Writen by Linda Mains
Did Osama Bin Laden act alone, or was he helped, with the 9/11 attacks?
I believe, along with a lot of other people, that Osama Bin Laden had help. You're probably asking me; who helped Osama Bin Laden with 911?
OK first, so you'll understand the full scope of the founder of the Jihadist organization al-Queda. He was raised a devout Wahhabi Muslim. This is a really important fact! Can you quess what royal family also worships that Muslim religion? Can you say the Saudi Royal family? Yes, it's true...the Taliban had the blessing of the Saudi Royal family. These terrorists where also helped by the BIG 3, which are the richest families in Saudi Arabia. They are the Bin Ladens, the Ahmoudi family and the Mahfouz family. Osama was said to have called the U.S; "the big Satan," but, that didn't stop him from doing business with us, whenever it suited him.
So who originally funded the terrorists?
The C.I.A. See Osama had imported engineers, to build underground tunnels, for guerrilla training centers, and for arm dumps, near the Pakistani border. Then once the Soviets left, after the war, the C.I.A and Pakistani intelligence agency's, started sponsoring Taliban organizations. Which is composed of the Whahhabi Islamic religious sect. The same sect, that runs threw out, all of Saudi Arabia. This group is famous, threw out it's entire history, of being a religion of the worst kinds of public spectacles. From stoning's to maiming thieves.
So who has lavished all kinds of money, on anti-American, and Anti-Israeli terrorists, and terrorism?
Saudi Sheiks have, and are the ones, that have lavished millions to train terrorist, while simultaneously indoctrinating other Muslim extremists, world wide. They have a network of worldwide religious schools, masques, and news papers.
So who's responsible for impeding the 9/11 investigations? The Clinton and Bush Administrations. They also impeded investigations of Osama Bin Laden, and the Al Queda terrorist group. Now why would these administrations do that? Because these traders, had to have a good relationship with Saudi Arabia. Why? So they could maintain the stability of the oil market.
This is what the late John O Neil had to say; "all the clues, allowing us to dismantle Osama Bin Ladens organization, can be found in Saudi Arabia!"
So why did the Bush family, continually show up, in O Neils and the F.B.I's investigations?
Well, because Mahfaz and Nimir Petroleum has had joint ventures, with the al Amoudi family, which own Delta Oil. Now Delta Oil and Unical, planed on building a pipeline, that would run threw Afghanistan. But the Taliban backed down from the deal. So these corporations are partnered, with even bigger oil corporations, such as Texaco and Unical. So the finances, of the Bush family, and the Saudi BIG 3 oligarchs, have been intertwined for years.
OK, what did, the Saudi Bin Laden Group own?
They hold the largest construction company in the Middle East!
How did the U.S. help the Saudis?
The U.S. assisted the Saudis, in a giant military build up, of airfields, airports and bases.
Who was awarded the construction contract?
If you guessed the Bin Ladin Group, you get a Gold Star.
Now what was the U.S doing concurrently, while giving out military contracts to the Saudis?
While the U.S, was training troops in Afghanistan, to fight the Soviets. 40 billion was split between the U.S and the Saudis to fight the war.
So what kind of recruiting, did the Saudis and the U.S do?
They recruited nearly 100,000, radical, mujahideen, from 40 Muslim country's.
So who did Bin Ladin's brother, do all his American business threw?
He did it threw, a man named James Bath, a Houston crony, of the Bush family.
What was the Bushes first business deal? His first business deal was $50,000 in Arbusto threw Bath. Rumor has it that Bath, was Salim Bin Ladens Representative.
Why where the Saudis, so friendly to the U.S in the first place?
Maybe, it might be because of what George Bush Sr's old friend Garth Pharaen pulled. He was the retired head of Saudi intelligence. He wanted to pawn off, gulf oil and drilling leases, that, where basically worthless. Selling them to innocent victims, while pawning them off as being really valuable. They where used as loan collateral. This scam, made two banks fail, one was the Great American Bank, and the other was the Trust of West Palm Beach.
What happened after the Banks failed?
$60 million in loans, where eventually, defaulted on.
Before and after 9/11, did anyone try stopping the Visa's, that where given to terrorists?
Yes Micheal Springman, tried, to stop the Visa applications. But a C.I.A agent overruled him, and ordered those visa's issued. Springman admitted that, 15 of the 19, who were blamed for flying the 9/11 airplanes, had gotten their Visa's, because of that same C.I.A agent.
How many Middle Eastern Visa applicants, where rejected and accepted threw the mail?
Actually none where rejected and 102 Visa applications, where accepted, threw the mail.
