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Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Sex Addict's Would You Date One?

Written by Linda Mains

Hi ya, it's Tuesday and todays topic, only because I was watching Dr. Phil. Anyway my relationship reminds me of an episode of Everybody Loves Earl: you know the hick who's funny? So in this particular episode he's married to a control freak. She made his brother sleep out on the apartment walkway. She dolled out snot rags, and she controlled all his money. As if everything else she was doing wasn't bad enough to the poor guy: she also made him work out too. Finally he had to admit to himself, that he hated that bitch.

Let's get back to something other than me: sexual addictions. So let me ask you. Have you ever been unlucky enough to date someone with a sexual addiction? Here, let give you a scenario: you've met this fine dude, he's smoking hot! Oh my God, he looks like a Greek God, you're thinking to yourself this is too good to be true. Now OK, he has only one thing he wants you to do, so the two of you can hang out. He wants you too have sex like every day. So your like, ya, sex with hottie every day, doesn't seem so bad. Your asking yourself what could go wrong? Well after the second month of this extreme relationship you just can't keep up with the demand. He wants to have sex twice a day. Pretty soon, your finding yourself achy all over, tired and drained, and just sick of having so much sex with him. You become so sick about the idea of sex, that you can barely, stomach having sex with him. Even though he's smoking hot.

OK my next scenario, you have this smoking hot girlfriend. Now you find out after you start dating her, that she likes gang-bangs, swinger party's, group-sex, and basically any guy off the internet. She's on Facebook, Myspace, and was a porn-star, and was also a rock star groupie. So she convinces you to go against your better judgement: you wind up dating her, but after watching her pound down one to many drinks. And after she has sex with a 300 pound Samoan man. She has actually become a lot less hot too you. Then one night, after one of her many black-out moments. She decides to tell you, that the only reason that she even dated you in the first place, was because you where the only man that was willing to tolerate all of her B.S. Now thats just two examples of a sexual addiction gone wrong.

I've been saving the best scenario for last, now you meat this guy at your local Ralph's market, so your assuming that he's sane, and he doesn't look like a drug addict. You're thinking to yourself that dating him might be fun. So you go out with him, and the first couple of dates are great. But on the third date he decides to drop a bomb on you. He says, you know I have to have sex everyday, and that he loves to have sex in public places, and if you wanna hang with him, you had better get with the program. Your going to have to do it on a college campus, in the middle of the day.

Yes, I know that for the most part, sexual addictions involve some douche bag, but I have personally known some women, whom where and still are sexual addicts. One woman I knew, delivered her sexual escapades with men like pizza's. But here's the real buzz, a sexual addiction can kill someone, just as well as any black-market drug, and it does breaks hearts, and destroys lives and families just like any drug addiction. Some of the harder core sex addicts, can't be trusted around their or other peoples children. They also can't be trusted around women, whom are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Your asking yourself why? Because these addicts, whom are generally men, don't see women as human. They only see them as sexual tools, that they can get their sexual fixes from. Some of these men, may not even know, that they have a sexual addiction, or they may not care about anything or anyone else except for their sexual fix. While forcing their girlfriends and wife's, to participate in their twisted sexual practices. These activities, can include watching porn, forcing loved ones to make porn, and any type of group sex act. Oh and don't let me forget swinging.

I lived for over 6 months, with a hardcore sex addict, who just can't change, and will not change his sexual behavior. I wasn't with one, I have been with three in the last 3 years. The men that I have encountered with this addiction, generally didn't believe that they had any problem at all. Most lived in denial and where unwilling to change. I wonder everyday, why America, hasn't made sexual addictions something that needs more public attention? The addicts are just as addicted to sex, as any heroine addict is addicted to heroine. So I just wonder: why more help isn't available to people with this addiction?

OK, here's my worst case scenario, remember Steve Driver, he was a hard core sex-addict, how do I know because, I was unfortunate enough to hang out with him. Now he was a porn performer, most of whom are hardcore sex addicts. Male porn performers, generally are willing to do any type of sexual act, and those acts become more extreme, the longer they stay in the biz. Now Steve Driver is the worst case scenario, were he killed the people whom he felt where standing in the way of his sexual addiction. So he was being evicted from the only place he had to stay at. Which meant that his dependency on sex, was coming to an end. So because he was on drugs as well, he let his addiction cloud his thinking. He panicked, and then he killed! I can honestly say now, that that's what I believe happened: especially after what happened to me this last Saturday. I was almost suffocated, when my ex, after swinging in a blacked out state. Thought I had embarrassed him at a swinging party. The reason for his anger: he thought that I had wrecked our chances, of him ever getting to swing with other peoples wife's or girlfriend's again. So that meant, that he wouldn't be able to get his fix for the night. He then thought in his blacked out condition, that I had stopped him from getting his sexual fix. So he was going to kill me for it.

So if you guys and chicks out there in reader island, know your hanging out with a sex addict, help them, get the help that they need. If you want to stay, stay, but just know that your gonna become the enemy. If they think you got in the way of there next sexual fix, and that could cost you your life. It almost cost me mine! If you're not sure about someones sexual preferences, you should always ask them. And if their preferences go against what you can handle, don't deal with them anymore. I went against what I could handle, and I almost paid the ultimate price with my life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Glad you got out of that, I suppose reality is less appealing than fantasy