.S... Is now turning around and attempting, to become a humanitarian aid to the world, and now Lebanon. Does anyone beside me, realize how hypocritical that is? For just once, why can't the U.S be involved in a military action, that the U.S, might actually need to be involved in? Why has the worlds problems, become our problems? What I'm saying is, there are so many other, better things, which could be done with the money that's being spent on the military. The U.S Should, rather then spending that money on humanitarian, military-actions around the world. Our military could join forces with Mexico. By helping them to take down their evil drug cartels! This is what the drug war is all about; (3) "The Mexican Drug War, is an armed conflict taking place among rival drug cartels who fight for regional control, and between the drug cartels and the Mexican government, which seeks to reduce drug trafficking. Although Mexican drug cartels, or drug trafficking organizations, have existed for a few decades, they have become more powerful since the demise of Colombia's Cali and MedellĂ­n cartels in the 1990s. Mexican drug cartels now dominate the wholesale illicit drug market in the United States. Arrests of key cartel leaders, particularly in the Tijuana and Gulf cartels, have led to increasing drug violence as cartels fight for control of the trafficking routes into the United States. Mexico, a major drug producing and transit country, is the main foreign supplier of cannabis and a major supplier of methamphetamine to the United States. Although Mexico accounts for only a small share of worldwide heroin production, it supplies a large share of the heroin distributed in the United States. Drug cartels in Mexico control approximately 70% of the foreign narcotics that flow into the United States.”

The drugs that the Mexican Cartel is delivering to the U.S, is destroying people’s lives, in this country and in Mexico. Or we could help Mexico’s economy, by creating jobs there. So that the Mexican people, have less of a reason, to come to the U.S looking for work. We could also help Central America, by creating a Central American Union." Like the European Union who’s purpose is; (4) “solidarity policies that support the completion of a single market, and to correct any imbalances by means of structural measures to help regions lagging behind or industrial sectors encountering difficulties.” All of which, would help to alleviate, some of the problems that the people in the U.S are facing.

God, there are so many things. Right here in America. That need to be fixed! Like Americas infrastructures. Some of which are over 50 years old. Infrastructures which are falling apart! Fixing our city's infrastructures, would create badly needed jobs in the U.S. Instead of spending our war dollars, on humanitarian causes! Shouldn't we be spending some of that money, at home in the U.S? It’s irritating, it’s upsetting, and it’s disgusting; knowing that our men in uniform, are coming back wounded, crippled, or insane! Just because they Served the U.S with honor, while fighting other countries, humanitarian battles. In extended wars, that where unnecessary, for the U.S to be participating in! Some of those soldier's will come back insane, and some will kill! Just like (4) Timothy James McVeigh (April 23, 1968 – June 11, 2001)who was a former member of the U.S. Army. Who became infamous for detonating a truck bomb in front of the Alfred P. Murrah on April 19, 1995. Commonly referred to as the Oklahoma City Bombing attack killed 168 people, injured 450, and was the deadliest act of terrorism within the United States prior to the September 11, 2001 attacks. McVeigh, a militia movement sympathizer, sought revenge against the federal government, for its handling of the Waco Siege, which had ended in the deaths of 76 people exactly two years earlier. He also hoped to inspire a revolt against, what he considered to be a tyrannical federal government. He was convicted of 11 federal offenses and sentenced to death. His execution took place on June 11, 2001 at the Federal Correctional Complex, Terre Haute. Terry Nichols and Michael Fortier were also convicted as conspirators in the plot.” Just like McVeigh, insanity runs high, in some of our veterans. God! There are so many other types humanitarian causes, that the U.S could focus on, right here at home! These problems need to be fixed now, right here in the U.S! How much longer, do the citizens of the U.S have to wait, till the problems here in this country are fixed?

My friend says; “we need to mind our own business, when it comes to other countries problems!” To me, helping Mexico, seems way more legitimate, then starting a third war in Lebanon. Why? Because… our border with Mexico is becoming a war zone! Yes… what Kernel Qaddafi is doing to his people, totally sucks! But… isn't the U.S, starting to look like hypocrites, by joining the fight in Lebanon? Should we even be joining this fight in Lebanon? When there are so many other problems right here at home? Shoot me a comment, about what you really think about whats going on in Lebanon and the U.S. This is the end of today's deep thought moment!


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