OK heres a deep thought moment. which was actually written last night. Man my lower back and shoulders kill! My back always bugs me when its cold. Boy is it cold tonight...
Why do some femi-guys in California, when I was living in L.A. Feel the need to tell me how I should or...shouldn't be doing my make-up? These femi-guys, who use more facial products...then your own mom. Some even have more botox in there faces, then some of your older female relatives. Why do these types of guys "if you can call them guys," need to tell us "meaning real women," how we should do our makeup?
these conversations about makeup, always start with a "GIRLFRIEND" you "SHOULD" or "SHOULDN'T" type of statement. 1. You're a dude...you obviously, have never done makeup, in "real-time,"(unless there's something you'd like to tell me, about you're gender assignment in life.) 2. I've been doing my make-up for my entire life, and while I was an adult entertainment performer! Now my makeup skills, have been built up over years! So whose qualified to do make up; me or...some dude? Look guys! I realize it's 2011, but...there's some things, that I personally have to draw a line in the sand over. Like! How I do, what colors I will be using, and when I do MY MAKEUP. Look guys...most women will tell you, to mind your own business, when it comes to the art, of them doing their make-up. So to you little control freaks out there, try this, try "minding your own business!"
I'm personaly tired of upity men, whom act like they've been to Briman's School of Buety! These femi-dudes actually have the gonards, to tell a "real-woman"...how she should or shouldn't be doing her makeup.
Look! I'm all for equal rights "amongst" and "between" the sexes...I'm also for equality for men and women, and people whom are trans-gender's. But...when any "man," feels the need to tell me, how to do my makeup. That's when I feel like ripping out his eyes! Hey party people, yes I said that...I'm impassioned about this subject. I know there are some taboo's, that women are not allowed to attempt. You're asking me...like what Linda? Well for starter's, I would never tell any man; what colors he should be wearing, in either A.clothes or B. underwear. I also won't be telling that man...how he should or shouldn't dress. And...you also won't hear me making statements in public, when he's trying on clothes; "oh my God...are you really going to wear that? Or...Calvin Kline's...really?" You also won't hear me saying this statement to any man,"Jesus Christ...I can't believe what bad taste you have! Geese...are you blind or what?"
Maybe, I'm one of a few women out there, whom have the smarts to realize...there are just somethings and places, that we as women should never tread upon with our men. So all I'm asking for, is that same type of respect. Which should be coming from our American men. Does any women out there, feel me on this subject?
Yes...I realize, I'm on a tangent. But...this just needs to be written. Look! To all you femi-dudes out there. If you're not a fashion director. Or...you don't have a professional modeling studio. Or...you're not a photographer. Or...a professional make-up artist. So unless you happen to actually be those professionals. These types of femi-men, should learn how to shut the hell up! Especially, when it comes to how their women, do or...don't do their makeup! Look guys! You're not in the club that calls itself "womanhood." I believe that the only time any man, should ever be telling any woman, how she should be doing her make-up, is when that woman does her make-up like she's in a circus. But...if your some dude reading this, I'm telling you; to proceed with caution! It's dangerous territory you're about to tread threw.
That's the end of todays deep thought moment. Remember guys, any negative comment, that you're brave enough to make about your womans make-up. Might really not be worth the insuring argument, which you might find yourself in. All because you opened your big-mouth. If you suffer from hoof in mouth disease, learn how to think before you speak! Peace out brother's...
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