Have the Saudis, received, special treatment from our Government?
They have always gotten special treatment and the F.B.I said, to leave the charitable organization "the world association, for Muslim youth," alone. A group, that is known, for funneling money, into terrorist groups and activities.
After 9/11, did the U.S discover, that the Saudis had worked, on all levels in tandem, with terrorists?
Yes! Saudis on all levels, worked in tandem, with terrorists. In Bosnia Police found pictures, of, before and after scenes of 9/11 at Saudi Charities. Along with documents on how to counterfeit State Department Badges. Fed's are having a hard time, finding out, where the money trails lead. Why? Because of the charity's, having, different bank accounts. All of this, is tied to Hamas and Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups.
Supposedly, Osama Bin Laden, was the black sheep of the BIG 3 richest families, and the Saudi Royal family. I'm not really sure? Or was he just their scape goat, for something much, much, bigger? We will never know now...because, we will never know the secrets that he took to the grave with him. But, I'm sure there are more then a couple of important people, that are really happy that he's dead.
Here's another question; why where 140 Saudi Nationals evacuated onto 8 planes, then making stops in 12 cities, allowed to leave without questioning?
It seems really fishy to me, considering many of those passengers, where members of the Royal family, of the house of Saudi. And 24 of them, where also members, of the Bin Laden family. Four of the lists, of who where on those planes, are located at http://www.houseofbush.com/ and includes the names or Ahined Bin Salman, but unfortunately, we will never know what he knew. He died, of a heart attack, at the age of 43.
So why was President Bush, involved so closely in a friendship, with the Saudi royal family? There is more then 1.4 billion in investments, between the two. Which went to companies, that the Bushes and his allies, have had prominent positions with. They are Harken Energy, Halburton, and the Carlyle group, are among these.
Could President Bush, have had a hand, in evacuating the Saudis, after 9/11? What did President Bush know, and when did he know it?
Sources www.wikipdia.org/Osama_bin_Laden
and WWW.hermes-press.com/BushSaud.htm#4
Did Osama Bin Laden act alone, or was he helped, with the 9/11 attacks?
I believe, along with a lot of other people, that Osama Bin Laden had help. You're probably asking me; who helped Osama Bin Laden with 911?
OK first, so you'll understand the full scope of the founder of the Jihadist organization al-Queda. He was raised a devout Wahhabi Muslim. This is a really important fact! Can you quess what royal family also worships that Muslim religion? Can you say the Saudi Royal family? Yes, it's true...the Taliban had the blessing of the Saudi Royal family. These terrorists where also helped by the BIG 3, which are the richest families in Saudi Arabia. They are the Bin Ladens, the Ahmoudi family and the Mahfouz family. Osama was said to have called the U.S; "the big Satan," but, that didn't stop him from doing business with us, whenever it suited him.
So who originally funded the terrorists?
The C.I.A. See Osama had imported engineers, to build underground tunnels, for guerrilla training centers, and for arm dumps, near the Pakistani border. Then once the Soviets left, after the war, the C.I.A and Pakistani intelligence agency's, started sponsoring Taliban organizations. Which is composed of the Whahhabi Islamic religious sect. The same sect, that runs threw out, all of Saudi Arabia. This group is famous, threw out it's entire history, of being a religion of the worst kinds of public spectacles. From stoning's to maiming thieves.
So who has lavished all kinds of money, on anti-American, and Anti-Israeli terrorists, and terrorism?
Saudi Sheiks have, and are the ones, that have lavished millions to train terrorist, while simultaneously indoctrinating other Muslim extremists, world wide. They have a network of worldwide religious schools, masques, and news papers.
So who's responsible for impeding the 9/11 investigations? The Clinton and Bush Administrations. They also impeded investigations of Osama Bin Laden, and the Al Queda terrorist group. Now why would these administrations do that? Because these traders, had to have a good relationship with Saudi Arabia. Why? So they could maintain the stability of the oil market.
This is what the late John O Neil had to say; "all the clues, allowing us to dismantle Osama Bin Ladens organization, can be found in Saudi Arabia!"
So why did the Bush family, continually show up, in O Neils and the F.B.I's investigations?
Well, because Mahfaz and Nimir Petroleum has had joint ventures, with the al Amoudi family, which own Delta Oil. Now Delta Oil and Unical, planed on building a pipeline, that would run threw Afghanistan. But the Taliban backed down from the deal. So these corporations are partnered, with even bigger oil corporations, such as Texaco and Unical. So the finances, of the Bush family, and the Saudi BIG 3 oligarchs, have been intertwined for years.
OK, what did, the Saudi Bin Laden Group own?
They hold the largest construction company in the Middle East!
How did the U.S. help the Saudis?
The U.S. assisted the Saudis, in a giant military build up, of airfields, airports and bases.
Who was awarded the construction contract?
If you guessed the Bin Ladin Group, you get a Gold Star.
Now what was the U.S doing concurrently, while giving out military contracts to the Saudis?
While the U.S, was training troops in Afghanistan, to fight the Soviets. 40 billion was split between the U.S and the Saudis to fight the war.
So what kind of recruiting, did the Saudis and the U.S do?
They recruited nearly 100,000, radical, mujahideen, from 40 Muslim country's.
So who did Bin Ladin's brother, do all his American business threw?
He did it threw, a man named James Bath, a Houston crony, of the Bush family.
What was the Bushes first business deal? His first business deal was $50,000 in Arbusto threw Bath. Rumor has it that Bath, was Salim Bin Ladens Representative.
Why where the Saudis, so friendly to the U.S in the first place?
Maybe, it might be because of what George Bush Sr's old friend Garth Pharaen pulled. He was the retired head of Saudi intelligence. He wanted to pawn off, gulf oil and drilling leases, that, where basically worthless. Selling them to innocent victims, while pawning them off as being really valuable. They where used as loan collateral. This scam, made two banks fail, one was the Great American Bank, and the other was the Trust of West Palm Beach.
What happened after the Banks failed?
$60 million in loans, where eventually, defaulted on.
Before and after 9/11, did anyone try stopping the Visa's, that where given to terrorists?
Yes Micheal Springman, tried, to stop the Visa applications. But a C.I.A agent overruled him, and ordered those visa's issued. Springman admitted that, 15 of the 19, who were blamed for flying the 9/11 airplanes, had gotten their Visa's, because of that same C.I.A agent.
How many Middle Eastern Visa applicants, where rejected and accepted threw the mail?
Actually none where rejected and 102 Visa applications, where accepted, threw the mail.
Have the Saudis, received, special treatment from our Government?
They have always gotten special treatment and the F.B.I said, to leave the charitable organization "the world association, for Muslim youth," alone. A group, that is known, for funneling money, into terrorist groups and activities.
After 9/11, did the U.S discover, that the Saudis had worked, on all levels in tandem, with terrorists?
Yes! Saudis on all levels, worked in tandem, with terrorists. In Bosnia Police found pictures, of, before and after scenes of 9/11 at Saudi Charities. Along with documents on how to counterfeit State Department Badges. Fed's are having a hard time, finding out, where the money trails lead. Why? Because of the charity's, having, different bank accounts. All of this, is tied to Hamas and Al Qaeda, and other terrorist groups.
Supposedly, Osama Bin Laden, was the black sheep of the BIG 3 richest families, and the Saudi Royal family. I'm not really sure? Or was he just their scape goat, for something much, much, bigger? We will never know now...because, we will never know the secrets that he took to the grave with him. But, I'm sure there are more then a couple of important people, that are really happy that he's dead.
Here's another question; why where 140 Saudi Nationals evacuated onto 8 planes, then making stops in 12 cities, allowed to leave without questioning?
It seems really fishy to me, considering many of those passengers, where members of the Royal family, of the house of Saudi. And 24 of them, where also members, of the Bin Laden family. Four of the lists, of who where on those planes, are located at http://www.houseofbush.com/ and includes the names or Ahined Bin Salman, but unfortunately, we will never know what he knew. He died, of a heart attack, at the age of 43.
So why was President Bush, involved so closely in a friendship, with the Saudi royal family? There is more then 1.4 billion in investments, between the two. Which went to companies, that the Bushes and his allies, have had prominent positions with. They are Harken Energy, Halburton, and the Carlyle group, are among these.
Could President Bush, have had a hand, in evacuating the Saudis, after 9/11? What did President Bush know, and when did he know it?
Sources www.wikipdia.org/Osama_bin_Laden
and WWW.hermes-press.com/BushSaud.htm#4
1 comment:
This is Linda Mains, to me going after the members of the Taliban. Is like what the drug inforcement agency did, before it started going after the drug king pins. You can take out the middle men all you want. But..if you don't go after the people whom are funding these evil organizations or you don't find out, or even bother to find out, who or what is behind the funding of them. You can take out as many Osama Bin Ladens as you want, while simultaneously waisting money to finance wars, to take them out. But as long as they are being funded, just like small time drug dealers getting drugs from king pins...nothing will ever change. These terrorist groups will be continued to be funded, nothing will change until we go after the big fish. Every time we kill one terrorist, they'll just spend more money to finance more recruits and more terrorism.
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